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On the mysterious Type I planet, Terrehlar, tragedy struck!

As an unexplored location, the planet was home to many new settlers hoping to stake their claim on new-world lands and make a new living for themselves. Among these settlers was Firstfall native, and man of wealth Eduvai Maukwai, was pronounced dead after a video was released from an unknown source revealing what has been called The Terrehlarian Masscare. In the video taken from high altidude, Maukwai is shown to have been flayed and run through with a pike and is surrounded by dismembered parts of other humans beside his flame engulfed home. Later video feed reveals multiple fires that are believed to have been started by a previous unknown species of humanoid native to the planet. While proper authorities make further investigation, all travel to Terrehlar has been prohibitied.

Advisories have also been listed to avoid the ship formerly known as Celestar Bazaar. After multiple malfunctions, mysterious deaths and a chaotic event upon Tuphon, the ship has been ruled as dangerous and its crew wanted for interrogation. All video feed and sound recordings have been confiscated or destroyed, officials say, but a reward has been offered for any remaining copies.

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