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Siochain Holiday Calander:

Samhain October 31-Nov 1st
Summers End; the veil between worlds is thinnest. Ceremonies involve lighting fires, lights, and setting out food and gifts for passing spirits and revered relatives and ancients. (one of the 4 largest holidays)

Yule December 21
Winter Solstice; celebrating the end of darkness; sharing of the remaining harvest; mistletoe games, and burning of the Yule Log.

Imbolc Feb 21
The Quickening of Spring, abundance of milk and a time of planning, hopes, and purification. Ceremonies include water, candles, making pledges, planting, and candle making. (one of the 4 largest holidays)

Ostara March 21
First day of Spring, a time of planting and birth of animals.

Beltaine May 1
Largest and most important festival. This is the time of rebirth where house fires are extinguished and relit from the bonfires. Rituals involve sacred wood and purification. The veil is thin and fae can cross over easily. (one of the 4 largest holidays)

Litha June 21
Summer Solstice; celebration of light and sun. A time of games of Strength and Accomplishments. A time to gather herbs, especially night herbs. [This is the celebration of the opening of our dream!]

Lughnasadh August 1
Held on 1 August, or about halfway between the summer solstice and autumn equinox. Lughnasadh is one of the four Gaelic seasonal festivals. It involves great gatherings that included religious ceremonies, ritual athletic contests, feasting, matchmaking and trading. There were also visits to holy wells. An offering of the 'first fruits', a feast of the new food and of bilberries, the sacrifice of a bull. Much of the activities would have taken place on top of hills and mountains. (one of the 4 largest holidays)

Mabon September 21
Autumn Equinox; The second harvest festival celebrating the balance of light and dark. A time of thanks and learning, repairing all things.

Michaelmas Sept 29
The beginning and end of the husbandry year. Celebrated with daisies and bread baked without using metal implementations. The last of the blackberries are picked and made into pies.

Moderators: Birdbrain Tasanee TheGreySentinel