- Capital city, Dawnfall (Dawningefal ᛞᚪᚹᚾᛁᛝᛖᚠᚪᛚ), upper quarter
- Palace, slightly damaged
- Sun-follower temple
- Voice-caller temple
- Great Library (in the castle)
- Forum/Marketplace
- Housing
- Barracks/Stables
- Bard’s College
- Dawnfall, other quarters (danger! Enemies and devastation)
- Lots of ruined buildings
- Enemy camps
- Nobles’ Baths - now inaccessible to them, to their great consternation.
- Riddinghame - a town within sight of the capital
- Inn/tavern
- Blacksmith
- Cow farmer
- Houses
- Farmland A, not far from Riddinghame
- A few farms, with farmhouses and barns
- Fields, still producing crops
- Refugee camp
- Past - a town near mountain, close to Weardweald.
- Inn/tavern
- Blacksmith
- Houses
- Pig keeper
- More refugee shelters
- Farmland B, not far from Past (unshielded)
- Some farms, mostly abandoned
- Guard Forest (Weardweald ᚹᛠᚱᛞᚹᛠᛚᛞ) -- danger!
- May or may not be a Jabberwocky lurking about.
- March Forest (Mearcweald ᛗᛠᚱᚳᚹᛠᛚᛞ) -- also danger!
- Lake near forest (danger! Only a small piece is within shield of Town B)
- Shrine to the ancient hero Durth of Corelond at edge of lake, within shield.
- Watch tower A (shielded) - Near the point where the River Hwidyll meets River Strond.
- Watch tower B (unshielded! danger!) - Near White Hill
- River Strond (Strondēa ᛋᛏᚱᚩᚾᛞᛖᚪ) - To the east of Dawnfall, west of the Mearcweald. Major waterway leading to the sea.
- River Hwidyll / Whitehill (Hwidyllea ᚻᚹᛁᛞᚣᛚᛚᛖᚪ) - Tributary of River Strond
- River Thin (Thinēa ᚦᛁᚾᛖᚪ) - West of the Weardweald, the eastern boundary of the Kingdom of Shatterguard.
- Capital city, Dawnfall (Dawningefal ᛞᚪᚹᚾᛁᛝᛖᚠᚪᛚ), upper quarter