A little known company called Unearthed Productions™ have offered an exorbitant monetary prize for a seemingly small barrier of entry...
Mission: obtain a mysterious cube from the planet Azur in the Pragmus system despite perilous circumstances and insufficient data. Easy stuff, right?!
Participants will be provided with a state of the art holoskin whos tech is still incredibly unstable (starting to feel woozy, maybe a little herculean? GREAT!) and in need of testing. That's where you come in! Ever wanted to fly, but lack wings? Ever wanted to breathe underwater and shoot laser beams from your eyes, but didn't have a mutant for a parent? These new holoskins can be the the stuff of every dreamer's wildest fantasy made reality.
But beware.
The Skin Walkers are closer than once believed, and behaving quite strangely*....
Contestants will be assigned to teams of two: The progresser, and the support. The progresser will handle the heavy lifting, while the support assures their teams success with problem solving, strategies, first aid, and so on. The first team to retrieve the cube wins! (*or you can be a lone wolf)
**Unearthed Productions™ does not hold itself accountable for any loss of items, limbs, or life due to causes outside of their jurisdiction.
Dice Rolls/What to Expect
Before the first test, roll 1d10 to decide what perk your holoskin will grant you. Once decided, it will remain until the mission's end, or as long as you have the special holoskin equipped. There are three sections to the test, each level handling a different set of randomized difficulties to overcome. Work as a team or go it solo to try and come out on top.
Let me know what dates work for you guys! Hope to see you all there!
Moderators: jamerson Julio JadedChild