It's a slow day at the cafe, which works out well for people who are just looking for a good chill... or in Feng's case, a quiet place to study. On some days, this same cafe was a little too full of people, and just a tad too noisy for intensive studying. Today was just right as she laid her books out before her, making notes and highlighting her readings for the fifth time as she went over them like the good student she was.
A gentle vibration from her cell phone indicated that a message had just come in. Glancing over at the notification on her online chat group of people that she gamed with, someone was sharing an article they had found on the net with the others. It seemed to be blowing the chat group up with messages as notif after notif came in, causing her phone to vibrate constantly without stopping. Sighing, she picked her phone up and tossed it into her bag, making silent promise to check on what was making the group so excited later.
For now, studying came first. Studying took priority. Studying was King. And so, study she did.
Toni walked into the cafe, the bell above the door jingling merrily as she pushed through with folders and paperwork tucked away under her arm. She frequented this cafe quite a bit since it was close to the office.
She wished she could say 'if I knew law enforcement would be 90% bureaucracy...' but she did know. She remembered those late nights her father had with maps, records and loose reports spread all over their dining room table. His deputy and team poured over them late into the night, searching for a needle of evidence in a haystack. Toni had watched as a child, peeking out from the stairs in her nightgown, wishing to be a part of that too. Now she was, just minus a father.
Toni rubbed her face, trying to erase the dark smudges below her eyes from a few sleepless nights. To no avail. She had been forced out of the office on a break- "A working break." she had insisted when her teammates tried to take the folders from her hands. She was still wearing yesterday's outfit with her badge pinned to her jacket.
After ordering a cup of coffee (black) she settled down in a table next to a keen looking student, absorbed in her books. Toni wasn't even sure if the girl knew she was there. A low vibration seemed to be coming from the girl's bag, she assumed her phone. She couldn't help but look over the girl's copious notes and silently nod in approval.
"Miss?" She said to Feng after a few moments of non-stop buzzing. "I think you are missing a few messages," Toni said with a smile as she motioned her head to Feng's bag.
She wished she could say 'if I knew law enforcement would be 90% bureaucracy...' but she did know. She remembered those late nights her father had with maps, records and loose reports spread all over their dining room table. His deputy and team poured over them late into the night, searching for a needle of evidence in a haystack. Toni had watched as a child, peeking out from the stairs in her nightgown, wishing to be a part of that too. Now she was, just minus a father.
Toni rubbed her face, trying to erase the dark smudges below her eyes from a few sleepless nights. To no avail. She had been forced out of the office on a break- "A working break." she had insisted when her teammates tried to take the folders from her hands. She was still wearing yesterday's outfit with her badge pinned to her jacket.
After ordering a cup of coffee (black) she settled down in a table next to a keen looking student, absorbed in her books. Toni wasn't even sure if the girl knew she was there. A low vibration seemed to be coming from the girl's bag, she assumed her phone. She couldn't help but look over the girl's copious notes and silently nod in approval.
"Miss?" She said to Feng after a few moments of non-stop buzzing. "I think you are missing a few messages," Toni said with a smile as she motioned her head to Feng's bag.
".....o-oh.... right...."
True to Toni's expectations, Feng hadn't even noticed Toni taking the seat next to her, too absorbed in her studying and notes. So when Toni addressed her and smiled, Feng couldn't help but frown and blink dumbly at her several times before, her eyes went to her phone still vibrating inside her bag. She mumbled her thanks in an awkward manner, nodding seriously at Toni before fumbling around her bag and retrieving her phone from it.
Setting her notes down, Feng unlocked her phone and narrowed her eyes in mild annoyance at the chat that had exploded with over a hundred messages collectively from her friends. She began to skim them as she usually did, though her eyes widened in surprise as she began to form an understanding of what they were regarding.
One of the gamers had come across an article on a citizen journalism blog titled "Unsung Heroes of LA", talking about a burglary that had taken place the night before... or at least, would've taken place the night before. If not for a "Masked Vigilante with the glowing blue eyes" who had stopped the crime before it could happen. The article talked about how someone who lived in the same neighbourhood as the would-be-burgled store had spotted a petite figure "leaping off the roof of the neighbouring shophouse" and "taking out both the burglars" with kicks and swipes that "never quite made contact" with them. There was even a video attached to the article, and Feng watched with absolute horror as she saw herself in the video, dressed in a black hoodie and donning what looked like a black flu mask, eyes glowing an unhumanly blue as she zipped through the scene. She nearly dropped her phone at this new revelation, chewing on her lip as she watched the messages stream past.
This was not the first time she had stopped criminals in her tracks. Nor was this the first time people had talked about her, or seen her. But it was certainly the first time video evidence had been uploaded regarding her deeds. Someone had seen her, and although they didn't recognise her, it might only be a matter of time before they did... "....shit..." she cursed softly under her breath, exhaling as she closed the article and the video contained within it. Eyes darting back to the forgotten notes on her table. There was only one thing left to do....
"....nothing happened." She remarked bluntly to no one in particular, turning the settings of the chat to "Mute", and likewise pushing her anxious and nervous thoughts to the back of her mind. She tossed her phone back into her bag to put it out of her sight, turning to her next set of readings and attempting to distract herself with them.
True to Toni's expectations, Feng hadn't even noticed Toni taking the seat next to her, too absorbed in her studying and notes. So when Toni addressed her and smiled, Feng couldn't help but frown and blink dumbly at her several times before, her eyes went to her phone still vibrating inside her bag. She mumbled her thanks in an awkward manner, nodding seriously at Toni before fumbling around her bag and retrieving her phone from it.
Setting her notes down, Feng unlocked her phone and narrowed her eyes in mild annoyance at the chat that had exploded with over a hundred messages collectively from her friends. She began to skim them as she usually did, though her eyes widened in surprise as she began to form an understanding of what they were regarding.
One of the gamers had come across an article on a citizen journalism blog titled "Unsung Heroes of LA", talking about a burglary that had taken place the night before... or at least, would've taken place the night before. If not for a "Masked Vigilante with the glowing blue eyes" who had stopped the crime before it could happen. The article talked about how someone who lived in the same neighbourhood as the would-be-burgled store had spotted a petite figure "leaping off the roof of the neighbouring shophouse" and "taking out both the burglars" with kicks and swipes that "never quite made contact" with them. There was even a video attached to the article, and Feng watched with absolute horror as she saw herself in the video, dressed in a black hoodie and donning what looked like a black flu mask, eyes glowing an unhumanly blue as she zipped through the scene. She nearly dropped her phone at this new revelation, chewing on her lip as she watched the messages stream past.
This was not the first time she had stopped criminals in her tracks. Nor was this the first time people had talked about her, or seen her. But it was certainly the first time video evidence had been uploaded regarding her deeds. Someone had seen her, and although they didn't recognise her, it might only be a matter of time before they did... "....shit..." she cursed softly under her breath, exhaling as she closed the article and the video contained within it. Eyes darting back to the forgotten notes on her table. There was only one thing left to do....
"....nothing happened." She remarked bluntly to no one in particular, turning the settings of the chat to "Mute", and likewise pushing her anxious and nervous thoughts to the back of her mind. She tossed her phone back into her bag to put it out of her sight, turning to her next set of readings and attempting to distract herself with them.
Toni gave the girl a blank smile after hearing the most obvious lie since the days she was a traffic cop. Nothing happened? Toni had watched Feng almost drop her phone a moment ago in shock.
She couldn't help but peek over Feng's shoulders as she had looked through her messages, the article, the video. Many would call this trait of her's as nosy but she viewed it as a valuable detective skill.
Her eyes widen as she watched the video of the masked person jumping off buildings, performing hitting punches that didn't touch skin. She recognized this for what it was, another person like her. No, not only that, vigilante with powers like her. It didn't sit too well with Toni, she was a woman of the law after all.
What she did wonder about was this girl's peculiar reaction to the video. Did she know the masked vigilante? Or maybe...Toni thought back to video star's petite frame and superimposed it to the girl furiously studying in front of her. Calmly, Toni leaned back into her seat.
"What did you think about that video?" She said casually as she straightened out the folders and papers in front of her. " Wild right? I think it's staged, like a marketing stunt or something. I saw this video the other day- there was this giant eagle that tried to carry off a baby in the park! Turns out, the eagle was all CG!"
She couldn't help but peek over Feng's shoulders as she had looked through her messages, the article, the video. Many would call this trait of her's as nosy but she viewed it as a valuable detective skill.
Her eyes widen as she watched the video of the masked person jumping off buildings, performing hitting punches that didn't touch skin. She recognized this for what it was, another person like her. No, not only that, vigilante with powers like her. It didn't sit too well with Toni, she was a woman of the law after all.
What she did wonder about was this girl's peculiar reaction to the video. Did she know the masked vigilante? Or maybe...Toni thought back to video star's petite frame and superimposed it to the girl furiously studying in front of her. Calmly, Toni leaned back into her seat.
"What did you think about that video?" She said casually as she straightened out the folders and papers in front of her. " Wild right? I think it's staged, like a marketing stunt or something. I saw this video the other day- there was this giant eagle that tried to carry off a baby in the park! Turns out, the eagle was all CG!"
Feng listened to Toni with a neutral, blank expression, typical of her usual straight face. It was masking the nerves and mild anxiety at the questions being thrown her way, thankfully, and it was all Feng could do to gaze calmly back at the girl sitting across from her, and shrug a little.
"I almost fell...for the eagle one..." she admitted honestly, resting her hand against her cheek and turning her gaze away from Toni. "...but I think... on hindsight... there were signs... that it was faked. This one, though...." She looked blankly down to her notes at this point, and gave yet another seemingly nonchalant shrug again. "...who knows? Maybe you're right... maybe it's staged too... advertising... something..."
She thought on this for a few moments, chewing on her lip in contemplation. Taking her phone out again, she began to skim the comments on the article containing the video. They ranged from similar trains of thought on how the footage was "obviously faked", to more hopeful ones of an underground hero protecting the streets from thugs at night, to some conspiracy theories about the masked vigilante being the actual robber setting the other figures in the video up to look like the bad guys... Amused, Feng gave a small smirk, and cared no further about the comments that were still coming in, closing the article window and setting her phone down once more.
"I almost fell...for the eagle one..." she admitted honestly, resting her hand against her cheek and turning her gaze away from Toni. "...but I think... on hindsight... there were signs... that it was faked. This one, though...." She looked blankly down to her notes at this point, and gave yet another seemingly nonchalant shrug again. "...who knows? Maybe you're right... maybe it's staged too... advertising... something..."
She thought on this for a few moments, chewing on her lip in contemplation. Taking her phone out again, she began to skim the comments on the article containing the video. They ranged from similar trains of thought on how the footage was "obviously faked", to more hopeful ones of an underground hero protecting the streets from thugs at night, to some conspiracy theories about the masked vigilante being the actual robber setting the other figures in the video up to look like the bad guys... Amused, Feng gave a small smirk, and cared no further about the comments that were still coming in, closing the article window and setting her phone down once more.
Toni couldn't help but smile at the girl as she slowly moved her way through the conversation.
"Well, the eagle fooled a lot of people. It was designed to, I think." She said, continuing the chipper conversation as Feng checked her phone. Toni watched the other girl's reaction carefully before she asked the next question.
"So you were the one in the video right? The one wearing the flu mask? How do you find black flu masks by the way? I only find white ones." She said nonchalantly as she flipped open one of her folder and took a sip of her coffee.
"Well, the eagle fooled a lot of people. It was designed to, I think." She said, continuing the chipper conversation as Feng checked her phone. Toni watched the other girl's reaction carefully before she asked the next question.
"So you were the one in the video right? The one wearing the flu mask? How do you find black flu masks by the way? I only find white ones." She said nonchalantly as she flipped open one of her folder and took a sip of her coffee.
Feng stared at Toni for a long time. If her lack of response was any answer to the policewoman's question, the confusion riddled in her purple orbs was enough to give an honest answer to anyone searching for it.
"...h-how.... did you..." she began, after what felt like a long moment of silence. "...I mean. No. No, it was not." She puffed her cheeks at Toni and frowned out of habit. It was a habit she had whenever she was thinking deeply on something. "It was not." she repeated, as if trying to convince herself of her badly told, blatant lie. She stopped herself from adding a "from taobao" in response to Toni's third question. Oh come on, Feng, as if you weren't already obvious enough...
"...h-how.... did you..." she began, after what felt like a long moment of silence. "...I mean. No. No, it was not." She puffed her cheeks at Toni and frowned out of habit. It was a habit she had whenever she was thinking deeply on something. "It was not." she repeated, as if trying to convince herself of her badly told, blatant lie. She stopped herself from adding a "from taobao" in response to Toni's third question. Oh come on, Feng, as if you weren't already obvious enough...
Toni raised her brows in amusement at Feng's response. Judging from the other girl's face, she was probably about to answer Toni's last question, about the flu masks. The first few words was already an admission of guilt.
She had just gone through a mini-interrogation sequence with the girl except this was probably the most gentle one she had ever taken part of. Feng wasn't a murder, rapist or thief but Toni could imagine the scene in her head right now; Feng in the corner of the dim downtown interrogation room, Toni on the other side of the desk swiveling around the lamp to shine a bright light on the suspect's face.
She turned her chair around to face Feng at this point. She brushed her unruly mass of dark hair back, moving away any strays that hid her LAPD badge which was pinned to her blue jacket. The shiny badge caught against the sunlight of the window.
This was a warning of some sort and Toni had planned to ease off, just a little. Toni didn't have any evidence against the girl that could led to an arrest but it wasn't just that. Vigilantism was in vogue but what if the girl gets hurt in the next venture? What if she runs into another person like her, who would not be fazed by Feng's powers, who would not so easily roll over. Or what if the next burglar wasn't one at all, but just a man who left his shop keys inside and was climbing in through the back window to retrieve them? Then she would be arresting the girl and listing her under the same category as the criminals she was fighting. Another idea suddenly came to mind as she looked out the window of the cafe.
"Look, you can see my office from here!" She said, changing the topic as she pointed outside into the busy Los Angeles street. Sure enough, a few blocks down, there was a small sign that read 'Police Station' on an unassuming white brick building.
"What about you? Where do you work?" She asked innocently.
She had just gone through a mini-interrogation sequence with the girl except this was probably the most gentle one she had ever taken part of. Feng wasn't a murder, rapist or thief but Toni could imagine the scene in her head right now; Feng in the corner of the dim downtown interrogation room, Toni on the other side of the desk swiveling around the lamp to shine a bright light on the suspect's face.
She turned her chair around to face Feng at this point. She brushed her unruly mass of dark hair back, moving away any strays that hid her LAPD badge which was pinned to her blue jacket. The shiny badge caught against the sunlight of the window.
This was a warning of some sort and Toni had planned to ease off, just a little. Toni didn't have any evidence against the girl that could led to an arrest but it wasn't just that. Vigilantism was in vogue but what if the girl gets hurt in the next venture? What if she runs into another person like her, who would not be fazed by Feng's powers, who would not so easily roll over. Or what if the next burglar wasn't one at all, but just a man who left his shop keys inside and was climbing in through the back window to retrieve them? Then she would be arresting the girl and listing her under the same category as the criminals she was fighting. Another idea suddenly came to mind as she looked out the window of the cafe.
"Look, you can see my office from here!" She said, changing the topic as she pointed outside into the busy Los Angeles street. Sure enough, a few blocks down, there was a small sign that read 'Police Station' on an unassuming white brick building.
"What about you? Where do you work?" She asked innocently.
The light reflected off of Toni's badge caught Feng's eye as she realised the kind of situation she had gotten herself into, her small hand gripping just a little tighter on her pencil as she regarded Toni with a calm, neutral expression. This explained a lot of things -- her keen observations, her spot-on questions... everything was leading up to this interrogation. And judging from this police woman's response, she seemed to have drawn enough responses from her to conclude what she wanted to conclude. Feng had fallen right into her trap.
Several possible routes of action ran through Feng's head at this point, as she silently considered each one carefully and rationally. Fighting in a public area with a member of the police force was immediately ruled out -- too much public ruckus, and she didn't even have a disguise at this point. She wasn't even sure if she could win. Nope, too risky. Surrendering and asking to be arrested seemed unfair. She hadn't done anything wrong, nor had she been pronounced guilty. Yet. Nope nope nope she was not going to wave a white flag now. Perhaps the entire conversation was being recorded at this point... She knew needed to be truthful, but also careful not to utter any further crippling verbal evidence.
Best to cooperate, Feng concluded to herself, staying silent as purple orbs shifted to the police station Toni had pointed to in good cheer. The cheerful change of subject was lost on her, as Feng interpreted this as a threat of sorts, blinking numbly at it, unsmiling. She began to feel a sense of dread creeping in as all these truths began to sink in, stiffening and lowering her gaze to her notes below.
"I'm... a college student. Studying accounting... in my final year..." she answered, looking up at Toni and straight into her eyes with a calm, straight-faced expression. There wasn't a trace of guilt in those honest eyes of hers, more so a small steady flame of determination, and belief that she was doing the right thing. "If all goes well..." she shrugged at this point, "I'll be graduating at the end of this AY..."
Several possible routes of action ran through Feng's head at this point, as she silently considered each one carefully and rationally. Fighting in a public area with a member of the police force was immediately ruled out -- too much public ruckus, and she didn't even have a disguise at this point. She wasn't even sure if she could win. Nope, too risky. Surrendering and asking to be arrested seemed unfair. She hadn't done anything wrong, nor had she been pronounced guilty. Yet. Nope nope nope she was not going to wave a white flag now. Perhaps the entire conversation was being recorded at this point... She knew needed to be truthful, but also careful not to utter any further crippling verbal evidence.
Best to cooperate, Feng concluded to herself, staying silent as purple orbs shifted to the police station Toni had pointed to in good cheer. The cheerful change of subject was lost on her, as Feng interpreted this as a threat of sorts, blinking numbly at it, unsmiling. She began to feel a sense of dread creeping in as all these truths began to sink in, stiffening and lowering her gaze to her notes below.
"I'm... a college student. Studying accounting... in my final year..." she answered, looking up at Toni and straight into her eyes with a calm, straight-faced expression. There wasn't a trace of guilt in those honest eyes of hers, more so a small steady flame of determination, and belief that she was doing the right thing. "If all goes well..." she shrugged at this point, "I'll be graduating at the end of this AY..."
"Accounting? That's a sensible degree. Every company needs an accountant." Toni said with a nod as she looked at Feng's textbooks. "I majored in criminal justice. My mom was against it but I'm like hey, I'm an adult now, I can do what I want! ...But she was footing the bill so...I had to minor in art history to make her happy."
She was making casual conversation and was looking out the window as if the last one didn't even happen, as if Feng didn't just gave away her secret. Then a delighted look came across her face as if she just realized something important. She turned back to Feng.
"Oh, I just remembered something! Our department is looking for an accountant!" She patted her jacket a few times, looking for her card. When she found it in her left breast pocket, she presented it to Feng. "We pay well and the benefits are excellent. There's nothing like a government accounting job, right?"

"When you graduate, call me up! I feel like our department will be a good fit!" She said with a wink. She left out 'for people like us'. Afterall...Toni didn't know that Feng had powers, nope. And the other girl didn't know that she had them either.
"We might be able to help each other out. I'm Antoinette by the way. You?"
Even if the girl didn't apply, she wanted her to have her business card. It's a longshot but if the girl ever found herself in trouble...or needed help, maybe she would think of her, if she had her business card in her pocket.
She was making casual conversation and was looking out the window as if the last one didn't even happen, as if Feng didn't just gave away her secret. Then a delighted look came across her face as if she just realized something important. She turned back to Feng.
"Oh, I just remembered something! Our department is looking for an accountant!" She patted her jacket a few times, looking for her card. When she found it in her left breast pocket, she presented it to Feng. "We pay well and the benefits are excellent. There's nothing like a government accounting job, right?"

"When you graduate, call me up! I feel like our department will be a good fit!" She said with a wink. She left out 'for people like us'. Afterall...Toni didn't know that Feng had powers, nope. And the other girl didn't know that she had them either.
"We might be able to help each other out. I'm Antoinette by the way. You?"
Even if the girl didn't apply, she wanted her to have her business card. It's a longshot but if the girl ever found herself in trouble...or needed help, maybe she would think of her, if she had her business card in her pocket.
"Those are... cool stuff to study..." Feng admitted, eyes twinkling just a little as she gazed back at Toni, looking somewhat impressed. "...but... I feel that, yea..." She hadn't studied accounting because she really wanted to. It was more of a parental pressure from her banker parents, a mould to "fit in" to society, despite (in their own words) "her freakishness". Her being good at math was an added bonus as well.
At Toni's offer and suggestion, though, Feng's eyes widened as she listened, nearly dropping her pencil at this news. She took Toni's card without a word, reading its contents and studying it like it was a precious artefact. A real, actual police name card. Wow.... thought Feng, as she turned it over in her hands, taking out her wallet and slotting it into one of the more prominent slots.
"It would be an honour..." she remarked vaguely as she put her wallet back into her bag, tilting her head in mild confusion at the wink Toni gave her. "Feng. My name, I mean... I'm not sure if I can help you... but I'll do my very best... should the occasion arise." She answered with a certain determination, though her voice was mostly monotonous and steady. The police force, huh? Seemed like a meaningful job to have, supporting them as an accountant.
"...do you get to do field work..?" She enquired, curiosity in her eyes. "Like... catch actual criminals? That kind... of action?" She scribbled idly on her notes as she chewed her lip, eyes shifting to the paperwork before Toni. She supposed that probably was a must regardless of the job, not that she minded.
At Toni's offer and suggestion, though, Feng's eyes widened as she listened, nearly dropping her pencil at this news. She took Toni's card without a word, reading its contents and studying it like it was a precious artefact. A real, actual police name card. Wow.... thought Feng, as she turned it over in her hands, taking out her wallet and slotting it into one of the more prominent slots.
"It would be an honour..." she remarked vaguely as she put her wallet back into her bag, tilting her head in mild confusion at the wink Toni gave her. "Feng. My name, I mean... I'm not sure if I can help you... but I'll do my very best... should the occasion arise." She answered with a certain determination, though her voice was mostly monotonous and steady. The police force, huh? Seemed like a meaningful job to have, supporting them as an accountant.
"...do you get to do field work..?" She enquired, curiosity in her eyes. "Like... catch actual criminals? That kind... of action?" She scribbled idly on her notes as she chewed her lip, eyes shifting to the paperwork before Toni. She supposed that probably was a must regardless of the job, not that she minded.
Toni barely managed to restrain herself from fist punching the air when Feng took her business card and put it in her wallet.
"I feel like we might be able to use your skills." She said with a smile. "Math skills." She added quickly with a bigger smile.
"We catch criminals all the time." She told Feng steadily. In reality, they had done a lot of chasing so far, their department was small right now and it felt like them against all of Los Angeles. "Well...there is also a lot of paperwork and research too." She admitted as she looked down at the files before her. "There's been...a lot of activity lately on the streets. I'm working on an odd case right now..." She paused as she quickly gathered up her paperwork in a flourish.
"Maybe I'll tell you about it if you join up!" She said, turning to Feng with a mischievous smile.
"I feel like we might be able to use your skills." She said with a smile. "Math skills." She added quickly with a bigger smile.
"We catch criminals all the time." She told Feng steadily. In reality, they had done a lot of chasing so far, their department was small right now and it felt like them against all of Los Angeles. "Well...there is also a lot of paperwork and research too." She admitted as she looked down at the files before her. "There's been...a lot of activity lately on the streets. I'm working on an odd case right now..." She paused as she quickly gathered up her paperwork in a flourish.
"Maybe I'll tell you about it if you join up!" She said, turning to Feng with a mischievous smile.
Feng couldn't quite help narrowing her eyes in sketicism of the "math skills" Toni mentioned. But brightened considerably as Toni talked about the work she did, eyes shining at her mention of crime fighting and the odd case she was currently working on.
"...are you accepting interns?" She couldn't help but enquire curiously, her notes abandoned. "For people... who are keen to have a first hand experience... at the job..." she quickly added, unable to mask her eagerness. "I am... aware that I might have to staple and file documents... and make tea. I am fine with that,"
"...are you accepting interns?" She couldn't help but enquire curiously, her notes abandoned. "For people... who are keen to have a first hand experience... at the job..." she quickly added, unable to mask her eagerness. "I am... aware that I might have to staple and file documents... and make tea. I am fine with that,"
"We...might be. I'll have to ask my boss." Toni said as she stood up with the files in her arms. It was about time for her to head back to the cubicles but.... Yes, she thought happily. "Why don't you send me your resume and info to my email and I'll give you a call. You will need to pass a background check, of course. And an interview."
Toni's eyes sparkled at that. When Toni was recruited to the team, her interview had been...unusual to say the least. She was not the only one with 'special abilities' in the team, just like how Aiden and Severino were not the only criminals on the street with them either. You have to fight fire with fire after all. No, fight fire with water and maybe some wind too.
Toni's eyes sparkled at that. When Toni was recruited to the team, her interview had been...unusual to say the least. She was not the only one with 'special abilities' in the team, just like how Aiden and Severino were not the only criminals on the street with them either. You have to fight fire with fire after all. No, fight fire with water and maybe some wind too.
"...understandable," she replied calmly, with a nod to Toni. "I will do so," she added, twirling her pencil. It seemed as if she wasn't going to be arrested today. That was good news! She wasn't the "bad guy" here after all. How could she be the bad one when there were so many others out there who needed to be stopped?
She actually had her resume prepared, but wanted to look it over before sending it to Toni, since she needed to be sufficiently certain that it didn't contain any other incriminating evidence that could be used against her. "I... I guess I look forward to hearing... from you guys..." she shrugged, before giving Toni the tiniest of tiny smiles she could muster.
She actually had her resume prepared, but wanted to look it over before sending it to Toni, since she needed to be sufficiently certain that it didn't contain any other incriminating evidence that could be used against her. "I... I guess I look forward to hearing... from you guys..." she shrugged, before giving Toni the tiniest of tiny smiles she could muster.
"Of course!" She said cheerfully and saluted Feng with a free hand. She gave the barista a nod of farewell too as she strolled to the door.
"Oh and bring me a pack of those black flu mask? The black ones look way cooler than the normal kind!" Toni called out to Feng before darting out the door.
"Oh and bring me a pack of those black flu mask? The black ones look way cooler than the normal kind!" Toni called out to Feng before darting out the door.
Narrowing her eyes at the figure retreating out the door, Feng couldn't help but exhale and let her shoulders droop a little in defeat. She rested her chin against her hand as she chewed on her lip in thought once again, eyes still fixed on the door that Toni had left through even though the policewoman was already long gone...
If she gave her the flu masks, it was almost like a confession of sorts. Though.... to be frank, Toni had made it quite apparent that she was already sure of this. But failing to give the flu masks might disappoint the newly acquainted policewoman, which didn't seem like quite the tactful move either. Besides, producing a similarly black flu mask wasn't completely incriminating evidence. They were getting to be quite the in-thing in Taiwan, according to her cousin Jing...
Holding her head in her hands, Feng allowed herself a minute to stress over this decision, before sighing determinedly and returning back to her notes. Big, life-changing decisions could wait. For now, finishing this set of readings was most important. Reluctantly, she swept thoughts about a potential job offer with the police force, and returned to being an ordinary college student pursuing a degree in accounting.
If she gave her the flu masks, it was almost like a confession of sorts. Though.... to be frank, Toni had made it quite apparent that she was already sure of this. But failing to give the flu masks might disappoint the newly acquainted policewoman, which didn't seem like quite the tactful move either. Besides, producing a similarly black flu mask wasn't completely incriminating evidence. They were getting to be quite the in-thing in Taiwan, according to her cousin Jing...
Holding her head in her hands, Feng allowed herself a minute to stress over this decision, before sighing determinedly and returning back to her notes. Big, life-changing decisions could wait. For now, finishing this set of readings was most important. Reluctantly, she swept thoughts about a potential job offer with the police force, and returned to being an ordinary college student pursuing a degree in accounting.