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  • 1. Absolutely no vulguar sexual content of any kind will be tolerated at all no questions asked and no second chances. Anyone found to be violating this rule will be perminently banned from the group and will never ever be allowed back in, not ever. 2. This group is for medieval roleplay only and no other forms of roleplay are allowed here not futuristic stuff, no aliens or starships and no other planets or outer space talk. Anyone found to be violating this rule will be given a single warning before being banned perminently from the group. 3. The last and most important rule, let's all be kind loving and supportive of one anothers ideas and let's let everyone have a say. If you don't agree with someone's idea for a storyline, or let's say maybe you may not agree with all the points of a storyline, you can work together with that person or group of people to hammer it out so that it fits in with what others would like to see in the current campaign. No cursing of any kind will be tolerated in this group unless we're in the heat of battle but even so, keep it to a low roar. The kinds of language that will not be tolerated are words that defame and belittle women such as the word whore or that filthy C word that rhymes with hunt that I will absolutely not repeat here since it leaves a nasty taist in my mouth and absolutely no racial slurs especially the N word. Not only is it unkind but it's also outdated. But let's forget about such things and as long as you all follow these guidelines laid out here, we'll all have fun plundering those sorry ogres and destroying their lairs for gold and rare weapons and treasure.