O.O season six of what? Is this rp gunna be connected to a show that I should have watched to know whats going on?
Lol I don't think so, but the lore will be connected. I posted; though as Remy and Bade under Remy's name.
Lol! okay gotcha it's been a while since I've watched it probably season 3....I think the last time I was watching it and I was babysitting for a friend (who lived in a creepy old house), needless to say my imagination got away from me especially when I was on my way up the stairs to check on the kiddies and the friggin lights blew out. A fuse popped.
me too *prods ebony* hey lady, how's yer post coming
oh, what a lovely mess lol *starts to piece foxy back together* see, good as new...err well nearly
Sorry guys!!!
I'm on it.. right.. now..
I'm on it.. right.. now..
Yay eb posted and someone else. I want to post now, but I won't be able too my youngin is unruly this morning. HOWEVER! there will be post from me before midnight
Are we going to set up some sort of posting order or go all willy nilly? I am going to post again. Im excited for this one; can't you tell?
Posting order pls x.x to many people in it right now to not have one and if we don't I will likely miss something due to multiple posts from the same person because of no order.
Ill have my post up tonight and a posting order if thats what my lovelies require *smiles* For now though.. Im racing off to work.
sounds good ebbie , have a good day at work doll face