The first "post" will happen after this.
It was a rather hot day, heat haze was clear wherever you went, and you wouldn't be able to go out for two minutes without being dehydrated.
The students inside the Central Academy were in no way affected though, all of their rooms were air conditioned so it felt like it was a normal day even if it was like glaciers would melt outside, that was only an exaggeration though.
Sonne Solace tapped her graphics pen against the table, bored out of her wits. Usually she liked school, but today it was just unbearable, she felt her skin itching like she wanted to go out and do some action, maybe punch a member of the Night Brigade in the face or something.
"Hey Sonne, I heard there're gonna be new students." Discordia Urie, Sonne's best friend whispered to her. The two were seatmates along with their other friend Kiyoshi who was somehow always able to fall asleep without getting caught during digital-art class.
"New students huh..." Sonne repeated, clearly uninterested, a reaction which Discordia just shrugged off before returning to listening to their teacher.
They're probably going to show up in art class since sir bitchalot didn't want his class disturbed Sonne thought, rolling her eyes before he teacher started speaking louder.
"Looks like your new classmates are here." he chimed, opening the classroom door with the remote on his table "Welcome, come in." He smiled.
"What the hell is going on, why is it do noisy?" Ki hissed as he stretched his arms forward on his desk.
"Oh, good morning there Pinky." Sonne smiled, placing her hand behind his head, it would've seemed like a friendly gesture if she didn't squish his face on the table.
"Darn you." Ki hissed trough gritted teeth, unable to get up "you're too strong for a girl."
"You're too weak for a guy, Ki-chan."
"And what do you mean by that?"
"Oh you know~ that you didn't even have the nerve to kiss me when you had the chance."
They're at it again. Discordia sighed, watching the two with a smile, interested in what would happen next.
"Wait, what?" Ki muttered, getting up after Sonne removed her hand from his head.
He stared at her silently, and Sonne started to feel awkwardly warm.
"That's the reason you've been ignoring me this past few days?" He hissed, leaning closer to Sonne and placing his hand beside her.
Sonne, who was now a bit too flustered squirmed a bit, wanting to leave, but her best friend was blocking her path with a smirk on her face, siblings, definetly siblings Sonne thought.
Kiyoshi leaned in closer until they could hear each others breaths.
"Sorry to interrupt your kiss, but please resume this in the afternoon" their teacher smiled, looking down on the three menacingly, Ki-chan only nodded and returned to his seat while Sonne gave the teacher a smile accompanied with a thumbs-up.
"Resuming to the previous topic, please introduce yourselves."
The students inside the Central Academy were in no way affected though, all of their rooms were air conditioned so it felt like it was a normal day even if it was like glaciers would melt outside, that was only an exaggeration though.
Sonne Solace tapped her graphics pen against the table, bored out of her wits. Usually she liked school, but today it was just unbearable, she felt her skin itching like she wanted to go out and do some action, maybe punch a member of the Night Brigade in the face or something.
"Hey Sonne, I heard there're gonna be new students." Discordia Urie, Sonne's best friend whispered to her. The two were seatmates along with their other friend Kiyoshi who was somehow always able to fall asleep without getting caught during digital-art class.
"New students huh..." Sonne repeated, clearly uninterested, a reaction which Discordia just shrugged off before returning to listening to their teacher.
They're probably going to show up in art class since sir bitchalot didn't want his class disturbed Sonne thought, rolling her eyes before he teacher started speaking louder.
"Looks like your new classmates are here." he chimed, opening the classroom door with the remote on his table "Welcome, come in." He smiled.
"What the hell is going on, why is it do noisy?" Ki hissed as he stretched his arms forward on his desk.
"Oh, good morning there Pinky." Sonne smiled, placing her hand behind his head, it would've seemed like a friendly gesture if she didn't squish his face on the table.
"Darn you." Ki hissed trough gritted teeth, unable to get up "you're too strong for a girl."
"You're too weak for a guy, Ki-chan."
"And what do you mean by that?"
"Oh you know~ that you didn't even have the nerve to kiss me when you had the chance."
They're at it again. Discordia sighed, watching the two with a smile, interested in what would happen next.
"Wait, what?" Ki muttered, getting up after Sonne removed her hand from his head.
He stared at her silently, and Sonne started to feel awkwardly warm.
"That's the reason you've been ignoring me this past few days?" He hissed, leaning closer to Sonne and placing his hand beside her.
Sonne, who was now a bit too flustered squirmed a bit, wanting to leave, but her best friend was blocking her path with a smirk on her face, siblings, definetly siblings Sonne thought.
Kiyoshi leaned in closer until they could hear each others breaths.
"Sorry to interrupt your kiss, but please resume this in the afternoon" their teacher smiled, looking down on the three menacingly, Ki-chan only nodded and returned to his seat while Sonne gave the teacher a smile accompanied with a thumbs-up.
"Resuming to the previous topic, please introduce yourselves."
Out of all of the times Elias's parents decided to move, they chose now. And it really wasn't fair to Elias; he actually felt happy where he was. He had a nice job, a comfortable circle of friends, and a scholarship in the bag. But now, it seemed like he started over. Again. Couldn't his parents just leave them at his old house while they did their jobs? They've done it before, why not again; albeit when they did do that they weren't gone for long, only for a few weeks or so. Although, he had to admit, the city they moved to was pretty cool! It was way more advanced than any of the other cities he has been to- or even seen. Irregardless, he was still upset about switching schools.
As he walked down the hallway he fixed his white button-up shirt. Button-ups were never really his style but his older sister, Agnes, convinced him to wear one anyways. Today was, after all, his first day at a new school so he had to look more presentable then he normally does- which he always makes sure that he does look presentable, so there is no surprise there. She didn't have school anymore, as she graduated a few years back, so she was probably at their new house- no, that wasn't their house, their house was a few hours away.
It took Elias a moment to realize he was wandering around aimlessly while thinking about how much he didn't want to be here that he didn't even know where to go. He looked down at the schedule in his hand. There was only one problem with this schedule- it wasn't his. It was his older brother's, Rhys who was in the grade above Elias's grade. "Oh, this is just perfect." Elias mumbled to himself. He tried to think of what the counselor- or was it the principal?- said. Was it digital-art class? That sounded about right. He started to look at the doors while passing them to see which one was the digital-art class. He also remembered hearing about other new students, but he hasn't seen one yet.
He stopped in front of the door that he assumed was the digital-art class. He took a deep breath before attempting to knock at the door but the door opened by itself. He involuntary took a step back before straightening up again. "This is some sci-fi stuff right here." He mumbled to himself before running his finger through his hair- a nervous tick of his- and walking into the room.
He smiled back at the teacher. He assumed he probably had to introduce himself to the class, as that's what he's done before in lower grades. "Hey. I'm Elias-" he was interrupted and distracted by what was going on with a group in the class.
So this is going to be that kind of school. Elias thought to himself before shifting his attention back to the teacher. "Right. As I've said I'm Elias Crawford. I don't suppose you need me to write my name on the board, do you?"
As he walked down the hallway he fixed his white button-up shirt. Button-ups were never really his style but his older sister, Agnes, convinced him to wear one anyways. Today was, after all, his first day at a new school so he had to look more presentable then he normally does- which he always makes sure that he does look presentable, so there is no surprise there. She didn't have school anymore, as she graduated a few years back, so she was probably at their new house- no, that wasn't their house, their house was a few hours away.
It took Elias a moment to realize he was wandering around aimlessly while thinking about how much he didn't want to be here that he didn't even know where to go. He looked down at the schedule in his hand. There was only one problem with this schedule- it wasn't his. It was his older brother's, Rhys who was in the grade above Elias's grade. "Oh, this is just perfect." Elias mumbled to himself. He tried to think of what the counselor- or was it the principal?- said. Was it digital-art class? That sounded about right. He started to look at the doors while passing them to see which one was the digital-art class. He also remembered hearing about other new students, but he hasn't seen one yet.
He stopped in front of the door that he assumed was the digital-art class. He took a deep breath before attempting to knock at the door but the door opened by itself. He involuntary took a step back before straightening up again. "This is some sci-fi stuff right here." He mumbled to himself before running his finger through his hair- a nervous tick of his- and walking into the room.
He smiled back at the teacher. He assumed he probably had to introduce himself to the class, as that's what he's done before in lower grades. "Hey. I'm Elias-" he was interrupted and distracted by what was going on with a group in the class.
So this is going to be that kind of school. Elias thought to himself before shifting his attention back to the teacher. "Right. As I've said I'm Elias Crawford. I don't suppose you need me to write my name on the board, do you?"
"You don't have to sir Crawford." The teacher said with a smile before announcing where he'll sit "You'll be sitting beside sir Kiyoshi. He's the pink-haired lunatic, they're seat is lacking one more person and it'll stop him from laying down on the seat at my husband's class.", at this, Sonne very lightly shoved Miyoshi to the side who reacted by pinching her arm.
The teacher watched them, humored, she then looked at the boy new student, feeling bad that he has to put up with a bunch of hooligans who just can't seem to get expelled.
Quietly, she approached her new pupil and whispered into his ear the following words: Don't get close to them, those kids are nothing but trouble. They're really nice though..
At the sight of their teacher whispering into the new kid's ear, Sonne couldn't help but chanting the word "pedo" out loud, much to the embarrassment of her teacher who shushed her by simply pulling out an envelope.
"I take that back, they aren't nice at all." The teacher announced out loud, her voice coated with humor.
The teacher watched them, humored, she then looked at the boy new student, feeling bad that he has to put up with a bunch of hooligans who just can't seem to get expelled.
Quietly, she approached her new pupil and whispered into his ear the following words: Don't get close to them, those kids are nothing but trouble. They're really nice though..
At the sight of their teacher whispering into the new kid's ear, Sonne couldn't help but chanting the word "pedo" out loud, much to the embarrassment of her teacher who shushed her by simply pulling out an envelope.
"I take that back, they aren't nice at all." The teacher announced out loud, her voice coated with humor.
'Lunatic' wasn't a word Elias expected a teacher to use when describing a student although he supposes he heard worse. He also didn't expect a teacher to warn him about how bad a group of students were. He nodded to show he understanded but he wasn't going to judge them until he knew them. After all, if he had listened to all of the other times someone warned him about someone else, he wouldn't of had half of the friends he had.
Elias went over to the seat next to Kiyoshi and hung his backpack over the back of the chair before sitting down.
Elias went over to the seat next to Kiyoshi and hung his backpack over the back of the chair before sitting down.
I was so late. So very very late. And very lost. You'd think a girl at the top of her class would be able to find a room, but no. Skyler adjusts her backpack straps, messing with the hem of her plain black shirt. So late, so very very late...
She eventually spotted the Digital Art room and sheepishly knocked on the doorway to announce her presence. "Hi, I'm the new student." She said with little to no emotion. And if there was any, it was regret. Regret of acting up and ending up getting moved to a totally different area.
The students here certaintly are interesting... She thought to herself. It wasn't to abnormal for Skyler, though. She'd seen her fair share of weird.
She eventually spotted the Digital Art room and sheepishly knocked on the doorway to announce her presence. "Hi, I'm the new student." She said with little to no emotion. And if there was any, it was regret. Regret of acting up and ending up getting moved to a totally different area.
The students here certaintly are interesting... She thought to herself. It wasn't to abnormal for Skyler, though. She'd seen her fair share of weird.
"Geez, seriously, who designed this place, M.C. Escher, it's a freaking maze in here." Nick complained as he stared at his schedule, as if looking at the room number would magically make it appear. Today was Nick's first day at the technologically advanced school, he was a little nervous, he was considered pretty smart back at his old school, but who knows how smart these kids are, he could be the dumbest person there for all he knew. But then again, that wasn't exactly Nick's problem, the problem was that he was lazy, always putting in just the bare minimum effort needed to pass, doing the homework and taking notes in class, barely spending any time on his classes outside of school. And yet he still managed to ace all his classes, who knows what he could do if he actually studied.
Regardless, he didn't really care about moving to a new city, he was very adaptable, give him a few days in a new environment and he'll have a routine down in no time. What he was worried about was starting right in the middle of the term, he would probably have to work pretty hard to catch up to everyone else in the class, he was not looking forward to this. Eventually, he found the hallway that he was supposed to be in, and spotted Skyler going in.
"Oh, that must be the one of the other new kids, the guy did say we'd all be in the same class, so that must be it." He said as he approached the door, he didn't enter right away, he only peaked in to see if Skyler was done introducing herself, he didn't want to interrupt.
Regardless, he didn't really care about moving to a new city, he was very adaptable, give him a few days in a new environment and he'll have a routine down in no time. What he was worried about was starting right in the middle of the term, he would probably have to work pretty hard to catch up to everyone else in the class, he was not looking forward to this. Eventually, he found the hallway that he was supposed to be in, and spotted Skyler going in.
"Oh, that must be the one of the other new kids, the guy did say we'd all be in the same class, so that must be it." He said as he approached the door, he didn't enter right away, he only peaked in to see if Skyler was done introducing herself, he didn't want to interrupt.
Happy that almost all of the new students were finally in, ms.Zoe introduced them by herself, telling them that they're seats were behind those three.
"Suppose one of these new students is a homosexual, would you go after them?" Discordia asked her brother who was suddenly alerted from his sleepiness by her question, his brows furrowing at the thought of his sister even asking such a question. "I've told you before and I'll tell you again, I am a demisexual, a demisexual and not a panromantic demisexual or any of the sort, unless you want me to punch you in the face, don't tell me otherwise." Kiyoshi hissed, Sonne looking rather surprised at how sensitive he was to his sexuality while his sister seemed to like infuriating him about it. You learn something new everyday? Sonne thought to herself before facing the new student that was sitting with them now.
"Kiyoshi will help you get used to the place, he hates repetitive questions though, so it's best to avoid that unless you want to go to the hospital with at least fifty of your bones broken." Sonne said with a smile while Miyoshi looked at her with a face of utter disbelief at what she just said while his sister just looked at Sonne in a confirming way, making the young boy groan before facing the new student, his face a look of silent anger. "Nice to meet you." He greeted, extending his hand to the boy while his two friends snorted at how stiff he was.
"Suppose one of these new students is a homosexual, would you go after them?" Discordia asked her brother who was suddenly alerted from his sleepiness by her question, his brows furrowing at the thought of his sister even asking such a question. "I've told you before and I'll tell you again, I am a demisexual, a demisexual and not a panromantic demisexual or any of the sort, unless you want me to punch you in the face, don't tell me otherwise." Kiyoshi hissed, Sonne looking rather surprised at how sensitive he was to his sexuality while his sister seemed to like infuriating him about it. You learn something new everyday? Sonne thought to herself before facing the new student that was sitting with them now.
"Kiyoshi will help you get used to the place, he hates repetitive questions though, so it's best to avoid that unless you want to go to the hospital with at least fifty of your bones broken." Sonne said with a smile while Miyoshi looked at her with a face of utter disbelief at what she just said while his sister just looked at Sonne in a confirming way, making the young boy groan before facing the new student, his face a look of silent anger. "Nice to meet you." He greeted, extending his hand to the boy while his two friends snorted at how stiff he was.
Elias was somewhat relived when the other new kids arrived. He never did like being the only new kid- or being a new kid in general. He faced the girl that was talking to him. "Well, it's a good that I don't ask repetitive questions then." Elias had pretty good photographic memory so Kiyoshi probably only had to show him around today. The only real problem was the fact that Elias didn't know his schedule. Hopefully he would run into Rhys in between classes and switch schedules. Until then, he would probably just follow Kiyoshi around. He faced Kiyoshi and shook his hand. "Same to you."
Skyler sat where instructed, giving the other kids a polite smile. She then tried to focus on what the teacher was saying, but it was so hard. I mean, she had tried to take notes, but eventually gave up. She drew a detailed scratch of the parts of the city she'd seen so far without thinking, letting her pencil do all the work.
Once Skyler realized she'd started drawing instead of taking notes again she shook her head slightly, turning over the page and trying to tune back in. It was still hard and all she ended up doing was tapping her pencil against her leg. It was just loud enough to be heard by her, and she made sure to keep it at that volume. She didn't want any enimies on the first day.
(Should we come up with a post order or something? Idk.
Just a suggestion)
Once Skyler realized she'd started drawing instead of taking notes again she shook her head slightly, turning over the page and trying to tune back in. It was still hard and all she ended up doing was tapping her pencil against her leg. It was just loud enough to be heard by her, and she made sure to keep it at that volume. She didn't want any enimies on the first day.
(Should we come up with a post order or something? Idk.

'The hell are these guys talking about in the middle of class?!' Nick thought to himself as he listened to the trio's strange conversation. The fact that they were even talking out loud right in the middle of the lecture was strange enough, but to be talking about their sexual orientation of all things, what the hell? 'And what the hell's a demisexual anyway, what else could there possibly be besides liking boys, liking girls, or liking both?' He wondered curiously, making a note of that to look up online later.
He sat next to Skyler in the desk behind the strange kids, taking out his notebook and immediately started listening and taking notes. It was a little awkward coming in middle of the lecture, but he did his best to follow the material, it didn't really help that he wasn't very artsy to begin with.
He sat next to Skyler in the desk behind the strange kids, taking out his notebook and immediately started listening and taking notes. It was a little awkward coming in middle of the lecture, but he did his best to follow the material, it didn't really help that he wasn't very artsy to begin with.
" This might help you guys, taking notes isn't really a thing here." Discordia said with a smile as she turned her head to face the new students, slowly, she left her seat and went to one of the computers that was stationed beside Nick's and turned it on. Swiftly, she scanned through all the files until she came up to one named "summary of class number.3" and opened it. The thing had the option to be printed or to be moved to one's device for further use and seemed to be made before-hand to make sure that the students were able to participate in class which was totally not happening.
"Just use that and listen to the teacher, you can open one of the art applications on the computer, whichever you want and you can start drawing and applying everything she says onto your drawing. Madam has a rather peculiar style of grading us." She finished with a shrug before going back to her seat and scribbling onto her graphics tablet while Sonne did the same, her art looking a lot more dark and depressed than Discordia's which had an angel ascending to the skies.
Kiyoshi on the other hand was too busy talking to Elias.
"So, do you even know where to go here? I mean the school is pretty big and almost all of us live in dorms inside the school but some of us choose to live in the apartments, like us three." he said plainly as he pointed at he and his friends who were too busy concentrating on applying what their teacher was saying. "I can show you around, but I can't provide a map. I know every part of this place like the back of my hand, even the district is easy ground for me.".
Sonne sighed, rolling her eyes at what her friend had said, yes, it was true, but he couldn't even go there if it weren't for his sister who knew the password to the district. "Suppose you should also try to help the others? We don't have a plan or a meeting after classes, and we can skip classes after lunch. We've pretty much memorized all the classes for the afternoon anyway, and I really want to go out." Sonne said in a low sleepy tone, yawning at the end of her sentence as she placed her pen at the side of her tablet, Discordia nodding in agreement with her.
"Just use that and listen to the teacher, you can open one of the art applications on the computer, whichever you want and you can start drawing and applying everything she says onto your drawing. Madam has a rather peculiar style of grading us." She finished with a shrug before going back to her seat and scribbling onto her graphics tablet while Sonne did the same, her art looking a lot more dark and depressed than Discordia's which had an angel ascending to the skies.
Kiyoshi on the other hand was too busy talking to Elias.
"So, do you even know where to go here? I mean the school is pretty big and almost all of us live in dorms inside the school but some of us choose to live in the apartments, like us three." he said plainly as he pointed at he and his friends who were too busy concentrating on applying what their teacher was saying. "I can show you around, but I can't provide a map. I know every part of this place like the back of my hand, even the district is easy ground for me.".
Sonne sighed, rolling her eyes at what her friend had said, yes, it was true, but he couldn't even go there if it weren't for his sister who knew the password to the district. "Suppose you should also try to help the others? We don't have a plan or a meeting after classes, and we can skip classes after lunch. We've pretty much memorized all the classes for the afternoon anyway, and I really want to go out." Sonne said in a low sleepy tone, yawning at the end of her sentence as she placed her pen at the side of her tablet, Discordia nodding in agreement with her.
Nick was blown away by how advanced this class was, and quite pleasantly surprised by how helpful Discordia was, considering what little he knew of her.
"Wow, that's pretty neat, notice how I'm whispering as to not disturb my classmates." He whispered somewhat sarcastically, he appreciated the help, but their constant talking was incredibly distracting, to the point where the only way he could properly pay attention was to take physical notes. Still, the online notes were helpful, he was a slow writer, so he could just copy the notes from the computer at is own pace without having to ask the teacher to slow down.
"Wow, that's pretty neat, notice how I'm whispering as to not disturb my classmates." He whispered somewhat sarcastically, he appreciated the help, but their constant talking was incredibly distracting, to the point where the only way he could properly pay attention was to take physical notes. Still, the online notes were helpful, he was a slow writer, so he could just copy the notes from the computer at is own pace without having to ask the teacher to slow down.
"No they don't mind. Most of them aren't even listening anyway." Sonne said with a shrug, gesturing towards at least seventy percent of the class wearing headphones, 5 percent chattering, and seven percent sleeping, the other ones were too busy drawing to even be paying attention.
"Usually we and a few others are the only ones who actually listen to her." Kiyoshi added in, getting a glare from his teacher which he just shrugged off before resuming his drawing of a bull-horned, grey-skinned man about to stab a grey-skinned, unsymmetrical-horned girl, the two of them looking rather sad as the event took place.
"So what's your thought on us busting out?" Discordia asked, not leaving her eyes from her work.
"Usually we and a few others are the only ones who actually listen to her." Kiyoshi added in, getting a glare from his teacher which he just shrugged off before resuming his drawing of a bull-horned, grey-skinned man about to stab a grey-skinned, unsymmetrical-horned girl, the two of them looking rather sad as the event took place.
"So what's your thought on us busting out?" Discordia asked, not leaving her eyes from her work.
Elias had pretty much figured that this wasn't a note taking class though he was never the drawing type, so he chatted with Kiyoshi. Elias shook his head when Kiyoshi asked if he knew where to go, "I have no idea. I don't need a map, though, just show me around and I'll be fine tomorrow." The talk of dorms and apartments confused Elias a little bit; weren't they in high school? Shouldn't they still be with their parents or guardians? Maybe it was a big city thing.
"Do you guys always skip classes after lunch?" He asked Sonne. He skipped classes at his old school, although it was towards the end of the year because none of the classes were doing anything. But it seemed weird that they would skip all of the classes after lunch.
"Do you guys always skip classes after lunch?" He asked Sonne. He skipped classes at his old school, although it was towards the end of the year because none of the classes were doing anything. But it seemed weird that they would skip all of the classes after lunch.
Skyler watches as Discordia shows us, and she smiled, impressed. That'll definitely come in handy... She eventually erased her former drawing of the school, deciding to start fresh. She began drawing a blue phone box traveling through space, the box itself a little off but the background near perfect.
She looked up when Elias asked his question, interested. She haf skipped classes before too, she knew almost everything in them afterall. She was nearly done with her drawing, so she didn't need to worry about not getting it done if there was a time limit.
She looked up when Elias asked his question, interested. She haf skipped classes before too, she knew almost everything in them afterall. She was nearly done with her drawing, so she didn't need to worry about not getting it done if there was a time limit.
"Well I mind, so will you please keep it down." Nick replied, more than a little irritated at how inconsiderate Discordia and her friends were. Nick took his studies pretty seriously, he didn't by any means enjoy studying, but he knew that if he didn't do well his parents would be pissed. Work hard then play hard, that was his motto. That was especially true for this class, Nick had zero artistic talent, so if he wanted to pass, he needed to put in a little extra effort, which was just that much more difficult with his neighbors talking over the teacher.
Nick was baffled by what they were talking about now, skipping class, like hell Nick would go for that. His parents would kill him if they knew that he just went up and decided to just not go to class, they'd tear him limb from limb, and then do it again when he failed the classes he skipped. He could already tell he probably wouldn't fit in at this strange school, but that was ok, he didn't really like interacting with people anyway, he preferred to keep to himself.
Nick was baffled by what they were talking about now, skipping class, like hell Nick would go for that. His parents would kill him if they knew that he just went up and decided to just not go to class, they'd tear him limb from limb, and then do it again when he failed the classes he skipped. He could already tell he probably wouldn't fit in at this strange school, but that was ok, he didn't really like interacting with people anyway, he preferred to keep to himself.