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(Excerpt from Cat's Way Field Journal)
Page 8


Classification: Undead Cat
Subclassification: Mutant Giant
Key features: Two heads, extra eyes, extra tails, malformed legs, venom.
White, yellow eyes.
Gender: Unknown, referenced as Male

I.) First discovered living in a cave (^1) with Alf(^2) and Issac. Grib was aggressive immediately, and appeared to be attempting to kill and devour Issac, who had taken shelter in a small cavern in the back of the cave with two smaller cats. Alf engaged Grib with his collar until Grib kicked Alf, badly wounding and poisoning him. (^3)
II.) Encountered again outside of the Castle (^Page 22) with Gale(^Page 47). Grib was out in the open this time, and was again immediately aggressive. Repeated attempts to reason with him were ignored(^4) and we fought. The jaw on primary head was completely disabled. Secondary head appeared healthier than before. He fell into the castle, after.

Notes: Alf says Grib has family out in the Else Where, where the giants are sleeping. (?*) When referenced, Din Din (^Page 16) expressed surprise he wasn’t dead, and called him by name. (Henceforth will be referred to as ‘Grib’)

^1) The cave was covered with mushrooms, which appeared to be bioluminescent. I imagine there were spores everywhere. There was also filth and decay- presumably from Grib’s previous meals. I didn’t see any bones, but based on the cats we found, I think he may have been eating other cats.

^2) Alf and Grib have some kind of history. They seemed to recognize each other, and Alf knew about his poison before he was struck. It seems he may have been poisoned before. (?*)

3^) I don’t fully remember what happened after, except that somehow we disabled Grib and got Issac outside. I think I had something to do with that.

4^) It’s possible he didn’t understand me, or was in too much pain to be coherent. I think I am responsible for whatever happened to the primary head. It can’t eat anymore, I think, and it must be in terrible pain. I think he may be an outcast. He never seems to be around any other cats, and his main form of sustenance appears to be other felines. I think he may be outcast for his deformities- everyone seems revolted by him. (Seems linked to mushrooms somehow. ?*)

He may have been alone out there for a long time- and I think he may have been treated terribly for what he was. He is in a lot of pain, and probably half starved. It's entirely possible that no one has ever been kind to him. I think he may just need someone to help him, and that he might be reformable.