-You find yourself entering a strange diner, unfamiliar to you...populated with even more strange and unfamiliar faces. However you find yourself more at ease than would be typical of you in a situation like this, and filled with a sense of determination and purpose you couldn't explain. You didn't know why you were here...but you felt it was for a good reason. Perhaps the spirits were guiding you in ways you couldn't quite see yet....-
-Taking a seat at one of the tables, you quick back and wait for "something" to happen, to give you a bit more of a clue-
-Taking a seat at one of the tables, you quick back and wait for "something" to happen, to give you a bit more of a clue-
*someone you would not be seeing approaches you. but this IS a someone you would be hearing about* *they're pretty big, but not too big... not in this place*
Hello Valorn. My name is War. Its nice to meet you. would you like some refreshing tea to drink as we discuss matters?
Hello Valorn. My name is War. Its nice to meet you. would you like some refreshing tea to drink as we discuss matters?
"I'm more a cut to the chase kinda guy. Whats the job war? Depending on what it is we can discuss if I'll want a payment or not. Some things I take for free just because I like killing unholy abominations, other things will cost you. I am here for a job right? Thats the vibe I'm getting."
-You sit up glancing around a bit more, the food looked good...but until you knew more about the place...no way in hell were you eating anything. Didn't want this turning out like troll-persephone and the pomegranate...and for all you knew hell could be a dinner-
-You sit up glancing around a bit more, the food looked good...but until you knew more about the place...no way in hell were you eating anything. Didn't want this turning out like troll-persephone and the pomegranate...and for all you knew hell could be a dinner-
natch... well, I'm a Denizen... And the Game your to be playing is due for an update... We needed someone to try and test the new monsters with. considering how you've yet to enter, among a few other factors, we had thought you might be good to ask.
"a challenge then huh? Alright...if it'll help the game function better...I'll assume that means a better chance at helping get bodies for my friends. Alright, I'm in"
*with a nod, and not another word, he goes for one of the backrooms...*
*the place is rocky, and the terrain slightly rough... a simple battleground*
this should be good enough for our purpose... *an imp is spawned, devoid of prototypings* *its a scrawny little rascal, short, and with little notable about it... 2 arms, 2 legs...* *eh*
*the place is rocky, and the terrain slightly rough... a simple battleground*
this should be good enough for our purpose... *an imp is spawned, devoid of prototypings* *its a scrawny little rascal, short, and with little notable about it... 2 arms, 2 legs...* *eh*
-You look over the creature, something about it seemed oddly familiar...but you couldn't place what...something about the symbol "$"....oh well, not important, you had a fight to win. So pulling out snitch, you pull the pin from her body to see what weaponse she wanted to be today-
(Reminder, the pin from snitch turns into one random one handed melee weapon, and the doll it's self turns into one-one handed ranged weapon. DM's choice on what those two items are, the most common draws though are a sacrificial dagger and hand crossbow though)
(Reminder, the pin from snitch turns into one random one handed melee weapon, and the doll it's self turns into one-one handed ranged weapon. DM's choice on what those two items are, the most common draws though are a sacrificial dagger and hand crossbow though)
*a rapier, a quick, light weapon, and throwing knives*
"ooOOH? GNAA!" *the imp goes aggressive, starting to charge right at you, not dodging or weaving*
"ooOOH? GNAA!" *the imp goes aggressive, starting to charge right at you, not dodging or weaving*
-hmmm not bad, you liked knives, and the rapier would give you a decent reach....this could work well. Deciding to save the throwing knives for now since you didn't have time to take a moment to see how many you had...you go with your rapier. Charging right back at the imp with a savage growl, piercing it through the chest as you lunge forward dramatically-
"I think he got the point....next"
"I think he got the point....next"
! *it vanishes, dropping nothing behind*
*a plain, 4 legged reptilian looking creature shows up next... its about the size of a golden retriever, and looks to have mean teeth and claws... it also has a short tail* *War remarks,* "A babylisk. one of the new monsters made for lower tiers... but they could also make a great swarm monster."
*a plain, 4 legged reptilian looking creature shows up next... its about the size of a golden retriever, and looks to have mean teeth and claws... it also has a short tail* *War remarks,* "A babylisk. one of the new monsters made for lower tiers... but they could also make a great swarm monster."
-not wanting to get to close to the sharp end of this one, you waste no time in setting something up. Grabbing one of the throwing knives from your brace, quickly sliding your fingers over them to count how many there were at the same time, you slide the knife over your hand to open up a gash. Then muttering something under your breath, you use it to draw a quick line in front of you. Then jumping back a small bit, you wink at the monster and beckon it closer with a cheeky smile. Seeing if it was dumb enough to fall for something like this....or if it might be smarter-
(the blood mark on the ground is a low-level paralysis glyph. Stepping on it will freeze somebody there for a very small window of time. More intricately drawn higher level ones will freeze longer, but low level was all he thought he might have time for)
(I have a feeling I'll be using these spoiler tags alot to explain his magics)
(the blood mark on the ground is a low-level paralysis glyph. Stepping on it will freeze somebody there for a very small window of time. More intricately drawn higher level ones will freeze longer, but low level was all he thought he might have time for)
(I have a feeling I'll be using these spoiler tags alot to explain his magics)
*a dozen knives*
*with a bit of a 'YIP!' it scampers forward, pausing at the line before trying to lick up the blood, becoming briefly paralyzed*
((yea, seems good... but its hard to read spoilers on mobile, so for the 1 in a million chance I'd actually try to use mobile for a post like this, it'd be a bit tough to read))
*with a bit of a 'YIP!' it scampers forward, pausing at the line before trying to lick up the blood, becoming briefly paralyzed*
((yea, seems good... but its hard to read spoilers on mobile, so for the 1 in a million chance I'd actually try to use mobile for a post like this, it'd be a bit tough to read))
-Sliding around behind the now frozen baslisk, valorn proceeded to stab it several times through the back with his rapier, then quickstepping In he'd slide one of the throwing knives across it's neck-
"I don't know if that one was up to snuff war, seems like it "froze up" on stage"
((alright would double brackets be better then just in case?))
"I don't know if that one was up to snuff war, seems like it "froze up" on stage"
((alright would double brackets be better then just in case?))
that, or thoughts going through their head about what they're doing))
*a few quick stabs, and a knife in a critical area end it, and it poofs into nothing*
"its a low tier monster. in game, you get to make new things, limited by your grist, your imagination, and practical application. feel free to use your imagination and practical application to get yourself an upgrade before the next one... tell me two things you own that you would combine if you could. I'll combine them for you, and then we can continue."

*a few quick stabs, and a knife in a critical area end it, and it poofs into nothing*
"its a low tier monster. in game, you get to make new things, limited by your grist, your imagination, and practical application. feel free to use your imagination and practical application to get yourself an upgrade before the next one... tell me two things you own that you would combine if you could. I'll combine them for you, and then we can continue."
"well honestly I just said that to set up the pun, but alright. hmmmmmm I'll let you pick between these two combinations. The pin from snatch (which is where all the item transformation magic comes from) and the cursed sacrificial dagger of the moon drinker I keep back in my vault.......Or a traditional voodoo doll, and one of the dormant clay golems from troll jerusalem I keep back there"
"considering the weapon you have at the moment..." *you are granted the blood donor level IV* *3 blank capcha cards are slotted into it near the end you hold, while the thin pointy end is just a thin pointy end* *a pile of spare empty cards has been setup near you as well*
*an Ogre spawns, nearer the center of the area... its big, and a brute, but its probably kind of slow*
*an Ogre spawns, nearer the center of the area... its big, and a brute, but its probably kind of slow*
"wanna give me a brief crash lesson on how this weapon works? Or is this one of those learn as you go weapons?"
-Studying the ogre over for a moment, you quickly move back to one side of the arena. Then leaning your weight onto your right leg to prepare a spring sprint oyt of the way, you call out to the ogre-
"Hey big-boy, can't tell if your a step up or step down from the last one. But you are a step up in ugly! come get me"
-Studying the ogre over for a moment, you quickly move back to one side of the arena. Then leaning your weight onto your right leg to prepare a spring sprint oyt of the way, you call out to the ogre-
"Hey big-boy, can't tell if your a step up or step down from the last one. But you are a step up in ugly! come get me"
"most weapons will be learn as you go, unless you spend proper time learning how they work"
*the Ogre swings up, then down, pounding the ground, before starting to tackle right towards you. it can get moving pretty quick, after it gets past its slow start*
*the Ogre swings up, then down, pounding the ground, before starting to tackle right towards you. it can get moving pretty quick, after it gets past its slow start*
-Seemed fair. You wait until it looked like the ogre would be just close enough not to change direction. Then you'd use your prepped position to side spring out of the way. Keeping clear just enough of it's arm reach, before quick stepping back in and driving your blade into the ogre's exposed side. You half wished you had a slightly heavier weapon just because of the things mass...but you'd make due-
*your new weapon very quickly drains some kind of fluid from the ogre, taking it down to half health vital* *one of the cards now contains a large cube of vitality gel* *it makes a confused noise, and stands briefly dazed by the draining effect, looking off balance*
Moderators: SanityFallen dave_pod