General Rules
We want the group to be fun and open for everyone, so that means we need all members to do their best to be friendly and considerate. If you're ever in doubt, please refer to these following rules.
- PG-13 content. All posts must be PG-13 friendly. If you'd like to share adult humor (and patterns) please take it to PMs.
- Be nice. It's very important to be nice and supportive to other knitters and crocheters. Remember, we all made terrible first projects and we all loved the kind and helpful words from others. This is the right time and place to pass that on!
- Tag image-heavy topics. Lots of images can drain people's bandwith, please remember to tag your topic with (Image Heavy) or something similar to give a fair warning. Thank you!
I will always put members' comfort and safety first. If you're asked to stop doing something, please stop. If you're unhappy with something, don't post publicly but approach the owner or moderators privately. We'll do our best to help you. - PG-13 content. All posts must be PG-13 friendly. If you'd like to share adult humor (and patterns) please take it to PMs.
Sharing Patterns
We're absolutely fine with you sharing patterns as long as it's okay to do so. For instance, a pattern you've found on Ravelry that is free to download is fine. A pattern from a pamphlet or book that was given out for free is fine. A pattern you created and want to give out is fine.
It is not fine to distribute patterns from paid books or paid downloads. If the owner isn't giving it out for free, you can't share it here - it's a huge copyright issue and we won't tolerate it. You can however link to the purchase page, share the book or pattern name and tell us who designed it so we can purchase our own copies.
If you are stuck in a pattern, you can share the part of the pattern you struggle with as long as you're not sharing the pattern in full.