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Isabelle roamed the wasteland. Thankfully there were few zombies roaming around. Even if there was a horde here, the Zombies rarely ate their own kind.

Isabelle groaned. She had no depth perception any more, atleast so long as her gaping eye socket was bandaged up. She didn't understand how, but wihtout the bandages she could see fine. But then again, this virus she had made no sense. Not only was she a cannibal for a few weeks at the least, but her entire right arm had rotted to the bone, and yet some how the bones were still connected and she could still feel it. She guessed it was because of the mucus gunk coating her arm and other exposed bones. Maybe the mucus was in her eye socket too and was somehow functioning as an eye. Who knew.

Soon Isabelle stopped as she came to a town. She sighed heading into it, hoping to find some food in the stores, even if it was rotten.
Alma was walking through a town. She didn't appear to be walking at a fast or urgent rate, she seemed to be taking her time. In fact, she strangely seemed quite calm. Despite everything that happened with the zombies, she didn't appear to be damaged or panicked. She was quite armed, had a knife, a shotgun and a pistol in her back pocket, that might have something to do with it.

Alma entered into a store, she knew that she needed to get supplies as soon as possible before they become unusable or taken by other survivors. She didn't seem to notice Isabelle nearby doing the exact same thing as her.
Nico peeks over the glass counter, taking a look at the door. The building in which he is domiciled is abandoned, torn apart, and almost completely rummaged. Shelves lie on the floor of the old liquor store and the smell of rotting flesh fills the air. This is, no doubt, due to the several dead zombies laying on the floor.

"Not even a goddamn quarter," Nico says, clearly irritated. He picks up a pack of cigarettes and pulls one out, lighting it with a black lighter from his back pocket.

As the light protrudes from his side of the store, he hears a groan from underneath a fallen shelf. "Shit, thought I got em all," Nico says, instinctively pulling his machete and walking to the rotten corpse. He approaches it and lifts up the shelf to get a good angle at the zombie's head. Nico smiles, then drives his blade seven inches deep into the zombie's forehead.
Isabelle immediately headed to the food section, not noticing Alma, who apparently didn't notice her either.

Once she arrived at the food section she groaned. Of course, almost all of the food had been taken. She grumbled to herself looking through the meat coolers, hoping to find something left behind.
Alma took a bag off a rack in the store and started putting items into it, a lot of it consisting of medical items and water. She noticed that a lot of the food had been taken already, though she should've seen that coming here. It of course wouldn't be that simple. She started to look for anything else that was left here and that's when she finally noticed Isabelle. She didn't know quite what to do but for the meantime she decided to stay out of sight. Alma turned around and walked in the opposite direction of her.
Nico walks out of the store, having searched and finding close to nothing. He pulls off his black backpack and unzips it, pulling out a chocolate chip granola bar. As he eats it he walks down the street of this small town, and lays his eyes on a new store. "Bingo." He says, wandering in slowly.

As he walks through the aisles he thinks he hears something and immediately readies his gun. He crouches and walks to the aisle where he heard the noise and hides behind a corner. He peeks over and sees an armed girl. "Who's there?" He asks, standing up and getting into clear view. If it's a zombie, he's ready to shoot and if it's a person, he's ready to fight.
Hearing the voice, Alma slowly turned around to see Nico. "It's just me" she replies before turning back around to walk where she was originally walking. Whoever this kid was, she figured that he wouldn't be too much of a threat. Even if he was threatening, she had a feeling that he wouldn't waste a bullet on her.

(BTW will we have a specific order of who posts next?)
Isabelle's ears perked up and she looked in the direction of the voices. Shelves were obscuring her from view, and simultaneously keeping her from seeing who ever else was here. "O-Okay, definitely time to go."Isabelle said to herself quietly. She soon headed back into the isles.
Shit! Why'd it have to be a person? Okay okay okay okay first things first: "P-put your hands in the air. Where I can see 'em," Nico says, his voice anything but calm as he sees her weapons. Options. I can kill her...take her shit...God knows I need it. Or I can keep her alive. I've barely made it this far. Nico shakes his head and groans in frustration. "Fuck," he says under his breath as he forces himself to put his gun down. "Do you, um, have anyone?" He asks the girl.
Alma didn't look back at him and started walking out, a little slowly. "I don't have anything on me" she said. Alma didn't put her hands up but could tell that he was still pointing a gun at her. "I'm not going to kill you by the way" she said. "I don't think I would get anything out it. And I'm sure that you wouldn't really get anything out of killing me either". She still remained calm, she had a feeling that this whole situation wouldn't last for very long.
Isabelle continued on her way to the door before she heard another person, she froze when she heard footsteps coming closer to the door. "Oh no...."She whimpered. She made sure her welding mask was affixed over her face, hiding the bandages she had wrapped around her empty eye.
While Nico approves of her bravery, her "mercy" comes along as purely condescending. "Think you're tough?" Nico asks, his voice completely changed, now demanding respect. "Come with me. There's a survivor camp about a mile out. Stocked with supplies. Water. Weapons. Clothes. You name it, they have it," Nico walks toward the girl. "You help me clear it out and we split the supplies. Looks like you need them," he says, hoping to convince her.
The young woman turned around to him, he seemed to have changed his mind quickly. All of a sudden he now wants her help to clear out a camp, Alma had the feeling that whoever this kid is, he's trying to make himself more tough than he actually is. She seemed to think for a while, considering her options. She didn't really have much else to do, so why not? Alma shurgged "Fine, I'll do it." She didn't seem to think much of him but who knows, he end up proving useful in the end.
Isabelle looked in the direction of the voices, apparently they were talking about some camp some where that had supplies. So far they didn't seem to be trying to kill each other. Maybe if she let them know she was here now they might let her tag along aswell.
Nico smiles, knowing that he would need help to clear the camp. "No survivors. Check every corpse," He says. "Name's Nico, by the way. He pulls a bottle of water from his backpack and drinks it, already comfortable with the girl.
She nodded and after a while she said "My name's Alma". She noticed how comfortable he felt with her. That probably wouldn't be the best option for him to take, especially times like this but so far this was working in her favour. Alma turned and noticed Isabelle out of the corner of her eye. She paused for a moment, noticing how she looked, at first thinking that she looked a bit like a zombie.
"Uh.... I over heard you two talking about that camp. W-Would you guys maybe want an extra hand getting there and clearing it out?"Isabelle asked.
"Holy shit, three survivors in one place..." Nico says, as he sees the girl with the welding mask. "We split the supplies evenly. Between the three of us," Nico says, it becoming clear in his mind that these people could easily just kill him when they finished. "Umm..."he says, grabbing a map of the area from his backpack. "Here's the camp," Nico says, pointing to one of the many red circles on the map. A few circles have red x's scribbled through them. "It's about a mile southwest from here. I'm ready to go," he says, a smile of anticipation on his face. Killing other survivors was a necessary part of surviving. Kill or be killed. If Damien had taught him anything, that was it.
Alma looked at the map. Because of what he said, she was a little concerned that he didn't exactly have this fully planned out "And how exactly are we supposed to take the place?" She asked. "There are plenty of people there, we are three people with probably the same weapons that they have. Are we just supposed to go there and kill all of them without expecting any of us die?" She tried to remain optimistic that Nico knows what he's doing but pretty soon she might have to take over.
"One we get there we keep a distance...ya know, scout the place out. We could wait until dark, but we won't have a clear view of any braindead assholes," Nico says, shifting his weight onto his other foot, "Depending on how many we can pick 'em off quickly, stick to our knives until we need guns blazing," Nico smiles, "Done it like this," he pauses and counts the circles with x's through them, "seven times. 'Course I had a gang, but you know, shit happens." He smiles and folds his map. "'Less you got a better idea?"

Moderators: Isabelle (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T) AcrossTheSea