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Wildstrike, Tarn/Shockwave's lab

A Seeker jet was soaring through the skies of Tarn, banking around buildings, blasting through holes and archways. The streets bellow were swarming with insecticons with a few assorted Predacons. A clear sign that Shockwave was back in control of the city. The Jet landed, shifting into the form of Wildstrike. He landed on the ground with a clank. Two insecticons approached. Unlike the ones Airachnid had under her control, these insecticons were modified by shockwave, taking the form of life-forms he'd studied on Earth. "I have an appointment with Shockwave. Stand down."Wildstrike said to the bugs. The two looked at each other, before aiming their blasters at Wildtrike. A few moments later a cybertronian Tank, small car, and large truck arrived, shifting into robot-mode. They all had a faces that resembled varying types of vehicon. "I said I have an appointment, stand down."Wildstrike said. The two insecticons backed up, being out numbered, and partially out powered with the presence of the tank. Wildstrike walked into the building they were guarding. It was the same courthouse he was nearly executed in. He remembered tearing the spark of the executioner, Lockshaft, out and claiming the autobot's sword. After Shockwave took over the city it was converted into a laboratory. "What are you doing here Wilstrike...strike...strike?"A voice called. Wildstrike looked up seeing Kickback hopping about, eventually making his way to the ground. "Like I told your dumb guards, I have an appointment with Shockwave."Wildstrike explained. "Well then, follow me."The insecticon said turning to lead Wildstrike to Shockwave. Unbeknownst to the pair, Arcee and Bulkhead were in the building aswell, having arrived a short while before Wildstrike. Thankfully the two went unseen by Shockwave's cameras, and Kickback.

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Massive power fluctuations of energon echoed the closer they got to the laboratory. Several large quanties of energon containers laid neatly in stacked piles awaiting to be used for any purpose it's owner saw fit. The path then led into a hallway which at first was just plain metal walls but soon revealed an incredible sight of rows upon rows of cloning tubes which housed several different forms of creatures and afew had badly damaged cybertronians. The hallway then led to a massive room when shockwave was working on his experiments. Several sparks shot off from the table he was working and he kept to his work before saying "Hmmmmm if i attach the energon power converts to the the scanner array i could... no that would be unlogical I need to find a way to mask the signal...." He was so focused on his work that he hardly noticed his new visitors which was also because he didn't hear any laser fire form the nearby guards at the passage way door that led into the labatory
"Master, Wildstrike wishes to speak with you." Kickback said, hopping up ontop of a large series of chords that were coming out of the walls. "Greetings Shockwave." Wildstrike said. His other Chassis were with him, with the 'Heavy' Chassis shaking the ground with ever step it took. "I've seen your work with the Lightning Strike Coalition(Dinobots for those who haven't played the game), as well as your Predacons. I was wanting to be like both. I want to have the sheer power that comes with a beast mode. I would simply scan a Predacon, but for obvious reasons I can't just scan a Predacon and take its form."Wildstrike explained.

sneaking around as if ninjas on the night, arcee and bulkhead, on their mission. bulkhead surprised he has yet blown their cover and revealed their, how ever did not want to 'jinx' them right now. "Master, Wildstrike wishes to speak with you." was heard short, but safe distance from a room not to far away, they stayed hidden to listen for what sounded like a plan, this can give them an advantage.
Arcee and Wildstrike, Shockwave's lab

Arcee listened to Wildstrike's plea. "What did Shockwave do to the Lightning Strike Coalition? Scrap, what could he do with out nearly getting smelted by Grimlock?"Arcee asked Bulkhead, being well aware of Grimlock's famed temper and fighting prowess. Scrap, some even thought Grimlock would easily beat Megatron with little trouble. The rest of the LSC weren't pushovers either. Swoop could give Blurr a run for his money in a race, Sludge and Slug could easily put a pounding on Ultra Magnus and Wheeljack if they wanted, and Snarl wouldn't give up, the bot could've been beaten down into nothing but his spark chamber and legs and he'd keep going.
Shockwave without turning grabbed one of the tools that was about to fall off the table due to the heavy chassis's footsteps before placing it down on the table and turning towards Wildstrike and started walking towards them. Once he was within arms length he looked at him before saying " Wildstrike your idea of simply scanning a Predacon and taking it's form is most illogical. I hypothesized that the Predacon's were brought into this world in their beast forms from what past records and present evidence we possess points towards." He looked at a image of several historic and present imagines of the Predacons on one of the screens before continuing "There is still many experiments that i need to run in order to discover their full abilities, but i for certian know that simply scanning their beast forms is equivalent as trying to scan a cybertronian and expecting you to change into them." He started walking towards his table and picked up several tools before looking at wildstrike and saying "It is true my experiments with the LSC did yeild interesting result but also had some unforeseen consequences..." He lifted his weapon arm while saying "The lost of my left arm is one of many that I personally endured."

He then started to return back to his work before saying " However that being said I will see if it would be possible but not until I am finished with my current project...." Sparks started to fly again as he was working on a strange device.

watch arcee's back while the cons where planing.

Oop: brain went dead XP
Wildstrike and Arcee, Shockwave's lab

"Perhaps there is something I could assist you in?"Wildstrike asked."I could retrieve you some test subjects if you wish."Wildstrike added
Shockwave turned his head to look at wildstrike before saying "Yes you can aid me in 'procuring' test subjects autobots in particular if you can. Preferably alive or barely it does not matter." He finished with the sparks and then picked up a strange looking device and started walking towards one of the consoles in his laboratory. He connected several cables to the device which caused it to light up and began to make several strange noises before Shockwave pressed a button to turn it off and looked towards wildstrike and said "I am finished with my current project for now but i will need test subjects to see if the changes are compatible and will not terminate your spark."
Wildstrike and Arcee, Shockwave's lab

"Ofcourse. I will return when I have captured some autobots my lord."Wildstrike said, having hopped into his 'medium' Chassis. He turned to the exit, with the rest of his bodies following after.

he looked over at arcee, when he looked back, he caught a glimps of an patrol. he looked over to arcee and gave an signal, that a patrol was coming.
Wildstrike and Arcee, Shockwave's lab

"Scrap!"Arcee swore, trying to get into a hiding spot. Wildstrike passed by Bulkhead and Arcee, thankfully not noticing them, and his mindless drones that made up the rest of his bodies certainly didn't notice either.
Once shockwave saw wildstrike leave he returned back to his console and began to open all the information he had regarding wildstrike's request before saying "Hmmm there are many challenges with performing such a task however it is a not task that i cannot do." He began gathering his tools for the coming patients that he would perform his experiments on still not aware of arcee and bulkhead.

poked his head out of the hiding spot, and watches them leave, then signals arcee that they are gone.
Arcee, Shockwave's lab

Arcee nodded, with her arm shifting into a blaster. She peered into the room seeing Shockwave going about his business, with Kickback hopping about the room.

Wildstrike, Outskirts of Tarn

On the outskirts of Tarn, Wildstrike was examining the horizon. He had since jumped into his jet body. "Fan out. Capture any autobots in the best condition that you can."He ordered his drones. Without as much as a nod of acknowledgement, they shifted into vehicle mode and drove off in multiple directions. Wildstrike shifted into Jet mode and flew off.
Shockwave began to use one of the consoles which caused a projection of strange looking machine's schematic to appear which was visible to Arcee. He then began typing on the console which caused several different other icons and ancient symboles to appear as he kept to his work. He turned his head however where he heard the noise of something changing before turning back and saying as he worked "Hmmm my audio amplifiers must need re-calibration.."

bulkhead tripped over his feet, stumbled a little, and got back to a spot against the wall with an 'oh scrap' face. they both looked to see if the fumble alerted shockwave, then breathed a silent sigh of relief, when it looked like he brushed the noise off. bulkhead looked around to see if an patrol was alerted, it was clear, dumb luck.
Arcee Kickback, Shockwave's lab

"CAREFUL!"Arcee whispered. She peeked around the entrance to the lab, seeing the odd schematics. She could tell they were Predacons, though odd ones. Unbeknownst to Bulkhead or Arcee, Kickback had crawled out of the lab, clinging to the ceiling.
Shockwave kept to his work examaining the schematics while talking to himself "Hmmm once i'm able to summon you back my ancient cybertronian then i might be able to improve your systems. Though your armor and weapons though ancient in design is surprising more advance than anything else that i have seen." He pressed a button and the schematics disappeared and changed to a view of cybertron. Before he walked over to another console and began opening records and saying "If everything is as i recall a repeated grimlock's escape will not be possible." He looked back where he thought he heard the noise before slowly closing the console and started to walk towards it before saying "Though mainly the reason for his escape was the result of an outsider's help." He stopped where he was just one step away from spotting the autobot before saying "That is something that i will NOT-" he reached and grabbed an old cable that was just above arcee's head ripping it off before continuing "-have repeated." Before he started to walk back to his table. (basically he didn't see them but was a close call :'D )

he cringed when it looked like arcee was discovered, and breathed a silent breath of relief when it seemed he didnt notice her.