Sebastian strolled into the building, a black suitcase rolling along behind him. He was tall and quite handsome, clean shaven for once, though his hair was a bit spiky at the moment. He hadn't had much of a chance to do anything with it that morning, as he had been in a hurry to pack and get on the boat that had brought him here. He had been told about the school a week ago, and while it was impressive, the thing that intrigued him the most was the salon/tailor shop that he was told was hiring people. He was pretty excited for that, as he loved working with clothing, so he headed inside and looked around, wondering who he would need to speak to.
"What the bloody hell did you get her? My God." He still looked like a young child so others may give them a look but he didn't care. "Whatever, here." He held up a debit card. "You're lucky I still kept some connections to the world for something like this."
The girl took the money. "Enough clothes to last her a good while, the things aren't cheep, especially these, we hand make them right here." she said with a smile.
He mumbled something that couldn't really be heard, but something about raising a family from the ground might have been heard by those really listening. "Let's go kid. You got what you need." He and Mayleen walked out of the store with the clothes.
The girl looked at Sebastian, she had short purple and pink hair, her nose was pierced and she had green eyes. "Hello!" She said to Sebastian. "How can i help you?"
Sebastian parked his suitcase for a minute as he turned his gaze on the girl that spoke to him, his stunning green eyes searching her face for a second. He took a second to run a hand through his black hair in an attempt to smooth it somewhat before he replied to her, his voice being a deep bass. "Hello," he started to say, holding a hand out for her to seemingly shake. "My name is Sebastian Hamilton. I just arrived on the island, and I'm going to be going to one of the schools here. I was told about this specific shop, and that you were hiring?" He paused a second as he asked her, seemingly for clarification that he was correct, before continuing. "I've been working with clothing for a couple years now, and would love to be a tailor for you, or even just a salesman." He finished, slightly adjusting the leather jacket he wore over a white tank top, which was paired with black jeans and combat boots. He had no visible tattoos or piercings, though he may well have had hidden ones.
The girl walked out from behind the counter and shook his hand. Each of her steps were even and careful. She was wearing knee high black socks, black combat boots, a red and black checkered skirt, and a long-sleeve sweater that hid some of her neck tattoos. She had bright green eyes, pink and purple hair, and a nose ring. She gently shook his hand and smiled. "Well we are indeed hiring, the old lady isn't here at the moment, but i'm sure she'd like you just as much as i do, so i'll get you started." She said. "We're looking for tailors coincidentally, we make all our own clothes for all occasions and are one of the most visited shops that aren't in LIT's mall." She said pointing around to the people inside. "We normally get more appointments around times the schools throw balls or parties, other than that we make different clothes for all kinds of occasions, and all of them are different. We have a saying that if it fits, it was meant for you, which is true since one item is never in two sizes or shapes. Are you still interested?" she asked with a smile.
Sebastian shook her hand before smiling as he let go, sticking his hand into his pocket as he listened to her, glancing around the building as he did so with a nod. "A wonderful reputation and saying." He spoke, pausing a moment as he looked at her again. "I am indeed still interested, and sincerely believe I can uphold the quality standard of clothing here." He said with another smile and a nod, glancing around the room again. "How often are parties thrown here?" He asked curiously, trying to judge the amount of time he would spend working each normal day, as well as days for those special events.
She shrugged. "The schools throw parties on a whim, but since it's the beginning of the year a few schools will be doing some sort of party or dance, although other than that sometimes they are thrown after fights to celebrate or even to raise moral. Other than that we sometimes get special orders from people." She said looking around the racks. "A duty you will also have will be to watch the store and make sure the racks are in order by size and level of causality."
Sebastian nodded again as he listened to her, glancing at the racks before looking at her. "I see. So parties and special orders are pretty random." He said, seeming to clarify it for himself. "I can definitely keep the racks organized, and my tailor skills should suit you." He said, chuckling a little bit. "When can I get started?" He asked curiously, quite excited to get to work.
She thought. "Well the old lady won't be in until tomorrow, so officially tomorrow morning, but if you wanna stay and watch the shop with me you can." She said with a smile.
He continued smiling as he nodded. "Wonderful. I would love to keep you company, and get a feel for this place at the same time. Where shall I leave my suitcase though?" He asked, glancing back at it.
She smiled. "Right behind the counter." She said as she walked over and using one hand slid over it to the other side. "And yes, we are allowed to do that."
"I see." He said with a slight chuckle as he watched her move his suitcase over, before joining her at the counter. "Might I ask your name miss?" He asked after a moment.
"Oh, I'm Nova, Assistant Manager here." She said with a toothy grin.
"It's wonderful to meet you, Nova." He said, also grinning before looking around again. "How long have you been working here?"
She thought a bit, twirling a piece of bright pink hair around her finger. "Since I started at Laplace, so three years running." She said holding up 3 fingers.
"I see. I'm assuming you've enjoyed it?" He asked as he looked over at her, smiling slightly. He had always found it easy to talk to girls, and though he had just met her, she was no exception to that.
She nodded. "Oh yea, it's really great here, the old lady is the best boss ever, and the schools are pretty great too."
Moderators: UltimateMawile Nessietheserphant XxRilu Cleothemagicdragon Laplace's Function (played anonymously) Nick (played by XxRilu) robinnrose