Nearing Earth was a large ship, not as large as some but it was still sizable. It was clearly Autobot built, having the Autobot insignia on various areas of its hull. Inside the ship was bustling with activity, various Autobot troopers were going about their business. On the bridge were several Autobots, clearly not Troopers. One, a small blue bot about the same size as Bee or Smokescreen only thinner than both, was zipping about. "And you're sure this planet has caches of Energon on it?" He asked, still zipping about examining the various monitors on the bridge, annoying several of the Autobot Troopers at their work stations. "Blurr! Sit Still1" A large read bot said. He was about the same size as Bulkhead, though he had much more normal proportions. Blurr glanced at the Red bot with an annoyed look. "Relax Ironhide. Blurr just wants to be sure visiting this planet won't be a waste of our time and resources." A rather stoic bot said. This one was white and black, and seemed to turn into a vehicle similar to a police car. "I'll relax when he stops bolting around the place! Putting up with his wheels screeching every five seconds gets annoying after the fifth hour of putting up with it! FRAG He's lucky I haven't knocked him out yet!" Ironhide yelled back. A light began to flash on one of the multiple consoles in the bridge. Before any of the Troopers or anyone else could even move Blurr had zipped over to the console, pressing a few buttons.
"Unknown vessel, Identify yourself." Ratchet called over the Comm link. "IS that? Ratchet? The scrap are you doing on this planet?!" Ironhide called getting up and heading over to Blurr. "You know this bot?"Blurr asked. "Know him, we've worked together for quite a while. Haven't seen him in ages"Ironhide responded. "Ironhide? Why aren't you on Cybertron?"Ratchet asked. "Uh... last I checked it went dark." Ironhide responded. "You don't know? It was reactivated. Brought back to life. Did you not receive Bumblebee's message?". "CYBERTRONS BACK ONLINE?!"Blurr shouted abruptly. "Ugh... yes. I'd prefer you not yell again." Ratchet grumbled. "Unfortunately though it came with a price. Optimus has become one with the All-Spark." Ratchet said solemnly. "Prime's dead?"The black and white Bot asked approaching after hearing Blurr's shout. "Yes, and thankfully Megatron seems to have given up on the war. Though Starscream is still on the loose, as is Shockwave."."Do you have access to a space bridge?"the black and white bot asked. "Yes, I'll send you the co-"Ratchet said before the message cut out. The ship shook, having hit a satellite. The satellite destroyed one of the ships thrusters. "Scrap!"Ironhide shouted. "Prowl! Go get Hound and Jazz! They might be able to help stabilize the ship!"Ironhide ordered. The black and white bot nodded, shifting into vehicle mode and speeding off to find Hound and Jazz as the ship began to enter Earth's atmosphere.
The ship crashed, leaving a massive trail as it traveled to a halt. Thankfully there weren't any fires on the ship. "Uugh... Ratchet? Do you copy?"Ironhide asked standing up. "Yes I do. What happened?" the Medic responded. "Uh... we landed."Ironhide said. "Thankfully Everyone seems to be okay. Well atleast everyone on the bridge is"He added. "What the scrap just happened?" A voice called. The voice belonged to Jazz, a very skilled combatant. "We landed. Where's Hound?"Ironhide responded. "Stasis nap" Prowl responded.
Not too far from the crash landing was a small decepticon warship. It evidently could only hold half of the troops that the Nemesis could hold, and had less firepower. However it was much faster. The ship was called the Dreadnaught, and had been commandeered by Starscream and his followers. "Starscream" a voice called. The seeker turned seeing the large and brutish Skywarp, who was easily the same size as Skyquake or Dreadwing but very clearly lacked the brains to be as credible a threat. And ebside him was Thundercracker, a smaller leaner Con. Unlike most other Decepticons he didn't enjoy battle. Both greatly resembled Starscream having been forged with the same model. Despite the similarities you could easily tell the three apart. Skywarp was large, being blue and grey, and having a msucular build. Thundercracker had the same build but he was pruple and grey, his chin was smaller than Screamer's, and he lacked a crest. He also had a visor that came down over his eyes, his wings also pointed down instead of up. "Did we find a new mine?"Starscream asked. "No. We picked up the signature of an autobot ship. It was damaged on entry and crashed 12 clicks due north east."Thundercracker said, with Skywarp occasionally nodding in agreement with his smaller companion. "Well perhaps we should give them a little welcoming party."Starscream said. Thundercracker nodded turning to leave along with Skywarp. "I can't believe I'm about to say this... get Waspinator aswell. He's been begging me to let him go on a mission, and it's starting to get annoying."Starscream said with a sigh. "You know you're telling us to get Bug head, the biggest screw up on the ship right?"Skywarp said in surprise. "Yes I do. Tell him he's watching for... I don't know... some kind of horrifying indigenous life form or something. I don't care, jsut get him off this ship."Starscream ordered. "Yes my lord" Thunder cracker responded heading off to get the green insecticon.
After a while Skywarp, Thundercracker and Waspinator had taken off. "Wapsinator can't believe he was brought with Star-Bot's First lieutenants!" Waspinator called excitedly, buzzing about behind the two seekers ahead of him. "Neither can I..."Skywarp said to himself. The three arrived at a ledge overlooking the downed autobot ship, seeing Ironhide, Jazz, Prowl, and Blurr outside. "Alright Waspinator, Lord Starscream has entrusted you with keeping watch for... uh..... savage... Terror.. scraplets, yes Savage Terror Scraplets!"Thundercracker said. Waspinator tilted hsi head having never heard of the fake creature before. "They're like Scraplets, only bigger and more violent. Barricade told us that he had recently encountered a few and only barely escaped them."Thundercracker explained. "Waspinator won't let Sky-bot and Thunder-bot down!"Waspinator declared giving a salute before transforming and flying off. "I wish we could stick him in permanent "angry mode". As incompetant as he is in a good mood when you make him mad he becomes a real force to reckon with"Thundercracker said turning his attention to the Autobots. "I can see a few Energon leaks. This should be rather easy. Skywarp, fire there."Thundercracker said, pointing out an energon leak. Skywarp smiled, with his hand shifting into a blaster canon and firing.
The ship exploded, sending the autobots outside flying. "Oh Scrap! HOUND!"Blurr called out when he saw the ship blow. Skywarp laughed, transforming and flying off. "Waspinator! Let's go!"Thundercracker called. "Good luck surviving without your energon supplies autobots."Thundercracker said before transforming and flying off aswell, followed by Waspinator. "YOU ROTTEN COWARDS! GET BACK HERE AND FIGHT!"Ironhide screamed firing blasts off at the three. Unfortunately they missed. "By primus I can't believe he's gone...."Blurr said. "I wouldn't count him out"Jazz said with a smile.Out of the flaming wreckage came Hound, wearing something greatly resembling the Apex armor. "Hahaha! Ironhide! Remind me to contact Perceptor and let him know his Apex Armor 2.0 was a succe-"Hound managed to say, before a grinding noise was heard. The Apex Armor 2.0 began to fall apart around the old scarred Wrecker. "uh... Nevermind." Hound said looking at the remains of the Apex Armor 2.0. "Well that sucks."Hound said in a disappointed tone. "Did anyone besides us survive the explosion?" Prowl asked. "No, not from what I saw. There were a few other bots I didn't know that got off the ship before the explosion though. Don't know how many, or who they were or where they went."Hound said. "Ratchet, we're gonna need a Ground Bridge.... if you've got one."Ironhide said. Shortly after a green portal opened behind the group, with the bots going through it.
Oop: If you're playing a human character or a rpetender character that is sided with the autobots or monitoring Raf, Miko, and Jack you can go ahead and post now. If they're at the school it would have gotten out by now.
"Unknown vessel, Identify yourself." Ratchet called over the Comm link. "IS that? Ratchet? The scrap are you doing on this planet?!" Ironhide called getting up and heading over to Blurr. "You know this bot?"Blurr asked. "Know him, we've worked together for quite a while. Haven't seen him in ages"Ironhide responded. "Ironhide? Why aren't you on Cybertron?"Ratchet asked. "Uh... last I checked it went dark." Ironhide responded. "You don't know? It was reactivated. Brought back to life. Did you not receive Bumblebee's message?". "CYBERTRONS BACK ONLINE?!"Blurr shouted abruptly. "Ugh... yes. I'd prefer you not yell again." Ratchet grumbled. "Unfortunately though it came with a price. Optimus has become one with the All-Spark." Ratchet said solemnly. "Prime's dead?"The black and white Bot asked approaching after hearing Blurr's shout. "Yes, and thankfully Megatron seems to have given up on the war. Though Starscream is still on the loose, as is Shockwave."."Do you have access to a space bridge?"the black and white bot asked. "Yes, I'll send you the co-"Ratchet said before the message cut out. The ship shook, having hit a satellite. The satellite destroyed one of the ships thrusters. "Scrap!"Ironhide shouted. "Prowl! Go get Hound and Jazz! They might be able to help stabilize the ship!"Ironhide ordered. The black and white bot nodded, shifting into vehicle mode and speeding off to find Hound and Jazz as the ship began to enter Earth's atmosphere.
The ship crashed, leaving a massive trail as it traveled to a halt. Thankfully there weren't any fires on the ship. "Uugh... Ratchet? Do you copy?"Ironhide asked standing up. "Yes I do. What happened?" the Medic responded. "Uh... we landed."Ironhide said. "Thankfully Everyone seems to be okay. Well atleast everyone on the bridge is"He added. "What the scrap just happened?" A voice called. The voice belonged to Jazz, a very skilled combatant. "We landed. Where's Hound?"Ironhide responded. "Stasis nap" Prowl responded.
Not too far from the crash landing was a small decepticon warship. It evidently could only hold half of the troops that the Nemesis could hold, and had less firepower. However it was much faster. The ship was called the Dreadnaught, and had been commandeered by Starscream and his followers. "Starscream" a voice called. The seeker turned seeing the large and brutish Skywarp, who was easily the same size as Skyquake or Dreadwing but very clearly lacked the brains to be as credible a threat. And ebside him was Thundercracker, a smaller leaner Con. Unlike most other Decepticons he didn't enjoy battle. Both greatly resembled Starscream having been forged with the same model. Despite the similarities you could easily tell the three apart. Skywarp was large, being blue and grey, and having a msucular build. Thundercracker had the same build but he was pruple and grey, his chin was smaller than Screamer's, and he lacked a crest. He also had a visor that came down over his eyes, his wings also pointed down instead of up. "Did we find a new mine?"Starscream asked. "No. We picked up the signature of an autobot ship. It was damaged on entry and crashed 12 clicks due north east."Thundercracker said, with Skywarp occasionally nodding in agreement with his smaller companion. "Well perhaps we should give them a little welcoming party."Starscream said. Thundercracker nodded turning to leave along with Skywarp. "I can't believe I'm about to say this... get Waspinator aswell. He's been begging me to let him go on a mission, and it's starting to get annoying."Starscream said with a sigh. "You know you're telling us to get Bug head, the biggest screw up on the ship right?"Skywarp said in surprise. "Yes I do. Tell him he's watching for... I don't know... some kind of horrifying indigenous life form or something. I don't care, jsut get him off this ship."Starscream ordered. "Yes my lord" Thunder cracker responded heading off to get the green insecticon.
After a while Skywarp, Thundercracker and Waspinator had taken off. "Wapsinator can't believe he was brought with Star-Bot's First lieutenants!" Waspinator called excitedly, buzzing about behind the two seekers ahead of him. "Neither can I..."Skywarp said to himself. The three arrived at a ledge overlooking the downed autobot ship, seeing Ironhide, Jazz, Prowl, and Blurr outside. "Alright Waspinator, Lord Starscream has entrusted you with keeping watch for... uh..... savage... Terror.. scraplets, yes Savage Terror Scraplets!"Thundercracker said. Waspinator tilted hsi head having never heard of the fake creature before. "They're like Scraplets, only bigger and more violent. Barricade told us that he had recently encountered a few and only barely escaped them."Thundercracker explained. "Waspinator won't let Sky-bot and Thunder-bot down!"Waspinator declared giving a salute before transforming and flying off. "I wish we could stick him in permanent "angry mode". As incompetant as he is in a good mood when you make him mad he becomes a real force to reckon with"Thundercracker said turning his attention to the Autobots. "I can see a few Energon leaks. This should be rather easy. Skywarp, fire there."Thundercracker said, pointing out an energon leak. Skywarp smiled, with his hand shifting into a blaster canon and firing.
The ship exploded, sending the autobots outside flying. "Oh Scrap! HOUND!"Blurr called out when he saw the ship blow. Skywarp laughed, transforming and flying off. "Waspinator! Let's go!"Thundercracker called. "Good luck surviving without your energon supplies autobots."Thundercracker said before transforming and flying off aswell, followed by Waspinator. "YOU ROTTEN COWARDS! GET BACK HERE AND FIGHT!"Ironhide screamed firing blasts off at the three. Unfortunately they missed. "By primus I can't believe he's gone...."Blurr said. "I wouldn't count him out"Jazz said with a smile.Out of the flaming wreckage came Hound, wearing something greatly resembling the Apex armor. "Hahaha! Ironhide! Remind me to contact Perceptor and let him know his Apex Armor 2.0 was a succe-"Hound managed to say, before a grinding noise was heard. The Apex Armor 2.0 began to fall apart around the old scarred Wrecker. "uh... Nevermind." Hound said looking at the remains of the Apex Armor 2.0. "Well that sucks."Hound said in a disappointed tone. "Did anyone besides us survive the explosion?" Prowl asked. "No, not from what I saw. There were a few other bots I didn't know that got off the ship before the explosion though. Don't know how many, or who they were or where they went."Hound said. "Ratchet, we're gonna need a Ground Bridge.... if you've got one."Ironhide said. Shortly after a green portal opened behind the group, with the bots going through it.
Oop: If you're playing a human character or a rpetender character that is sided with the autobots or monitoring Raf, Miko, and Jack you can go ahead and post now. If they're at the school it would have gotten out by now.
A long black Cybertronian was seated in his makeshift couch, facing a wall of monitors; most of which were showing nothing but static, though some sound could clearly be heard from several. He was putting together some sort of blaster weapon, welding pieces together and checking the sight every now and then. He hummed a small but pleasant tune as he worked, a light smile on his faceplates. His pearly white finnials twitched on either side of his head as he thought he heard something from one of the monitors and he looked up with golden yellow optics. Hmm, seemed to have been nothing after all. He returned to his work, dusting off a few metal shavings from his purple flame covered forearms.
Not long after, a much larger and sturdier looking mech, white with orange flames up his arms and torso and a black Decepticon symbol in the center of his chest, made his way into the "lair", dropping a dismembered Eradicon arm into a small bin of Cybertronian body parts near the door. He looked around and spotted the other mech, instantly striding towards him.
"Watching the comms again, Forge?" He asked with a deep baritone voice full of almost fatherly disapproval.
The other mech chuckled. "Of course. You've grounded me from cartoons. What else am I to do Rizzo?" his voice was almost musical, a strong Australian accent to it.
The white mech, Rapshot, glared down at his companion, shimmering blue optics spinning to get a closer look at what the black mech was making.
"Well if you hadn't shot the television-"
"There was a rabbit on it! I didn't expect that!" Forge shouted, amber eyes glowing brighter as his faceplates heated, whether from anxiety at the memory of suddenly seeing bugs bunny appear while he was watching the Ninja Turtles, or from embarrassment that he'd been startled enough to try to kill the rabbit at all. Rapshot lifted a large servo to silence the other.
"I don't care, brother. Until you learn some self control, you are not allowed to equip weapon mods while indoors." He reiterated the already established punishment unnecessarily, only serving to make the others eyes brighten further. Before another argument could break out, something rather odd and overly static came over one of their monitors. They distinctly heard the now familiar voice of Ratchet and were prepared to ignore it as always (as ratchet was hardly a threat to either of them)when they heard a few new voices. Now they were listening, drawing close to the monitor that had a crudely drawin picture of Ratchet taped over it. They couldn’t hear too much over the static but what they did hear nearly made both mechs sparks stop.
Cybertron was back online; Optimus Prime was dead and the war was over. Rapshot collapsed onto the couch. He’d defected from the Decepticons in order to aid the Autobots and now… now it was all over? He would have no way to atone for his sins?
Forge had an entirely different reaction to the news. “Well this’ll be bad for business. No wonder we din hear nuthin ‘bout it. They wouldn’t be skite about the prime passin. You a’right mate?” Rapshot didn’t reply. There was some odd noises, possibly voices over the coms again, but it was insanely distorted. Noises followed and both mechs glared at the screens when everything suddenly went dead.
“Whatcha thinks goin on?”
“No idea.”
“We should…check it out. Have a look?”
“Not yet. Keep listening for now.”
Not long after, a much larger and sturdier looking mech, white with orange flames up his arms and torso and a black Decepticon symbol in the center of his chest, made his way into the "lair", dropping a dismembered Eradicon arm into a small bin of Cybertronian body parts near the door. He looked around and spotted the other mech, instantly striding towards him.
"Watching the comms again, Forge?" He asked with a deep baritone voice full of almost fatherly disapproval.
The other mech chuckled. "Of course. You've grounded me from cartoons. What else am I to do Rizzo?" his voice was almost musical, a strong Australian accent to it.
The white mech, Rapshot, glared down at his companion, shimmering blue optics spinning to get a closer look at what the black mech was making.
"Well if you hadn't shot the television-"
"There was a rabbit on it! I didn't expect that!" Forge shouted, amber eyes glowing brighter as his faceplates heated, whether from anxiety at the memory of suddenly seeing bugs bunny appear while he was watching the Ninja Turtles, or from embarrassment that he'd been startled enough to try to kill the rabbit at all. Rapshot lifted a large servo to silence the other.
"I don't care, brother. Until you learn some self control, you are not allowed to equip weapon mods while indoors." He reiterated the already established punishment unnecessarily, only serving to make the others eyes brighten further. Before another argument could break out, something rather odd and overly static came over one of their monitors. They distinctly heard the now familiar voice of Ratchet and were prepared to ignore it as always (as ratchet was hardly a threat to either of them)when they heard a few new voices. Now they were listening, drawing close to the monitor that had a crudely drawin picture of Ratchet taped over it. They couldn’t hear too much over the static but what they did hear nearly made both mechs sparks stop.
Cybertron was back online; Optimus Prime was dead and the war was over. Rapshot collapsed onto the couch. He’d defected from the Decepticons in order to aid the Autobots and now… now it was all over? He would have no way to atone for his sins?
Forge had an entirely different reaction to the news. “Well this’ll be bad for business. No wonder we din hear nuthin ‘bout it. They wouldn’t be skite about the prime passin. You a’right mate?” Rapshot didn’t reply. There was some odd noises, possibly voices over the coms again, but it was insanely distorted. Noises followed and both mechs glared at the screens when everything suddenly went dead.
“Whatcha thinks goin on?”
“No idea.”
“We should…check it out. Have a look?”
“Not yet. Keep listening for now.”
The first to return to Starscream was Waspinator, who was ver eager to tell Starscream about his duties. "Waspinator reporting Comman-Er- Lord Star-bot!"Waspinator said shifting into robot mode. He was a surprisingly small Insecticon, being only about Starscream's height. The wasp head of his Altmode split and became his shoulders, with the Abdomen going into the upperback. Unlike a normal Insecticon his wings were still visible, but he couldn't fly. "I would prefer Lord Starscream. Not Lord Star-bot, Waspinator"Starscream said in an irritated tone, not looking at the insecticon. Waspinator made a mental note about this. "Waspinator's look out for Savage Terror Scraplets was a success!"Waspinator said giving a salute. "Look out for what?"Starscream asked turning. By now Skywarp and Thundercracker had arrived, with Thundercracker giving a wink to Starscream regarding the "creature" Waspinator kept "watch" for. "Ah yes, Savage Terror Scraplets. You have done well Waspinator. Now please, return to your post."Starscream ordered. The insecticon gave a quick salute before shifting into bug mode and buzzing off. "So I assume your mission was a success?"Starscream asked. "Yeah, Ship blew up, only like five survivors."Skywarp said triumphantly. "There were survivors?!"Starscream asked. Skywarp's expression changed from one of pride to one of fear. "Uh... yeah but like I said Starscream, there's only like five, and they're probably just scouts."Skywarp said trying to turn his leaders mood around. Starscream grabbed Skywarp by his chest plate bringing their faces close. "Need I remind you that a Scout killed our former leader, Megatron?" Starscream asked. "Megatrons fine right now isn't he?" Skywarp asked desperately trying to get on Starscream's good side. "That's besides the point you fool. Unlike Megatron I'm not blessed with the possiblity of revival"Starscream said angrily. "If it is any consolation for the survivors, they didn't seem to be familiar with the land, and I doubt they had been here before due to having Cybertronian Alternative mode. Along with this those five autobots are the only known cybertronians on the planet aside from us, their ship was destroyed, taking all of their troops with it, their Energon supplies, any weapons and their comms. And due to the lack of knowledge on Earth I have no reason to believe any of our Energon mines are in danger"Thundercracker chimed in, trying to make Skywarp's situation better. "If this comes back to btie us in the tailpipe you will regret letting them live, Skywapr."Starscream said. "I think itm ight be best if we left."Thundercracker said, heading off deeper into the hsip. Skywarp nodded and quickly followed.
On the ground an odd Cybertronian Vehicle was zipping about. It was green and purple, and resembled a motorcycle. Thankfully no one had seen it. It stopped near Rapshot and Forge's Lair. He stopped and transformed when he noticed the entrance. He readied his weapon and closed his face plate. He headed to the lair, checking the area constantly, before entering the lair.
"Do you know if there were any other survivors of your ship wreck?"Ratchet asked. "Hound said something about a few getting off the ship before it blew but he didn't know who it was and assumed they were scouts."Ironhide responded. "He didn't describe them so I don't know if they were autobot troopers or not. But hopefu-"."I think you have some kind of pest infestation."Blurr interrupted walking up to Ratchet and Ironhide. "Put me down!"Agent Fowler ordered the blue bot. "What is that?"Ironhide asked. "That's a human. Blurr put him down, gently please"Ratchet said in a n annoyed tone. Blurr obliged setting Fowler on the ground. "Where on Earth did they come from?"Fowler asked indicating Blurr and Ironhide. "They just arrived. I assure you they won't cause any trouble Agent Fowler."Ratchet said. "Hey, Ratchet, we need a Ground Bridge."Jazz rang in on the Comms. Ratchet activated the Ground Bridge. Out of the Green portal came Jazz, having scanned a very expensive sports car, Prowl, who took a police car as his alt. mode, and finally Hound who was in the form of a alrge Military Hummer. "Wait there's more of them here?"Fowler asked."Yes. I believe they were responding to Optimus' Invitation correct?" Ratchet asked. "Yeah. Speaking of the big red and blue rig, where is he? Haven't seen him in ages."Jazz said. "You didn't tell him?"Ironhide asked Prowl. "Oh I'm sorry, I was not informed that a damaged Ship crashing on the planet bellow was a good time to discuss an autobot's death"Prowl replied. "Wait, what? What happened to Optimus?"Jazz asked. "He's dead." Ratchet responded, looking at the ground. "He died when he restoring the Allspark"He added. Jazz didn't respond, being visibly upset by the news. "Well Blurr and I are off to get Alt. Modes"Ironhide said after a few moments of silence. Ironhide activated the ground bridge before leaving, with Blurr following not too far behind.
On the ground an odd Cybertronian Vehicle was zipping about. It was green and purple, and resembled a motorcycle. Thankfully no one had seen it. It stopped near Rapshot and Forge's Lair. He stopped and transformed when he noticed the entrance. He readied his weapon and closed his face plate. He headed to the lair, checking the area constantly, before entering the lair.
"Do you know if there were any other survivors of your ship wreck?"Ratchet asked. "Hound said something about a few getting off the ship before it blew but he didn't know who it was and assumed they were scouts."Ironhide responded. "He didn't describe them so I don't know if they were autobot troopers or not. But hopefu-"."I think you have some kind of pest infestation."Blurr interrupted walking up to Ratchet and Ironhide. "Put me down!"Agent Fowler ordered the blue bot. "What is that?"Ironhide asked. "That's a human. Blurr put him down, gently please"Ratchet said in a n annoyed tone. Blurr obliged setting Fowler on the ground. "Where on Earth did they come from?"Fowler asked indicating Blurr and Ironhide. "They just arrived. I assure you they won't cause any trouble Agent Fowler."Ratchet said. "Hey, Ratchet, we need a Ground Bridge."Jazz rang in on the Comms. Ratchet activated the Ground Bridge. Out of the Green portal came Jazz, having scanned a very expensive sports car, Prowl, who took a police car as his alt. mode, and finally Hound who was in the form of a alrge Military Hummer. "Wait there's more of them here?"Fowler asked."Yes. I believe they were responding to Optimus' Invitation correct?" Ratchet asked. "Yeah. Speaking of the big red and blue rig, where is he? Haven't seen him in ages."Jazz said. "You didn't tell him?"Ironhide asked Prowl. "Oh I'm sorry, I was not informed that a damaged Ship crashing on the planet bellow was a good time to discuss an autobot's death"Prowl replied. "Wait, what? What happened to Optimus?"Jazz asked. "He's dead." Ratchet responded, looking at the ground. "He died when he restoring the Allspark"He added. Jazz didn't respond, being visibly upset by the news. "Well Blurr and I are off to get Alt. Modes"Ironhide said after a few moments of silence. Ironhide activated the ground bridge before leaving, with Blurr following not too far behind.
kaili, grocery store
sirens were blaring from the police car racing toward the place of alarm, armed robbers held many hostages in an grocery store. recently having left 'school' for the day, Kaili (in her human form) was trying understand the usage of numbers in words, such as 'n3rdi0s', or 'p0p-carps'. the grocery store was normally safe, inconspicuous for a robot built to take orders/ kill bogeys/ enhance capabilities/ 'leach' new ones, and a number of other functions to be running around in a grocery store to learn the alphabet and sentence structures, or school to learn social behaviors. at least from the agents in suits armed to the teeth to fight Kaili. the sound of a cocking gun echos from right, two inches from Kaili's head, "now wat part of get yo butt wit the other fools you don't understand, fool?" the thug demanded. Kaili looked over at the thug, then scanned the premise. 5 total. to kill them is to alert not only the other humans, but the ones armed to fight her. however, allowing the situation to play out in the manner it is head, the probability with the police arrival might end with many fatalities. the thug reached for kaili's arm when in a single movement, his index finger was jammed into the barrel of his gun. "wat the. . " the thug started mumbling profanities under his breath as he attempted to free his finger of the gun barrel without firing it. two of the other robbers came to the sounds of hushed frustrations. leaving one of the robbers to watch the hostages, and the other to watch the entrance they have made in the wall, which was partially sealed by their truck. driven by the chance of escape and the sight of distraction, the closest hostage, an elder man with an old army hat, struck the last robber standing guard out cold. as some of the other hostages took this chance to run and get help, the next closest hostage, an elder women, grabbed the robbers gun and handed it to the elderly man, "go get'em, dear". "yo, bro, HOW you gitjour finger, stuck in the barrel?" one of the robbers questioned the first thug. "i don't know, help me get my finger out, man," replied the thug worriedly.the second robber who went with the first robber that is helping his thug friend pull his finger out of the barrel, had his gun pulled on kaili. "you move, i shoot" he stated. the elderly man snuck up one the robber helping his 'idiot' friend remove his finger out of the barrel of his gun, and pistol-whipped him. a meaty arm wrapped around kaili's neck, both the elderly man, and the robber had a gun pulled each-other, "man, i thought none of you were armed" the robber kept switching the gun back and forward between the old man, and kaili's head. kaili grabbed the hand the robber was holding the gun with, dislocated his arm, and proceeded to shoot both the thug with his finger stuck, and the robber who was pistol-whipped in the arm and leg. then turned the gun down-ward and shot the robber who was holding her in the foot. the elderly man looked around, then before he had a chance, the elderly women was calling for him to which he responded quickly. kaili took the chance to slip away before law enforcement arrived, one of the police proceed to ram their car into the back of the truck to prevent escape.
sirens were blaring from the police car racing toward the place of alarm, armed robbers held many hostages in an grocery store. recently having left 'school' for the day, Kaili (in her human form) was trying understand the usage of numbers in words, such as 'n3rdi0s', or 'p0p-carps'. the grocery store was normally safe, inconspicuous for a robot built to take orders/ kill bogeys/ enhance capabilities/ 'leach' new ones, and a number of other functions to be running around in a grocery store to learn the alphabet and sentence structures, or school to learn social behaviors. at least from the agents in suits armed to the teeth to fight Kaili. the sound of a cocking gun echos from right, two inches from Kaili's head, "now wat part of get yo butt wit the other fools you don't understand, fool?" the thug demanded. Kaili looked over at the thug, then scanned the premise. 5 total. to kill them is to alert not only the other humans, but the ones armed to fight her. however, allowing the situation to play out in the manner it is head, the probability with the police arrival might end with many fatalities. the thug reached for kaili's arm when in a single movement, his index finger was jammed into the barrel of his gun. "wat the. . " the thug started mumbling profanities under his breath as he attempted to free his finger of the gun barrel without firing it. two of the other robbers came to the sounds of hushed frustrations. leaving one of the robbers to watch the hostages, and the other to watch the entrance they have made in the wall, which was partially sealed by their truck. driven by the chance of escape and the sight of distraction, the closest hostage, an elder man with an old army hat, struck the last robber standing guard out cold. as some of the other hostages took this chance to run and get help, the next closest hostage, an elder women, grabbed the robbers gun and handed it to the elderly man, "go get'em, dear". "yo, bro, HOW you gitjour finger, stuck in the barrel?" one of the robbers questioned the first thug. "i don't know, help me get my finger out, man," replied the thug worriedly.the second robber who went with the first robber that is helping his thug friend pull his finger out of the barrel, had his gun pulled on kaili. "you move, i shoot" he stated. the elderly man snuck up one the robber helping his 'idiot' friend remove his finger out of the barrel of his gun, and pistol-whipped him. a meaty arm wrapped around kaili's neck, both the elderly man, and the robber had a gun pulled each-other, "man, i thought none of you were armed" the robber kept switching the gun back and forward between the old man, and kaili's head. kaili grabbed the hand the robber was holding the gun with, dislocated his arm, and proceeded to shoot both the thug with his finger stuck, and the robber who was pistol-whipped in the arm and leg. then turned the gun down-ward and shot the robber who was holding her in the foot. the elderly man looked around, then before he had a chance, the elderly women was calling for him to which he responded quickly. kaili took the chance to slip away before law enforcement arrived, one of the police proceed to ram their car into the back of the truck to prevent escape.
Outside in the parking lot was a purple muscle car. The police, Robbers, and civilians were unaware of it's true nature. A young girl, between 16 and 18 got out, her eyes quickly flashing red before becoming blue. "Ugh... can't believe you're making me do this Drone...."Alexia grumbled. She'd much rather be on the nemesis, doing any work Starscream would give her. Unfortunately according to Thundercracker she needed to "Learn how to socialize with humans with out coming off as a sociopath" which was, apparantly, a very common thing amongst the decepticon ranks. Alexia noticed the robbers and the results of their attempted robbery. She chuckled a bit seeing them get their butts handed to them by an old man and seemingly a human not much older than she was modeled to look. She figured she'd wait and finish the robbers off. If they got beaten by an obsolete model in the form of the old man, they deserved to get their sparks snuffed... if humans had Sparks that is.
kaili, grocery store
seeing the old couple kiss seemed. . . refreshing, and a prefect distraction to slip away. other than the old man, and the few robbers, the other humans were oblivious that kaili was even present in the store when the attempted robbery occurred. then, the sound censors picked up a siren that wailed in a frequency similar to that of the ambulance, them. lucky, the parking lot was filling up with people, some in vans with microphones, some with small phones. some of them were even talking bout the thug who index finger was jammed into the barrel of the gun he had, assuming it was his doing. they finally arrived at the grocery store to "assist" the police, by helping themselves finding AI unit 3888, advertising it as a rouge killer robot among themselves. so far, they seem oblivious of the new name kaili. lucky for being slightly shorter than the majority of the young adult humans, she blended in with the leaving groups. a purple car seemed to have caught her 'eye', its side view mirrors kept glancing back and forward in a calm manner. as if watching the events unfold. then, it seemed they locked "eyes" in the manner of trying to figure out who or, what was the other. then, the sound of their machines beeping at people and cars alike, eye contact was broken, and kaili was able to seemingly 'disappear' from the area. walking towards the area, where a 3 year old human dubbed it as the 'pew pew twee' the sound of a car, truck, bike, or some other with wheels running over loose pebbles echoed from behind. then the sound of clanking metal, transformation?
seeing the old couple kiss seemed. . . refreshing, and a prefect distraction to slip away. other than the old man, and the few robbers, the other humans were oblivious that kaili was even present in the store when the attempted robbery occurred. then, the sound censors picked up a siren that wailed in a frequency similar to that of the ambulance, them. lucky, the parking lot was filling up with people, some in vans with microphones, some with small phones. some of them were even talking bout the thug who index finger was jammed into the barrel of the gun he had, assuming it was his doing. they finally arrived at the grocery store to "assist" the police, by helping themselves finding AI unit 3888, advertising it as a rouge killer robot among themselves. so far, they seem oblivious of the new name kaili. lucky for being slightly shorter than the majority of the young adult humans, she blended in with the leaving groups. a purple car seemed to have caught her 'eye', its side view mirrors kept glancing back and forward in a calm manner. as if watching the events unfold. then, it seemed they locked "eyes" in the manner of trying to figure out who or, what was the other. then, the sound of their machines beeping at people and cars alike, eye contact was broken, and kaili was able to seemingly 'disappear' from the area. walking towards the area, where a 3 year old human dubbed it as the 'pew pew twee' the sound of a car, truck, bike, or some other with wheels running over loose pebbles echoed from behind. then the sound of clanking metal, transformation?
Cadence groaned, she was stuck inside the house by herself...again...she had been alone for what seemed like hours...maybe even days... She didn't even know if it was an exaggeration because it had been so long...lonely.... Her granny and grandad had gone out to do something, she didn't know what. Oh well....
She slumped into the sofa pillow and let out another groan, she tried turning over but that didn't work either...
She sat up with a sigh, her arms flailing out in exasperation " I give up!! "
She hopped off the sofa and went over to the front window, there appeared to be somewhat of a commotion going outside, a couple of blocks away from her house. Maybe that was where her grandparents went...
She wished she was there... It would be better than being stuck herself....alone....
She growled and kicked the table angrilly, she then sat down on the sofa and hissed in pain. Maybe kicking the table wasn't the best idea after all...she now had a throbbing pain in her foot...
She rolled her eyes and slumped back onto the sofa again... Then an idea came to her.
She went into the kitchen and climbed onto a stool so she could reach the window sill, a plant stood in a clay pot, only a couple of inches high. She had been growing it for a while now, it was a small cacti.
She had looked after it very well, it was taking a while to grow, but she didn't care. It reminded cadence a bit like herself....after all she wasn't exactly tall for a 10 year old...
Filling up a small jug with water, cadence proceeded to water the cacti.
She wondered if miko was having a good time at school or not, it made her annoyed to think of the fact that they got to learn...and she was stuck here....again....because she was Ill........great.
She slumped into the sofa pillow and let out another groan, she tried turning over but that didn't work either...
She sat up with a sigh, her arms flailing out in exasperation " I give up!! "
She hopped off the sofa and went over to the front window, there appeared to be somewhat of a commotion going outside, a couple of blocks away from her house. Maybe that was where her grandparents went...
She wished she was there... It would be better than being stuck herself....alone....
She growled and kicked the table angrilly, she then sat down on the sofa and hissed in pain. Maybe kicking the table wasn't the best idea after all...she now had a throbbing pain in her foot...
She rolled her eyes and slumped back onto the sofa again... Then an idea came to her.
She went into the kitchen and climbed onto a stool so she could reach the window sill, a plant stood in a clay pot, only a couple of inches high. She had been growing it for a while now, it was a small cacti.
She had looked after it very well, it was taking a while to grow, but she didn't care. It reminded cadence a bit like herself....after all she wasn't exactly tall for a 10 year old...
Filling up a small jug with water, cadence proceeded to water the cacti.
She wondered if miko was having a good time at school or not, it made her annoyed to think of the fact that they got to learn...and she was stuck here....again....because she was Ill........great.
Alexia noticed the Robbers handcuffed, thankfully with the police away from them. She smirked, with her skin seeming to split before the epdiarmal plates of her alt. mode shifted and changed, eventually she was in her robots mode. Her arm shifted aswell, becoming a standard blaster. Alexia aimed it, preparing to fire, before recalling her arm back into hiding when a police officer and one of the men looking for Kaili approached the robbers.
kaili, parks (near grocery store)
scanners indicate multiple energy readings, clustered around the building in formation. undoubtedly, they came with other AI units, similar to using infant humans as bait. censors also indicated spikes in the energy readings equally spaced from one spike to the next, they are linked together, and using each other to widen the range of their scanners, doing this does not require physical contact, however, require a vast amount of energy focused on maintaining virtual contact. so far, unit 3888 was the only AI unit that malfunctioned, their scientist ran specs the hours following AI unit 3888 sudden disappearance of the radar, although kaili may no longer be able to 'link' with the others, she has significantly surpassed them, due to many encounters with both cons and bots in battle of 'leaching' their abilities and equipment functionality. two other energy signals were picked up as well, could easily be anything at this point, however the risk of capture is too great to return at all, little alone, to investigate.
random old couple, grocery store
the old married couple finally got pass the hoards of young folk, belongings in hand, including some medicine the owner gave them for what they did, thanking them for their heroic efforts, along with thanking law enforcement for catching the robbers. after the old man had shaken the hand of the store owner, they walked off to their old car that smelled like old people, with a few groceries in hand, and the medicine that would help their grandchild recover faster. "no, i dont talk to no cop," one of the robbers snarled bitterly. the old man over heard them, "kids these days", he said disappointingly "hopefully, they'll find their way again as men" the elderly woman suggested. they looked at each other, back at the group of robbers, the back towards each other again, "nope" they agreed. "well, they'll just have headbutt the wall a few more times until they become willing to work honestly." the elderly man replied as he opened the door for his (sweet young thing) wife who kissed him before taking a seat. he then shut the door after her when she was inside the car, then took to the driver's side before heading home.
robber/agents/ambulance people, grocery store
"OK, then how did YOU manage to jam your finger into the barrel of your gun?" the agent asked in a condescending like manner. "i dont know," the thug (beginning to believe that it truly was his own doing) "cuz im STREET like that!" the medical examiner looked at the damages to his appendages, in order to save his hand, he'll have to amputate the index finger, since the attempt to remove the gun will put both the patient, and the whole populace that will be present at the hospital at high risk. other injuries included a shattered tibia (leg/shin) with the bullet still embedded inside the leg tissue. the other robbers injuries included a minor concussion, broken metatarsals (one of the middle bones in foot), a broken humerus (part of arm that connects lower arm/elbow, to shoulder/rest of body) in which the bullet ripped strait though, and a dislocated shoulder and elbow.
one of the robbers looked up at the agent and said,
scanners indicate multiple energy readings, clustered around the building in formation. undoubtedly, they came with other AI units, similar to using infant humans as bait. censors also indicated spikes in the energy readings equally spaced from one spike to the next, they are linked together, and using each other to widen the range of their scanners, doing this does not require physical contact, however, require a vast amount of energy focused on maintaining virtual contact. so far, unit 3888 was the only AI unit that malfunctioned, their scientist ran specs the hours following AI unit 3888 sudden disappearance of the radar, although kaili may no longer be able to 'link' with the others, she has significantly surpassed them, due to many encounters with both cons and bots in battle of 'leaching' their abilities and equipment functionality. two other energy signals were picked up as well, could easily be anything at this point, however the risk of capture is too great to return at all, little alone, to investigate.
random old couple, grocery store
the old married couple finally got pass the hoards of young folk, belongings in hand, including some medicine the owner gave them for what they did, thanking them for their heroic efforts, along with thanking law enforcement for catching the robbers. after the old man had shaken the hand of the store owner, they walked off to their old car that smelled like old people, with a few groceries in hand, and the medicine that would help their grandchild recover faster. "no, i dont talk to no cop," one of the robbers snarled bitterly. the old man over heard them, "kids these days", he said disappointingly "hopefully, they'll find their way again as men" the elderly woman suggested. they looked at each other, back at the group of robbers, the back towards each other again, "nope" they agreed. "well, they'll just have headbutt the wall a few more times until they become willing to work honestly." the elderly man replied as he opened the door for his (sweet young thing) wife who kissed him before taking a seat. he then shut the door after her when she was inside the car, then took to the driver's side before heading home.
robber/agents/ambulance people, grocery store
"OK, then how did YOU manage to jam your finger into the barrel of your gun?" the agent asked in a condescending like manner. "i dont know," the thug (beginning to believe that it truly was his own doing) "cuz im STREET like that!" the medical examiner looked at the damages to his appendages, in order to save his hand, he'll have to amputate the index finger, since the attempt to remove the gun will put both the patient, and the whole populace that will be present at the hospital at high risk. other injuries included a shattered tibia (leg/shin) with the bullet still embedded inside the leg tissue. the other robbers injuries included a minor concussion, broken metatarsals (one of the middle bones in foot), a broken humerus (part of arm that connects lower arm/elbow, to shoulder/rest of body) in which the bullet ripped strait though, and a dislocated shoulder and elbow.
one of the robbers looked up at the agent and said,
Oop: As a suggestion could we try listing off the location and character we are currently using?(Ex. Bumblebee, Iacon)
Alexia, Grocery store
Alexia watched with contempt as the Robbers were questioned. She truly wanted to fire at them. But she knew how much Starscream would like such an action and decided against it. Her epidermal plates re formed, slowly closing over her robotic form, again looking human. She glared at the Robbers before leaving. "Primus, why do humans have to flock to these incidents?"Alexia asked herself angrily, stomping back to the purple car. She got in on the passenger's seat, and angrily looked out the window at the store. "I think I picked up another Pretender."The Vehicon chimed in. "What?"Alexia asked. "I said I think I found a new Pretender."It repeated. "Autobot or Decepticon?"Alexia asked. "Not sure. Either way we should be going now. Starting to feel uncomfortable around all these fleshlings, plus recently got word of a group of Autobots, Starscream's going to want an investigation into the bots and unfortunately I'm Intel, so I should be getting back to the Dreadnaught"The Vehicon said starting up, creating a hologram in the driver's seat, and driving off.
Alexia, Grocery store
Alexia watched with contempt as the Robbers were questioned. She truly wanted to fire at them. But she knew how much Starscream would like such an action and decided against it. Her epidermal plates re formed, slowly closing over her robotic form, again looking human. She glared at the Robbers before leaving. "Primus, why do humans have to flock to these incidents?"Alexia asked herself angrily, stomping back to the purple car. She got in on the passenger's seat, and angrily looked out the window at the store. "I think I picked up another Pretender."The Vehicon chimed in. "What?"Alexia asked. "I said I think I found a new Pretender."It repeated. "Autobot or Decepticon?"Alexia asked. "Not sure. Either way we should be going now. Starting to feel uncomfortable around all these fleshlings, plus recently got word of a group of Autobots, Starscream's going to want an investigation into the bots and unfortunately I'm Intel, so I should be getting back to the Dreadnaught"The Vehicon said starting up, creating a hologram in the driver's seat, and driving off.
Oop: using the suggestion sketch made, ive applied as an experiment to all the replies i made so far. in my opinion, it's easier to keep track, more organized, and it seems easier for newer people to make placement/keep up with each character and current setting.
kaili, neighborhood via 1 level (outside of park premises: 3 Km from grocery store)
finally reached outside the detainment area of their temporary patrol area. if they cannot locate AI unit 3888 before 0400, they will have to pull out of the area to prevent suspicion from cons, bots, and civilian alike. only the military may know, on 'need-to-know' bases, the police will just gain very vague, generalized hints, if not bended truths. funny how superior they believe themselves to be. turning around to look at the grocery store, kaili notice 2 robots with red emblems shoulders/chest plate, and quite a number of purple robots with purple emblems on their shoulders/chest plate, non of them resembled the two previous 'blimps' from the grocery store parking lot, since those two peeled out and left into the other direction from kaili (according to far ranged scanners). turning around to look at the nearest home wear a life sign was detected, a child was peering out of the window. turning back around to check the area where the bots and cons were . . . . scrap, they've notice kaili.
old couple, street
the drive home was very calming, just the fact that they were able to have lived though that ordeal was a blessing, now they need to reach home. "dear?" the elderly woman called for the old man's attention to blaster and explosion could be heard and seem in the distance, the same general area here not only the house was, but their grandchild whom was ill was still waiting for them. the old man remembered his son at the war, then stomped the gas, not again. he ripped into the drive way and into the garage, and saw a familiar face from earlier, motioning him to get inside the his and his wife's home as she lure the cons away from them with rocks,while the bots were yelling at her to get away. "im getting too old for this" the old man said as he shut the garage door. although he wanted to go out there and get that crazy teenager out of there, he knew that would only endanger his wife and grandchild if he gained the cons attention. hating how he can only wish her luck.
kaili, neighborhood via 1 level
how in blazes did the elderly man drove in the manner he did both without alerting the cons, or crashing into his home was beyond kaili right now. blasters should easily nullify the cons, little lone kill them, but with them being so close, kaili could not, can not risk drawing attention, thus dismantling the humans who saw her of their freedom, or losing her own. lucky, she was still in human form, obviously from their reaction, both cons and bots believe she is to be human as well(due to a recently obtained understanding and newly built ability achieved, her robotic blimp is cloaked). but because of this, throwing rocks at the cons, to lure them away from civilian homes was the only way she can protect them from the cons, the missed shots from the bots, and them.
kaili, neighborhood via 1 level (outside of park premises: 3 Km from grocery store)
finally reached outside the detainment area of their temporary patrol area. if they cannot locate AI unit 3888 before 0400, they will have to pull out of the area to prevent suspicion from cons, bots, and civilian alike. only the military may know, on 'need-to-know' bases, the police will just gain very vague, generalized hints, if not bended truths. funny how superior they believe themselves to be. turning around to look at the grocery store, kaili notice 2 robots with red emblems shoulders/chest plate, and quite a number of purple robots with purple emblems on their shoulders/chest plate, non of them resembled the two previous 'blimps' from the grocery store parking lot, since those two peeled out and left into the other direction from kaili (according to far ranged scanners). turning around to look at the nearest home wear a life sign was detected, a child was peering out of the window. turning back around to check the area where the bots and cons were . . . . scrap, they've notice kaili.
old couple, street
the drive home was very calming, just the fact that they were able to have lived though that ordeal was a blessing, now they need to reach home. "dear?" the elderly woman called for the old man's attention to blaster and explosion could be heard and seem in the distance, the same general area here not only the house was, but their grandchild whom was ill was still waiting for them. the old man remembered his son at the war, then stomped the gas, not again. he ripped into the drive way and into the garage, and saw a familiar face from earlier, motioning him to get inside the his and his wife's home as she lure the cons away from them with rocks,while the bots were yelling at her to get away. "im getting too old for this" the old man said as he shut the garage door. although he wanted to go out there and get that crazy teenager out of there, he knew that would only endanger his wife and grandchild if he gained the cons attention. hating how he can only wish her luck.
kaili, neighborhood via 1 level
how in blazes did the elderly man drove in the manner he did both without alerting the cons, or crashing into his home was beyond kaili right now. blasters should easily nullify the cons, little lone kill them, but with them being so close, kaili could not, can not risk drawing attention, thus dismantling the humans who saw her of their freedom, or losing her own. lucky, she was still in human form, obviously from their reaction, both cons and bots believe she is to be human as well(due to a recently obtained understanding and newly built ability achieved, her robotic blimp is cloaked). but because of this, throwing rocks at the cons, to lure them away from civilian homes was the only way she can protect them from the cons, the missed shots from the bots, and them.
Miko walked to the scale park with jack and raf,
She let out a groan " Ugh, I don't know about you guys but I'm exhausted "
Raf gave her a funny look " I don't see why, we've only been walking a couple of minutes "
Jack chuckled " the pe teacher made her run 10 laps around the yard because she kicked his coffee over "
Miko let her arms fly out, exasperated " hey it's not my fault! He was totally asking for it! "
Jack raised an eyebrow " he asked you to move the hockey sticks back into the equipment room "
Miko put her hands on her hips " aha and what where you doing throughout maths huh? Watching me get my butt kicked?? "
Raf looked between the two " I have no idea what's going on here "
Jack turned to the small boy, " miko got told off by her teacher because she wouldn't do something he asked her to do "
" he asked me to do more than that " miko huffed quietly.
Jack opened the gate to the park and let the two go inside before following and shutting it. Miko promptly sat down on a stone step and stared at the Tarmac.
She let out a groan " Ugh, I don't know about you guys but I'm exhausted "
Raf gave her a funny look " I don't see why, we've only been walking a couple of minutes "
Jack chuckled " the pe teacher made her run 10 laps around the yard because she kicked his coffee over "
Miko let her arms fly out, exasperated " hey it's not my fault! He was totally asking for it! "
Jack raised an eyebrow " he asked you to move the hockey sticks back into the equipment room "
Miko put her hands on her hips " aha and what where you doing throughout maths huh? Watching me get my butt kicked?? "
Raf looked between the two " I have no idea what's going on here "
Jack turned to the small boy, " miko got told off by her teacher because she wouldn't do something he asked her to do "
" he asked me to do more than that " miko huffed quietly.
Jack opened the gate to the park and let the two go inside before following and shutting it. Miko promptly sat down on a stone step and stared at the Tarmac.
( please let me know if that's okay, I need to know if I got the characters right or not )
Oop: You're good caramel And Okami, I'm assuming the cons are at a different park then Miko, Raf, and Jack.
Alexia, scale park
"I still don't understand this human interaction thing..."Alexia said. "Hey, starscream's orders. Not mine. If I was incharge of what you were doing I'd have you bust into the human governments." The Vehicon said, before booting Alexia outside. "And remember, no blasters"He said before driving off. "Jerk..."
Blurr and Ironhide, Roadside
"Okay, so what kind of vehicles they got o nthis planet?"Ironhide asked peeking out from the cover of a large boulder. Blurr shrugged, peeking out aswell. After a while Blurr noticed a car speeding down the road. He scanned it, quickly shifting into the form of a blue Venom GT. "I think I like this alt. mode"Blurr said. "Yeah, yeah, yeah"Ironhide said not paying much attention. His optics were caught by a large black vehicle. Looked like it could take a few poundings and hit a few of the smaller cars. He scanned it, shifting into the form of a red and Knight XV. "Ratchet, ground bridge us back!"Ironhide said, pleased with his alt. mode.
Oop: ALSO Here's an image of Blurr's and Ironhide's alt modes
Alexia, scale park
"I still don't understand this human interaction thing..."Alexia said. "Hey, starscream's orders. Not mine. If I was incharge of what you were doing I'd have you bust into the human governments." The Vehicon said, before booting Alexia outside. "And remember, no blasters"He said before driving off. "Jerk..."
Blurr and Ironhide, Roadside
"Okay, so what kind of vehicles they got o nthis planet?"Ironhide asked peeking out from the cover of a large boulder. Blurr shrugged, peeking out aswell. After a while Blurr noticed a car speeding down the road. He scanned it, quickly shifting into the form of a blue Venom GT. "I think I like this alt. mode"Blurr said. "Yeah, yeah, yeah"Ironhide said not paying much attention. His optics were caught by a large black vehicle. Looked like it could take a few poundings and hit a few of the smaller cars. He scanned it, shifting into the form of a red and Knight XV. "Ratchet, ground bridge us back!"Ironhide said, pleased with his alt. mode.
Oop: ALSO Here's an image of Blurr's and Ironhide's alt modes
Aleia, Scale Park
Alexia noticed Jack, Miko, and Raff in the distance. Her lips quickly curled into a malevolent smile. The trio didn't seem to notice her yet, and she had yet to reveal her true nature to them. She figured she'd get to cover and open fire on them. She figured that if the three were killed Starscream would reward her. She got behind a large tree with her arm shifting into a blaster. She aimed it ready to fire.
Syntheticon, Scale Park
"Sadly we lost track of the android. But, we did locate the children that were helping the Transformers." A Voice said from inside a green muscle car. It was clearly a MECH agent, though surprisingly he was unarmed. He pulled up at the Park that Jack, Raf, and Miko were at. Thankfully the park was nearly empty, save for a few civilians, and even then, who would believe someone when they said they saw a car turn into a robot? The MECH Agent waited to get a visual on the three, already formulating a plan.
Alexia noticed Jack, Miko, and Raff in the distance. Her lips quickly curled into a malevolent smile. The trio didn't seem to notice her yet, and she had yet to reveal her true nature to them. She figured she'd get to cover and open fire on them. She figured that if the three were killed Starscream would reward her. She got behind a large tree with her arm shifting into a blaster. She aimed it ready to fire.
Syntheticon, Scale Park
"Sadly we lost track of the android. But, we did locate the children that were helping the Transformers." A Voice said from inside a green muscle car. It was clearly a MECH agent, though surprisingly he was unarmed. He pulled up at the Park that Jack, Raf, and Miko were at. Thankfully the park was nearly empty, save for a few civilians, and even then, who would believe someone when they said they saw a car turn into a robot? The MECH Agent waited to get a visual on the three, already formulating a plan.
When her nana and grandad came come, the first thing cadence did was rush outside to the scatepark that was just in front of her house. She had seen miko, her friend, jack and Raf go inside and she was desperate to show them Her new rollers scates she had been given not long ago.
" Miko!! " she said enveloping her friend in a hug,
She was responded to quickly, " hey squirt how ya doin? "
" I'm fine thanks, a bit bored to be honest but other than that I'm 100% you look tired are yo-"
A bad sensation ran through her.
She turned around to see a someone stood behind a tree. A woman, her arm was transformed into a cannon.
" uh, guys is that normal? " she gestured to the person.
" Miko!! " she said enveloping her friend in a hug,
She was responded to quickly, " hey squirt how ya doin? "
" I'm fine thanks, a bit bored to be honest but other than that I'm 100% you look tired are yo-"
A bad sensation ran through her.
She turned around to see a someone stood behind a tree. A woman, her arm was transformed into a cannon.
" uh, guys is that normal? " she gestured to the person.
Oop: Oh... Skate park
I read that wrong than 
Alexia, Skate park
Alexia readied to fire when she spotted a car drivign by. She quickly deactivated her blaster and tried to remain hidden.
Syntheticon, Skate Park
"Visual contact made. Moving in for the kill." The Agent said. The car he was in quickly shifted, parts moving around, other parts forming from the car. By the time the transformation was done, a large Cybertronian had been formed.


Alexia, Skate park
Alexia readied to fire when she spotted a car drivign by. She quickly deactivated her blaster and tried to remain hidden.
Syntheticon, Skate Park
"Visual contact made. Moving in for the kill." The Agent said. The car he was in quickly shifted, parts moving around, other parts forming from the car. By the time the transformation was done, a large Cybertronian had been formed.
Miko looked up at where the small girl was gesturing. A decepticon, her arm transformed into a blaster that was powering up and getting ready to fire. Then it stopped and transformed its arm back again, but danger was still there.
" ooooh crud... "
Raft and jacks attention turned also,
" DECEPTICON! RUN! " miko shouted alerting her friends,
" what's a- " cadence started
" RUN!! " she grabbed cadence hand, the boys following behind quickly.
They made their way out of the scatepark and into the parking lot where they made their way into some old abandoned buildings nearby.
" ooooh crud... "
Raft and jacks attention turned also,
" DECEPTICON! RUN! " miko shouted alerting her friends,
" what's a- " cadence started
" RUN!! " she grabbed cadence hand, the boys following behind quickly.
They made their way out of the scatepark and into the parking lot where they made their way into some old abandoned buildings nearby.
Syntheticon and Alexia, Skate park area
Alexia remained hidden but the MECH agent followed after them. His blaster activated and he fired off several shots at the small group. "Ah scrap!"Jack exclaimed avoiding the blaster fire. "Okay, we need to get Ratchet out here, or a ground bridge or something!"He said getting his phone out. He called Ratchet, waiting for the old Mech to respond. "Yes, what is it Jack? I hope it's important, as I'm very busy right now"Ratchet answered. "There's two Decepticons at the Skate Park!"Jack said. "Decepticons?!"Ratchet asked surprised.
Oop: I'll get it for ya
Alexia remained hidden but the MECH agent followed after them. His blaster activated and he fired off several shots at the small group. "Ah scrap!"Jack exclaimed avoiding the blaster fire. "Okay, we need to get Ratchet out here, or a ground bridge or something!"He said getting his phone out. He called Ratchet, waiting for the old Mech to respond. "Yes, what is it Jack? I hope it's important, as I'm very busy right now"Ratchet answered. "There's two Decepticons at the Skate Park!"Jack said. "Decepticons?!"Ratchet asked surprised.
Oop: I'll get it for ya