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  • Rules

    Disclaimer: Tiamat does not apologize for TPKs.

    * Please keep all content to at least PG-13. Though we do accept some gore and suggestive content, please don't overdo it, including any and all excessively detailed intense gore and/or explicit sex scenes.

    * No matter what your characters' intentions or relationships are IC, you should respect the other players OOC. As long as you happen to be participating in this RP group, we expect you to behave like a civil human being at the very least. That being said, do not mix in-character events with out-of-character ones, as that is nearly always a bad idea.

    * Do not assume control of other peoples' characters or backstories during a roleplay; including (but not limited to) writing out other characters' reactions, assuming relationships with other characters, or altering their character's personal canon without permission.

    * Your characters' powers or abilities, despite how awesome/mystical/badass they may be, should never be the sole representation of who your character is. People don't admire characters like Harry Potter or Katniss Everdeen because they have magical powers or do some fancy-pants tricks with a bow and arrow; but because certain aspects of their personalities, goals and struggles make for interesting and creative characters. A character doesn't have to be extra-special or talented to be interesting, but they do need to be plausible and