Anastasia er godt væk lige nu. Snakkende og pjattende, mere fuld end hun var dengang med Marco. Og hun aner ikke rigtig hvad det er hun laver. Hun ser hen på ham da hun mærker hans hånd i sin, og hun placere sin anden hånd mod hans skulder, for en form for støtte, siden hun godt kan være lidt slingrende. Men heldigvis er hun ikke i højhælede denne gang, hvilket gør det meget nemmere for hende at gå, også selvom hun er fuld. Hun griner lidt da hun mærker hans hænder om hendes baller, og hun ligger hovedet en smule på skrå, efter at have kørt en hånd igennem sit røde hår. "I'm not sure about that Thomas..." Siger hun med et smil. Han minder på nogen punkter om Marco - Det punkt med håret. At han ligger en lok bag hendes øre. Det er noget Marco tit gør. Dog ved hun jo ikke at han bare gør det for overtagelse.
Josie really injoyed this evening. Dinner, ice cream, her first kiss. And Sophie. Just Sophie was reason enough to love this. It's the first time she's together with somebody like this. After being treated the way she has, she sort of stepped away from everbody, because nobody did something out of kindness. But only to bother her. She surprised raises her eyebrows when she hears about the weekend. Spending a hole weekend with Sophie? She likes that thought. And then she has the oppertunity(?) to be with her more. Feeling the girls lips against her neck makes her smile a little, and she actually enjoys it. It's warm and nice. Sophie always treats her carefully and with feeling. She looks up at her face. "Being with somebody without them being like the people at school...I'm not used to going out with somebody and have...Fun. I guess that after figuering out what the people at school were like, i stepped away and chose to be alone...Because i did'nt like the way they were treating me. Then i would rather be alone, and get school over with. And the hole thing with Jhonny...It sorta' scared me away. I've always been carefull after that with people. Reading them. Observing them. Seeing if they want to hurt me....I got scared of the smallest touch. 'Cause i was afraid it would hurt me....I'm not used to being with people. I'm new at it. And new at having a nice time, like i had today. With you."
Josie really injoyed this evening. Dinner, ice cream, her first kiss. And Sophie. Just Sophie was reason enough to love this. It's the first time she's together with somebody like this. After being treated the way she has, she sort of stepped away from everbody, because nobody did something out of kindness. But only to bother her. She surprised raises her eyebrows when she hears about the weekend. Spending a hole weekend with Sophie? She likes that thought. And then she has the oppertunity(?) to be with her more. Feeling the girls lips against her neck makes her smile a little, and she actually enjoys it. It's warm and nice. Sophie always treats her carefully and with feeling. She looks up at her face. "Being with somebody without them being like the people at school...I'm not used to going out with somebody and have...Fun. I guess that after figuering out what the people at school were like, i stepped away and chose to be alone...Because i did'nt like the way they were treating me. Then i would rather be alone, and get school over with. And the hole thing with Jhonny...It sorta' scared me away. I've always been carefull after that with people. Reading them. Observing them. Seeing if they want to hurt me....I got scared of the smallest touch. 'Cause i was afraid it would hurt me....I'm not used to being with people. I'm new at it. And new at having a nice time, like i had today. With you."
Håber snart du kommer tilbage Har nemlig ikke meget tid tilbage
Ud at handle og 'løbe' ærinder
Kommer dog tilbage igen, men der kommer til at gå noget tid
Og savner dig jo
Og savner dig jo
Det ved jeg ikke helt præcist, nok omkring 45 minutter - en time
Okay laver lige kakao så er jeg klar
Har lige lidt længere tid jeg kan være her
Sry der lige kommet noget uventet ind.