Welcome to the contest topic! This is where you can post your submissions (works in progress and/or finished pieces) for the "Nerdy Knits" contest. Details for this contest can be found here.
Please note: in order to become eligible for placing, your piece must be finished and posted in this topic before the due date of January 31st, 11:59PM PST.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. Happy knitting!
Please note: in order to become eligible for placing, your piece must be finished and posted in this topic before the due date of January 31st, 11:59PM PST.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. Happy knitting!
Unfortunately, as nobody has participated, the contest has been cancelled. 
In the future I will do a poll to see if there's an interest before committing to an event!
If you're interested in doing something in particular please let me know so I can put it on the list.

In the future I will do a poll to see if there's an interest before committing to an event!

I did participate, I just haven't gotten my pictures up. That being said, I wouldn't have wanted to win on default anyhow. I want to earn my bragging rights.
I haven't had much time to knit and I don't know where my stuff is right now...

Alas, I've been super-busy knitting a Christmas gift sweater for months! (That ended up a little late anyway. :p) It wasn't a good time for me to get anything together, unfortunately.