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Forums » Trinity Island » Color Me Crazy Salon and Tailor

The trio met outside of the store. "There's my big snowman. Come on let's go in." The three walked inside.
Nova looked at the three. "Hello. How can I help you three?" She asked with a smile.
Lilica smiled at Nova. "Hello, I would like a tuxedo for him," She patted Adrian. "And a white tuxedo for this one." She patted Andrew with her other hand.

Adrian looked down at Lilica. "I don't think we need to be that formal for this."

Lilica made a face. "I will have my boys looking their finest and that's the end of it." Adrian sighed and Andrew laughed.
Nova noddded. "Sure thing, this way please." She said with a grin walking over to the men's formal attire and picking out a white tux and a black tux. "How about these?" She asked. "Of course you'll have to try them on."
"Those look great." She looked at the two boys and they went to try their respective tux on.
"They're both hand-made, a long with all of our clothes here." She said with a smile. "Can I interest you in any formal wear? We have a fine selection of formal dresses and gowns."
"Hmmm. Ya know I wasn't going to but yes please. Green would be nice."
She smiled walked to the women's section, pulling out a long green evening gown. It was backless, held up by a strap around the neck, and skirt shimmered in the light. "How about this?" She asked.
"It looks nice. What's the material?"
"Silk, and it has a built in no see slip."
"Hmm, that sounds great. Just gotta try it out." She smiled.
She smiled and handed it to her. "There's another dressing room right over here." She said with a smile.
"Sounds great." She took the dress to try on. After a few minutes the three came out with their outfits on.
Nova looked at all of them, everything seemed to fit pretty well. "You all look very classy, do you have some sort of party you're going to?" She asked.
"Yes, welcoming party at our school."
"Wow, that sounds like fun, what school do you guys go to?" She asked with a smile.
"Sky." she said plainly.
"Oh I see, well that's nice, if you ever have another event, we also do custom tailoring, make you exactly what you want." She said with a smile.
"That sounds good. Now for the price."
She thought about it. "Here, I'll give you a deal, I'll give you both tuxes and the dress for 1200."

Moderators: UltimateMawile Nessietheserphant XxRilu Cleothemagicdragon Laplace's Function (played anonymously) Nick (played by XxRilu) robinnrose