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Forums » Trinity Island » Color Me Crazy Salon and Tailor

She nodded and thumbed through the racks and found a light coat in a similar style. "How's this one?" She asked with a smile.
He nodded and took the coat and looked at it.
She smiled. "So do you just like trench coats, or are you some kind of detective or mysterious stranger?"
"Yeah I kinda got a thing for them. I mean look how many cool characters wear awesome trench coats. Plus it has extra pockets to carry things." He said to her.
She laughed. "I can respect that."
Ryan chuckled. "Yeah. I'll definatly come here for all my trench coats."
"Well I sure hope so, come on, let me ring you up." She said walking back over to the counter.
Ryan nodded and walked over to the counter. " You said you do custom clothes, right?"
She nodded. "Yes we do, are you interested in anything?"
"Well, how much to you like working with leather?" Ryan asked her.
She smiled. "Call me a leather smith."
Ryan chuckled and nodded. "Now I don't feel bad about asking for a leather trench coat."
She nodded thinking a bit. "A leather trench coat, I think I could do that." She said as she pulled out some measuring tape. "Would you mind if I got the measurements now?"
He shook his head and held his arms out. "Go right ahead."
She nodded and with a smile began taking measurements of his arms and his torso length. As she finished she began writing stuff down. "Any special features you would like?"
Ryan immediatly answered her question. "Other than inside pockets, can you make it fireproof?"
"With fire resistant leather or with enchantments? Both are well within our abilities."
He thought for a minute. "Eh, either works. Just don't want it into flames while im playing around."
She nodded and made a note. "Sure thing. If you come in tomorrow we should have enough for a fitting to make sure everything is the way you like."
He nodded. "Thanks. And might i have it in crimson ?"

Moderators: UltimateMawile Nessietheserphant XxRilu Cleothemagicdragon Laplace's Function (played anonymously) Nick (played by XxRilu) robinnrose