Rule #2: Every action may/may not have a consequence, just like real life.
Rule #3: There may be deaths. This can be talk through more by the roleplayers and/or by the GM(if it is his). It is preferred that characters without names die first than with names(since they hold more importance)
Rule #4: Minor cursing is allowed. Sex and other sexual activities are to put aside as black out or PM. If a brothel were to ever appear, that may be a slight exception only if it isn't too sexual or make people uncomfortable.
Rule #5: Any creativity goes. I will not restrict you on doing anything as long as it isn't stupid, too sarcastic, and without seriousness.
Rule #6: If you are unsure about Rule #5, come talk to the GM.
Rule #7: You must read all the rules in order to roleplay
Rule #8: Any roleplayer can incite a fight anywhere and at anytime. You may also create plots and other various of things. It must be feasible in this universe. If you aren't sure, send the GM a PM(recommended). He will be gladly to help. Again, there are consequences to the world for anything you do.
Rule #9: The most unusual rule of all in terms of roleplay. Being overpower is allowed if you can explain why and how. You must also incorporate the powers into his/her/its/their history and why they have come to this. Not to mention it must be logical why he/she/it/they aren't dead from being overpower because of being evil. Or in short, be specific why. However, do not abuse the power. Preferably make the character passive.
Rule #10: There is no minimum length on how long you must type. As long as you give the GM enough information to process all world assets, NPC, and characters.
Rule #11: If you are leaving a place. Do remember to note it at the end of your sentence of that post so to indicate that character has left the area.
Rule #12: Be respectful. If the GM treads into an area he/she is not suppose to, send a PM and the GM will do something about it.
Rule #13: You may create a topic for your home, private places that you know more than I do, etc. If it is a public place, send a PM to a GM. It will be resolve within 24 hours.
Rule #14:
Rule Rule#: Have fun