By joining and/or engaging in RP with this group, you agree to and must adhere to the following rules:
- Respect others. Recognize that we are all (ostensibly) here for the same purpose, that of creating an interesting story for our characters and enjoying ourselves in the process. Respect is not earned here; it is assumed even if it is not felt. Even if you have a disagreement or personal problem with another player, please conduct yourself respectfully, because your actions affect the group as well. Any harassment, threatening, or other disruptive behavior can be cause for removal and permanent banning from the group.
- Keep OOC and IC separate. Apart from respect, this is the most important rule of RP. Always remember the following:
- The player is not the character. The character is not the player.
- What the player knows is not necessarily what the character knows.
- An action by a character is not an action by the player. An action by the player outside of RP is not an action of the character.
- An action done by one character to yours is not an action done by its player. An action by another player to you outside of RP is not an action done to your character.
- What is true in the real world is not necessarily what is true in the RP world.
- IC actions have IC consequences. What your character does will have an effect. It may not be what you'd expected or intended, but expect any action you take to have reasonable consequences.
- Still no force-hitting or god-moding. You get to say what your character does, not what the other character does. There's always a chance for a character to react and potentially counter anything you do. You get to post the cause, not the effect. However, you must also consider what your character can reasonably do. Everyone takes a hit sometimes.
- Certain things still always need consent. This is not intended to be a combat-heavy RP, but things happen. Even so, please get consent from the other player for the following: death, limb removal, severe disfigurement, or sexual contact.
- We are all adults. It is assumed that everyone in this group is an adult. Otherwise, you're lying to RPR and that's another issue.
- This is not an adult RP. The fact that we are all adults does not mean that we all want "adult" content in our RP. Therefore, please keep any erotic content, which must be agreed to by all parties beforehand and may be backed out of at any point, to private channels. This also includes the posting of nude or otherwise erotic artwork within RP channels.
- This is our fantasy, not yours. Your character is not the main character. It's not about you, or about your character. If your goal for joining this RP is to win fights and show how your character is the best there is and ever was, then you've unfortunately come to the wrong group. We're here for interesting stories and character development, not ego-stroking.
- The DM is always right. Always. If the dream owner or a mod makes a ruling, it goes. No questions.