Various lands deminish into artifacts until one hero brought them back by collecting the artifacts scattered around the world.
- Colorblocks
Domina - Wheel
Luon Highway - Flame
Gato Grottoes - Ancient Tablet
Mindas Ruins
- Bottled Spirit
Ulkan Mines - Broken Doll
Junkyard - Jade Egg
Mekiv Caverns - Moon’s Mirror
Tower of Leires
- Stone Eye
Lake Kilma - Firefly Lamp
Lumina - Medallion
Jungle - Sand Rose
Duma Desert
- Trembling Spoon
Underworld - Skull Lantern
Norn Peaks - Dragon Bone
Bone Fortress - Frozen Heart
Fieg Snowfields
- Brooch of Love
Lucemia - Sword of Mana
Tree of Mana - Rusted Anchor
Polpota Harbor - Golden Seed
- Torch of Coral
Madora Beach - Tome of Magic
Geo - Green Cane
White Forest - Pirate’s Hook
SS Buccaneer
- . Jumi’s Staff
Bejewled City
- Colorblocks
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PacificGhoston Aug 12th 2015The Bejeweled City has been added in the "maps and areas" section. -
DOMINAA lively town frequented by travelling merchants and entertainers. The outskirts boast a church with a fabulous view of the countryside.
Artifact: Colorblocks - The town changes through the ages according to the citizens. It doesn't change to accommodate a new age. It changes to bring about a new age.
Appearance - Domina is a simple town that has friendly people living in it.It's areas are listed in the following.
- Weaponry, armor, insyruments, and material shop / Home of Mark and His family
- Various lots up for sale
- Miss Yuka's inn
- "Amanda and Barett's" pub
- A church take care of by Rev.Nouvelle
- An open field in the west end of Domina
- Park of mana angel
- Marketplace
The town's inhabitants consist of:- Miss Yuka - The owner of Domina's only inn. She insists that she is a canary, but there are rumors that she is actually a Chocobo. Addressing her as "Miss Yuka" is a must.
- Niccolo - He believes that he brings happiness to his customers with his transactions, but he sometimes plays dirty tricks on them.
- Pelican - The mail carrier who delivers practically everything. She often makes mistake, and is not always on time, but she does not seem to care.
- Duelle - An onion warrior. He likes everything straight-forward, and hates people like Niccolo with a passion.
- Inspector Boyd - A little man with a really loud voice that could even reach a nearby "land." He might be the most honest and kind-hearted man you will ever see.
- Mark - The owner of Domina's item shop and Rachel's father. He really loves his family, but they seem to be a little sick of his overdose of love.
- Jennifer - Mark's wife, who likes spending time outside his shop. She says anything that crosses her mind.
- Rachel - The daughter of Mark and Jennifer. She hardly talks, and does not become too friendly with anyone. She is sick of her Faerie-like appearance and the room decor.
- Rev.Nouvelle - The caretaker of the church on Domina's outskirts. He is a kind-hearted man who is full of knowledge, from how to catch Rabites to the history of the world.
- Meimei - A glamorous fortune teller. She led a luxurious and exciting life, but now she seems to be saving money for her old age.
- Capella - An itinerant performer. He was inspired by Pokiehl's verses and decided to go on a journey to send his audiences a message of some sort.
- Diddle - Plays music for his performing partner, Capella. A kind-hearted, sensitive boy who speaks slowly.
- Teapo - A magical life-form with a kind heart. She thinks she is a jewelry collector, but most of them are glass fakes Niccolo sold her.
LUON HIGHWAYThis highway was once traversed by merchants and entertainers, but the highwaymen have stopped all traffic. Some say that one of the Seven Wisdoms lives nearby.
Artifact: Wheel - Even the longest roads are rutted by the hundreds of wagons which traverse them. Roads remember their travelers, and wagon wheels are reflections of those memories.
Appearance - A dirt road once riddled by many bandits until a hero had finished them off. If you take a side route at the highway, you will meet Gaeus, one of the seven wisdoms.
Inhabitants- Gaeus - A huge face on a mountainside that is also one of the Seven Wisdoms. He always has answers to any questions.
- Boink - A strange creature who knows the links between dimensions. Those who touch it will immediately fly to where its tail is.
MEKIV CAVERNSThis limestone cavern was created by underground currents. Over the centuries it was hollowed out, and pillars were created. The cavern is made up of many levels.
Artifact: Jade egg - By taking a stone formed through the ages inside the earth and shaping it into the source of all things, the earth's creative power was trapped inside.
Appearance - A maze-like cavern riddled with monsters, water can sometimes be seen dripping from the walls. Avoid Boinks at all costs unless you want to go back to the start.
GATO GROTTOESA town protected by divine winds. It is always windy on the dangerous precipices. The temple of healing there is dedicated to the Spirits of Air and Fire.
Artifact: Flame - That which illuminated the shrine was but a small flame. Before long, mankind ceased to notice the fire, but its significance continued to grow.
Appearance - A town which's houses are made of rock, religious people flock the area. It's inhabitants are mostly dressed in white robes. A temple can be located near the center of the town. In the west, a waterfall and a cave can be found, if you navigate the maze-like area correctly, without dying from the enemies of course, you will end up in front of the legendary Cancun Bird (which will fly you up to Lucemia).
It's areas consist of:- Temple
- Shop where you can buy weaponry and materials
Inhabitants- Nuns - Women who are in the process of spiritual training at Gato's temple.
- Sproutlings - Little creatures that seem to appear out of nowhere and end up living in any town. They all share the same mind with each other.
- Selva - One of the Seven Wisdoms. He always knows what is happening in Fa'Diel, since he is always gathering information from the Lilipeas and birds.
- Escad - Born into the Liotte family of Holy Knights. He fights for the cause of justice with an overbearing sense of righteousness.
- Daena - A monk-soldier who protects Gato's temple. She grew up with Matilda, Escad, and Irwin, but especially adores Matilda like her own sister.
- Matilda - Born into a family of priests in Gato, she began to question the life that awaited her. Matilda became attracted to Irwin and his free way of life. / A decade ago her powers were taken by Irwin after their temple escape was stopped by Escad. She has aged drastically since then
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LUMINAThe town of endless night. The town is always bathed in the light of the full moon, so it never becomes completely dark. There is a tavern where Dudbears frolic.
Artifact: Firefly Lamp - One poet wrote that all of history comes from lovers' whispers. It was a poem of lovers talking of love and the future, under the cool light of fireflies in the midsummer night sky.
Appearance - A town of eternal night, it is bathed by the light of the full moon as it's inhabitants laugh happily below. Lights streak the town as dudbears flock it, giving shop owners a good amount of customers.
It's areas consist of:- Lumina Lamp shop
- Tavern "Mischevious Spirit"
- Weapon, Armor,Instrument, Material, and Jewel shop
- Various houses for sale
- Bell
InhabitantsTHE MANAGER
The manager of the bar in Lumina. He is a gentleman who feels joy in communicating with people.
Diggers who work for Roger's mining business. Now they are forced to join his new religious activities, with a dog as their lord.
A siren who works at Lumina's lamp shop. She sings to the spirits and asks them to light the lamps in return, and later sells the lamps.
The poet of love who sings even during regular conversation. He travels in search of love everywhere.
GEOA castle-town with an academic atmosphere. Kristie's palace occupies the center. The instructors at the Academy of Magic have a lot of personality.
Artifact: Time of Magic - In ages past, many tried to explain the works of the gods, spending much time and making incredible sacrifices. The secrets they have uncovered are small, but hold enough power to destroy a continent.
Appearance - A metropolitan academy city that is home to many students and shops, streets are paved with bricks while building decorations please the eye. Almost all of the city's teacher have fought in the war.
Areas:- Outdoor fruit cafe
- Inn
- Academy of Magic
- Jewel shop
- Palace / art gallery
- Various houses and dorms
Lisa's twin brother. He thinks that he is a great sorcerer, though he still has much to learn. He was run out of the Academy of Magic because he was too mischievous. His magic frying-pan was once his mother's.
A better sorcerer than her twin brother. She carries around her father's broomstick.
A mild-mannered geologist who also has a shop in Geo. He only keeps the shop for income to fund his research. (Same person as Sandra, their core is Alexandrite, and they are exiled from the Bejeweled city. They started killing the Jumi to protect a certain Jumi.)
The notorious jewel hunter who steals only the most brilliant jewels. Her daring thefts resulted in secret admirers of her work.
A spirit of dreams who is in charge of managing all creatures' dreams. A little too pushy at times, but she is only doing her job.
A very charming and sometimes childish student at Geo's Academy of Magic. There are rumors that she may be Nunuzac's magical monster, or a ghost. (Also a resident of the Jumi City)
A professor at Geo's Academy of Magic who is also a witch of reincarnation. She is the most avoided person there, perhaps because of her creepy behavior and appearance.
Back in the day, he was a conjuror who fought in many wars. Now he is a professor at the Academy of Magic, though his body is represented as a magic circle since his body was trapped in another dimension.
The most popular professor at the Academy of Magic, she has the power to explode things by staring at them. She always looks out for people, and is friends with Thesenis.
A professor at Geo's Academy of Magic who has a strong passion for magic.
The leader of the Jumi, and a Jumi of Diamond herself. She tried to keep the Jumi from extinction, but her hard-headed dictatorship caused her to lose support. (Also in the Jumi City)
Madame Kristie's butler. He does everything perfectly, but inside he is still a little child. His nickname is "Mr. Fuddy-duddy."
The owner of Geo's palace, which is also an art gallery. Deeply loves art, money, herself, and everything else.
Students at Geo's Academy of Magic. The color of their robes differ by class.
BEJEWELED CITY / JUMI CITY / ETANSELThis is the home of the Jumi. Boulder-size jewels comprise every part of the city, and now, even after the fall of the Jumi, it still shines with an everlasting glow.
Artifact: Jumi staff - A staff replete with the power of gems of every color. The jewels draw in and store waves of various kinds of Mana. They can then be released.
Appearance - A city arranged by four tiers, the lower class are below with high class up at the peak. Boulder sized gems can be seen scattered around as waterfalls cascade down various areas. There are also many cozy caves in which the Jumi sleep in.
About the Jumi: The Jumi are paired into two, one a healer, the other a fighter. It is rumored that if you cry for a Jumi, you will turn to stone, but if a Jumi cries for you, you will be healed. (Which is an actual fact based on the manga.)
-Jewel shop
Elazul's partner. She sometimes has a tough time speaking clearly, and is also very shy. Has a tendency to wander off and get lost while thinking.
A Jumi knight who dedicates herself to leading the Jumi through the threat of extinction. A very logical and level-headed individual.
Pearl's knight, and one of the youngest Jumi. He speaks and acts in a rough manner and thus starts the occasional fight.
A man who has given up everything. He is hiding the fact that he is the Jumi of Ruby.
Cores may vary, but are still located at the chest. And if pulled out, will kill the Jumi. -
Come to Madora Beach for the best sun-bathing and finest sand anywhere. Explore our many caverns! While you're hear, why not try some crab-hunting?
Artifact: Torach Coral - The Mermen appear on the shore using a flame from this torch. It gives off light invisible to human eyes, and so they remain hidden.
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PacificGhoston Aug 12th 2015The Bejeweled City has been added in the "maps and areas" section. -
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PacificGhoston Aug 12th 2015The Bejeweled City has been added in the "maps and areas" section. -
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