Welcome to the rules. Most of them are the same rules from the last installment of "Under The Blood Moon":
1. Post in narrative paragraph form. No Astericks (*) for action. All thoughts may be either done italicized ( [ i ] & [ / i ]) or with 1 quotation ( ' ).
2. This half goes with rule 1 but please use correct grammar (all your "your"s and "you're"s in the right spots etc) and please refrain from being a grammar nazi on those who do mess up on occasion. As long as we can understand where you are coming from, then you'll be fine. No chat speak (u, r, 2, etc).
3. IMPORTANT CHANGE The RP will be a FORUM POST. It will have no definitive night to sit down and RP as a chat. It is a "post when you can" forum that will need to be checked daily- maybe more.
4. NO Almightier characters. Everyone can die here (doesn't mean you will) and be severely injured. You may have higher beings of a certain species... but even they can be harmed immensely. For more information, seek the Species forum for information on creatures.
5. PLEASE read the species forum before submitting or exercising your character! We don't want to have to the awkward conversation of "you can't do that" in the OOC or an email sent to your inbox after too many "nuh-uh" moves that could result in the bouncing of your character from the storyline. So please, for your sake and mine, read up on the species you plan to make your character in this roleplay.
6. IMPORTANT CHANGE This corresponds with rule 5- there will be no more than 5 of each type of creature. Ex: in vampires there are 3 subspecies- there can only be 5 altrum, 5 glaciem, and 5 aristocrat. Later on, spots may open up for more. But one member WILL NOT have more than 1 in each category.
7. Swearing and sexual confrontations are allowed BUT... please keep it slightly under R. This is an attempt at a mostly tasteful roleplay with loads of thick storyline.
8. HAVE FUN. This is all about having fun and building or expanding your writing skills (hence the paragraph form posting we request). If you ever have any questions, just post something in the Q&A forum.