Marco ser på hende og lukker afslappet øjnene eftersom hendes hånd i hans hår i den grad er beroliggende. Dog er hans udtryk stadig rimelig alvorlig, men han bekymre sig om hendes sikkerhed. "Something like that... I talked with the police" Det var ikke meningen de skulle indblandes, men tanken om Rosè med en pistol der var efter Anastasia ændrede det. Han hadede han ikke kunne klare det selv, men sådan var det. "We will put a tracker on your phone, at home you are my responsibility... But actually the plan is that you are going to be escorted around by my security chef from work.. He have meet Rosè before, so it is the best.." Han ville ikke diskutere, det var de foranstaltninger der skulle tages i brug indtil noget fik fat i Rosè. Han stryger hende ned af kinden med tommelfingeren, inden han lader den kort glide ned over hendes læber. "But tomorrow we can forget about Rosè for a while.. Because of the company event.." Forklare han optimistisk, og smiler svækket til hende.
Sophie takes a better look at her, before she nods a single time. A dinne with Josie, it would be fun, she is sure of that, it also gives her a much better chance to get to know her. "Well well little lamb.. I'll write my address for you, and then i'll see you tonight." She says with one of her normal smiles, likes she haven't a single worry in the world. She stands up, and before she leaves she places a softly kiss at Josies cheek. She don't care if she finds it intimidating. Sophie does what Sophie wants, even through it aint all the time it's a good idea. She leaves her food, and instead she leaves the dininghall. She don't have time for school. She needs to prepare the dinner. Besides she have no interest in school more for today
Sophie takes a better look at her, before she nods a single time. A dinne with Josie, it would be fun, she is sure of that, it also gives her a much better chance to get to know her. "Well well little lamb.. I'll write my address for you, and then i'll see you tonight." She says with one of her normal smiles, likes she haven't a single worry in the world. She stands up, and before she leaves she places a softly kiss at Josies cheek. She don't care if she finds it intimidating. Sophie does what Sophie wants, even through it aint all the time it's a good idea. She leaves her food, and instead she leaves the dininghall. She don't have time for school. She needs to prepare the dinner. Besides she have no interest in school more for today
Spole ved Sophie og Josie? Skal jeg starte hvor hun ankommer til hendes hjem?
Anastasia ser hans øjne lukkes ved hendes berøring, og det får hende til at smile lidt. Han kunne lide det, og det var alt hvad hun ønskede. Hun fortsætter den blide berøring imens hun lytter til hvad han fortæller hende, og hun rynker panden imens en masse tanker flyver igennem hendes hoved. "At least you are telling me you are putting a tracker on my phone..." Siger hun tænktsomt. Hendes mor gjorde jo det helt modsatte. Og for ingen god grund, er hendes egen mening. Selvom hun finder det lidt for meget, bliver hun nødt til at leve med det. Desuden fortalte han hende det, istedet for at holde det hemmeligt for hende. Han er ikke som hendes mor. Hun lukker kort øjnene i da hun mærker hans berøring mod sin kind, og hun ligger hoved på skrå så hendes kind presses mod hans berøring, hun nyder det fuldt ud. Da hun åbner sine øjne igen lander blikket på hans ansigt, og hun kan ikke lade være med at smile, da han stryger hendes læber. "Yeah...That is true." Siger hun, og tanken er rar.
Josie looks at the paper that Sophie gave her, with her adress on. She has never been on this street before. It's too "rich" here, and she does not know anybody who lives here. Så Sophies family must be rich. That is the only thing she can come up with. She reads the number on a big villa that matches the one on the paper, and she takes a deep breath. She is here. And it is huge. Bigger than she thought it would be. How do they have so many money? The thought of being able to be such a nice place and to eat such great food, makes her a little happier. Although it was a adjustment. She wasn't used to visitting somebody. She never did that. Or, it was a long time ago that she did. She is dressed in a white dress that goes to a little above her knees. A v-neck, and a little tight around the upper body, so it shows her curves. Yeah, she is a curvey girl. Although the dress becomes more loose the longer it goes down. Her hair is for once out and not covered by a hootie, so she shows off her blonde curls. She is wearing black shoes, but they are flat, since she dosen't walk around so well in high heels. With a deep breath she walks towards the door and knocks.
Josie looks at the paper that Sophie gave her, with her adress on. She has never been on this street before. It's too "rich" here, and she does not know anybody who lives here. Så Sophies family must be rich. That is the only thing she can come up with. She reads the number on a big villa that matches the one on the paper, and she takes a deep breath. She is here. And it is huge. Bigger than she thought it would be. How do they have so many money? The thought of being able to be such a nice place and to eat such great food, makes her a little happier. Although it was a adjustment. She wasn't used to visitting somebody. She never did that. Or, it was a long time ago that she did. She is dressed in a white dress that goes to a little above her knees. A v-neck, and a little tight around the upper body, so it shows her curves. Yeah, she is a curvey girl. Although the dress becomes more loose the longer it goes down. Her hair is for once out and not covered by a hootie, so she shows off her blonde curls. She is wearing black shoes, but they are flat, since she dosen't walk around so well in high heels. With a deep breath she walks towards the door and knocks.
"Like she dosent have a single care in the world" er det, ikke Like she dosent have a single worry in the world. Du sagde jeg måtte komme med rettelser hvis der var
I dont know.. Jeg ved ikke hvad fuck jeg mente honestly jeg er overhovedet ikke fokuseret. Jeg kan sidde og pege fejlene ud bagefter
Du behøves ikke pege noget ud, bare fokuser på at skrive og slappe af. Du skal ikke blive mere træt
Jeg skal logge nu vi ses i morgen
Jeg sov skam godt, tak
Og hej
Og hej
Marco ser op på hende med et lille suk, inden han efterfølgende sukker en smule skuffet. Ikke over hende mere over sig selv. "Actually I had a brilliant plan.. I was convinced that when I came home I would eat dinner with you, and fuck you afterwards.. But right now im just.. To tired, im going to bed" Han sukker lidt, inden han rejser sig og kysser hende på kinden inden han sukkende går mod soveværelset. Det var ikke fordi han ikke var trængende. For det var han efterhånden rimelig meget. Først de fem dage uden hende, og så de to dage her oveni uden noget. Det pressede mere og mere på, men han var for træt idag. Han tager let et sidste glas vand, inden han går mod soveværelset. Hun har ret til at blive oppe og gøre hvad end hun ville endnu. Let klæder han sig af, inden han lægger sig i sin side af sengen.
Sophie have done some shopping, and even cleaned up the entire house. She have also taken a long bath, and is almost ready with the dinner when it knocks on the door. She runs a hand through her own hair before she walks towards the door "Helli little lamb, look at you, all gorgeous and everything... Come in" She flashes a wide smile, before she drags her inside, and closes the door behind her. "Dinner is almost ready, do you want a glass of wine.. I didn't knew your taste, so I have both white and red wine ready for you" She laughs a bit, before she return to the kitchen.
Sophie have done some shopping, and even cleaned up the entire house. She have also taken a long bath, and is almost ready with the dinner when it knocks on the door. She runs a hand through her own hair before she walks towards the door "Helli little lamb, look at you, all gorgeous and everything... Come in" She flashes a wide smile, before she drags her inside, and closes the door behind her. "Dinner is almost ready, do you want a glass of wine.. I didn't knew your taste, so I have both white and red wine ready for you" She laughs a bit, before she return to the kitchen.
Anastasia ligger hovedet en lille smule på skrå imens hun lytter til hvad Marco siger, og hun kan ikke lade være med at smile en smule over det. Det ville i hvert fald ikke have gjort hende noget hvis aftenen kom til at foregå sådan, for hun har også savnet ham. Efter fem dage uden hans selskab i sig selv, og det plus to dage uden noget, gjorde hende selvfølgelig trængende. Men hun kan godt forstå han er træt. Hun kender alt til det. Heldigvis skal hun ikke arbejde i aften, og det er der også en grund til, men den nyhed må han høre i morgen, for lige nu er han alt for træt. Hun ser efter ham da han træder ud af rummet før hun rejser sig op, og hun går langsomt ind til ham. Dermed sætter hun sig på sengekanten og ser ned på ham, imens hun lavt siger. "I'll go and finish the last things before i come to bed, okay? You just sleep, baby." Hun presser et blidt kys mod hans pande før hun rejser sig op og går ud af værelset.
Josie fails her eyes when she's suddenly standing inside the big house. It felt even bigger on the inside, than on the outside. She is happy that Sophie finds her appearence nice, since she wanted to do something out of herself for once. It was the only nice dress she had in her closet. There was nobody to mock her or say anything while she is here, and she feels more...Safe. It's just her and Sophie. And it was very nice for a change. "Thanks." She says, before walking after Sophie, and she looks around in the impressive kitchen, before looking at her. "I have only tasted wine once, but i would like a glass of red wine, thank you." She says in a polite matter. "This house is huge.."
Josie fails her eyes when she's suddenly standing inside the big house. It felt even bigger on the inside, than on the outside. She is happy that Sophie finds her appearence nice, since she wanted to do something out of herself for once. It was the only nice dress she had in her closet. There was nobody to mock her or say anything while she is here, and she feels more...Safe. It's just her and Sophie. And it was very nice for a change. "Thanks." She says, before walking after Sophie, and she looks around in the impressive kitchen, before looking at her. "I have only tasted wine once, but i would like a glass of red wine, thank you." She says in a polite matter. "This house is huge.."