Posted by Sanne August 6th 2016, 6:58am I hope everyone is having a wonderful day! Keep on creating with your needles and hooks, and enjoy an adorable picture to make your day even better!

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Posted by Sanne February 17th 2016, 7:37am Hey everyone!
I collected tutorials and put together a page for people who want to learn how to knit. You can see it in action in the menu, or click here.. Of course you can always post in our forums to get help if you get stuck anywhere.
I also want to do something similar for crocheting, but as...
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Posted by Sanne June 6th 2015, 1:41am As some of you may know, I have begun to knit for charity recently. In particular, I have started knitting breast prostheses for breast cancer survivors who aren't happy with the silicone prostheses that are more commonly used globally.
Although my process is a little slow at the moment, I'm...
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Posted by Sanne March 5th 2015, 5:30am There are a lot of knitting bind-offs out there that allow for a stretchy finish, but most seem to involve a darning needle and a lot of patience or simply aren't stretchy enough.
Stacy from Very Pink Knits demonstrates a stretchy bind off technique that stretches 30% more than regular bind-offs!...
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Posted by Sanne January 28th 2015, 9:38am Nothing is more frustrating than casting on 150 long-tail stitches and running out of tail yarn - or perhaps having a severe excess of tail! While there are many ways to calculate the length of the tail to get the right number of stitches on your needles and an appropriate length of tail, there's...
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Posted by Sanne January 4th 2015, 1:28pm Weaving in ends can be challenging at first, but once you get the hang of it, it comes easy to most folks. That is until you knit or crochet lace.
Some yarn clings to itself (mostly animal fibers) which means the end generally stays put after you weave it in. You're a little less lucky when you...
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Posted by Sanne December 14th 2014, 4:03am When you're working a project that's knit in the round, chances are you're casting on x stitches and then 'join in the round'. But what is joining in the round, exactly?
I used to think that you just start knitting in the round from your cast on stitches to create the round work of fabric, but...
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Posted by Sanne December 6th 2014, 10:24pm Fair Isle is a technique that is intimidating and tough to learn even if you're a seasoned knitter. One thing about Fair Isle that many knitters dislike is the way the colors strand in the back.
In this technique, you carry the yarn along every second stitch by 'weaving' it into the working yarn,...
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Posted by Sanne November 19th 2014, 3:53pm I'm very happy to announce that we currently have two items in our group treasury that you can win! I know you're all most likely busy with Christmas gifts (because I am too), but fret not - the due date for this contest is January 31st 2015 and an extension can be given if more time is necessary....
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Posted by Sanne November 17th 2014, 2:35am We've all been there at some point: something goes terribly wrong in your knitting and you feel like all those hours upon hours that went into your project were wasted. That's it, you're just going to rip the whole thing out and reuse the yarn or worse - you're just throwing it out.
In many cases ...
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Posted by Sanne October 31st 2014, 6:20pm Whether you've decided to join NaNoWriMo this year or not, this may pique your interest. It has come to my attention that a knitting equivalent of the challenge has been around for a while. It's not as widespread as the writing challenge, but it is a great way to challenge yourself to knit those...
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Posted by Sanne October 25th 2014, 1:27pm Today, I'm going to present a new grafting technique I've discovered, called the Faux Kitchener Stitch.
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