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Michael walked into the StuCo room. "Here ye, here ye. The world's favorite Demon has arrived." He said with a grin.

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Claire chuckled. "No my favorite demon lives with me." She said in a British accent.
Lottie thought. "We aren't doing anything yet, we may still have a bit of time, until then we need to call as many students to campus as possible, I don't want anyone getting ambushed out in the city." She said looking at Claire. "Use whatever you need to that we have available to do whatever it is you do." She said before looking at Micheal. "We're a bit busy at the moment."
"Sorry. I was told to come here as soon as I arrive."
"The ambush only works at certain time at a certain location" Akane explained, "It will only work when there is not enough people at a certain position, and at a certain time being night."
Lilliana looked at Malachi with a smile. "Welcome to sky institute, what lottie means to say is that we're about to be attacked and it's gonna be super fun! Well that is if we get all our troops here."
"Do you think they'll wait to attack us at night?" Claire asked Akane. "And i'm still not sure what it is i'm supposed to be doing, so if someone could tell me what a Cyber Division head does i will gladly do it."
"Maybe so, but if we're having a raid they need to be breastfed and I'd rather do it in person, I doubt this other school will just let us give them back their student." She said.
"Oooh. Fighting one my first day? How fun."

Aaron looked at Michael and tilted his head.
"Scouting for information. Internet warfare. Camera hacking. The things all you can do" Akane smiled, "And they may attack today. Not sure when. However how you deal with it is up to you."
She sighed. "What school is it again, if i can hack into their cameras i can try figuring out what they're planning, i can see about sending a few internet bots to their system as well, but that's all i have on my handy dandy flash drive right now." She said as she walked over to the computer.
Lilliana giggled. "I know it sounds like fun" she said with a giggle. "I could try setting up some runes that could go off of someone tried to get near the borders of our school that aren't normal routes at least."
Lottie thought for a moment, if she sent out a state of emergency some might panic. "I'll wait, for the others, this needs to be thoroughly discussed, for as long as possible."
Aaron shrugged and looked at Lilliana. "Or I could just use these." He said as he pulled out motion sensor discs. "They're designed to camouflage with the terrain. They notify me through this mask."
Alexa appeared in, "I apologize for my tardiness." She now sat at a chair.
Lilliana rolled her eyes. "My runes are invisible."
"We can just use them both. Just in case. Anyone with basic knowledge of runes can easily detect them. If they do, my motion sensors would still be there. And vice versa." Aaron said.
Lottie nodded. "It's fine, the situation currently is that there's a possibility of us being attacked as one of our members ambushed and kidnapped a student from a rank 17 school. We're deciding what the best point of action is. Also meet Claire, she's the new head of our cyber division."
"You underestimate my runes." She said with a dark spark in her eyes for a mere moment before it was gone.
"Runes you say?" Michael said looking at Lilliana.

Moderators: UltimateMawile Nessietheserphant XxRilu Cleothemagicdragon Laplace's Function (played anonymously) Nick (played by XxRilu) robinnrose