Coupon code: fcotc2014
Click on "Buy it now", then click on "Use a Coupon Code". Enter the code, click "Apply", check to see if it discounted the price 100% and then buy it. You won't be charged and it's stored in your Ravelry library forever.
Valid until: May 16th 2014
I just downloaded this PDF and I strongly recommend it to everyone who's still learning some of the basic techniques (cast on, knit, purl, various stitch combinations, cables, cast off). It's illustrated and easy to read.
The pattern has a basic scarf pattern at the end that utilizes all the techniques explained. If you're wanting to learn any of these stitches/techniques, it makes for a great practice pattern!
Coupon code: fcotc2014
Click on "Buy it now", then click on "Use a Coupon Code". Enter the code, click "Apply", check to see if it discounted the price 100% and then buy it. You won't be charged and it's stored in your Ravelry library forever.
Valid until: May 16th 2014
I just downloaded this PDF and I strongly recommend it to everyone who's still learning some of the basic techniques (cast on, knit, purl, various stitch combinations, cables, cast off). It's illustrated and easy to read.

The pattern has a basic scarf pattern at the end that utilizes all the techniques explained. If you're wanting to learn any of these stitches/techniques, it makes for a great practice pattern!