A large and colorful warehouse that seemed to be refurbished into its current state, the walls are colored in bright neon splattered paint. The lower floor is dedicated as a tailor and thrift store of types that you can bring in old clothes to get altered or to sell, buy new ones and have them altered, or special order any clothes you need. The bottom is split into sections based on formality or causality.
The second floor is a professional hair salon where you can get your hair cut, dyed, styled anywhere with an appointment or a walk in.
There a couple of employees wearing a type of punkish colorful uniform that seems to fit the atmosphere and decor the the place.
The second floor is a professional hair salon where you can get your hair cut, dyed, styled anywhere with an appointment or a walk in.
There a couple of employees wearing a type of punkish colorful uniform that seems to fit the atmosphere and decor the the place.
Mayleen and Styr walked in and she looked around.
"Here, find what you like. I'll be waiting." Styr said.
"Here, find what you like. I'll be waiting." Styr said.
There were a few people on the main floor that were wearing punkish outfits. One with short black hair walked over to Mayleen. "Need help finding anything?" She asked.
"Just some everyday clothes." She said in a gruff tone.
The girl smiled. "We have a bunch of casual clothes right over here, do you like jeans, shorts, or skirts?" She said walking into the casual section.
"Jeans..." She didn't like the fact that she was being helped let a lone receiving help.
She nodded. "Alright, what about shirts, do you want t-shirts, long sleeves, tank tops?"
The girl nodded. "Alright, what about any delicates?"
She nodded. "Alright, would you like me to assist you in picking anything out? Or if you'd like we can send you up stairs for a quick mani and pedi while we get some clothes picked out for you."
"No mani or pedi." She said quickly. "But help me pick." She hated it but she needed the help.
The girl nodded. "Alright, well i think darker colors would look very nice on you, do you have any specific colors you like?"
The girl nodded and picked out a bunch of t-shirts and a couple pairs of jeans. "Would you like to try them on before deciding? See how you look in them?"
"I think I'll be fine. I'm out of my element here. The faster the better."
The girl nodded and picked out some more of everything she needed. "How about these, will these do?"
"Yeah, that should do." She nodded.
She smiled. "Alright, i'll go ring up your things."
"Alright." She looked looked Styr.
Moderators: UltimateMawile Nessietheserphant XxRilu Cleothemagicdragon Laplace's Function (played anonymously) Nick (played by XxRilu) robinnrose