An awkward and unusual place on US in Trinity Island, but a decent amount of Japanese do visit the site. Koi ponds, Japanese plants, etc. The usual type of Japanese shrine. It was quite large.
Elias made his way to the shrine, looking at it and the surrounding area. It reminded him of home, he took a seat by the Koi pond to think as he enjoyed the surroundings.
A young girl dressed in a shrine maid uniform was sweeping the floors with an old style Japanese sweeper. Quiet and elegant.
Elias admired her for a moment before turning back to the pond, not wanting to stare. His tail was slightly raised as he looked at the fish with a calm look in his eyes, watching them swim.
She walked with a smile, "Do you want one?"
He looked up at her. "Pardon?" He asked with a chuckle.
"The fish" she said, "Do you want one? As a pet."
He chuckled. "No thank you, I don't have anywhere for a fish at the moment. Maybe eventually." He said with a small smile. His voice was calm and quiet.
She smiled. She asked kindly, "Are you perhaps a new student here?"
He nodded. "Yes, I go to sky."
"Oh?" she said with a tone higher, "Are you not late for the raid that's occurring at the moment?"
He shook his head. "I doubt it will last, i have a feeling that we're not doing to well, and my abilities aren't the best for fighting. I may just be a liability."
She continued to smile, "I wouldn't think that would be the case. Even if you couldn't fight, you could help in many ways."
He smiled back. "How do you figure that?"
"Laplace Institute" she said as she sat down somewhere, perhaps a rock. She continued on saying slowly, maybe philosophically, "It was once last place. A place where only those who don't fight well dwell. For the weak. But it holds second place. Those who fight in raids are few. But those who helped them in the raids by preparing before the fight are many. They build machines. Walls. Technology. Weapons. A full kit out robot army. Steel made by fire users. Healers for stamina boost. Liquid magic and temperature control by the water users. Even those who have no powers pour their intelligence into computers and wiring. Any and everyone participated. A Stonewall student may worth 20 Laplace students. But the school itself is worth more than the bottom 27 schools combined.....Do you understand?"
He nodded with a smile. "Yes, I do. You're quite a wise Miko."
"Thank you" she said, "I hope it helps you in the future." She slowly got up, "You're welcome to stay as long as you want."
He nodded. "Thank you, I enjoy it here, it reminds me of home."
"Then you are Japanese?" she asked curiously.
He nodded. "I am, Hokkaido actually."
Moderators: UltimateMawile Nessietheserphant XxRilu Cleothemagicdragon Laplace's Function (played anonymously) Nick (played by XxRilu) robinnrose