Lilliana looked around and her eyes landed on Angela. "I has an idea." She skipped over to Angela. "Hmmm i know a female who is as harmless as a fly. Who can only create illusions."
Angela backed up. "Yea, Logan can do it." She said quietly.
"I would suggest ms. Logan as well, but these are tech people, as we've found. Your eye and arm will scare them off, plus I'm sure they can do actual damage." She said with a sigh. "I would go myself, but allegedly im a bit intimidating and some people are against kidnapping children."
"I do suppose that could work." She said with a shrug. "Seems like a prime target to me."
"They may end up thinking it could be a planned kidnapping. Therefore, if they do, they might not fall for it."
"I still don't like this plan."
"If they don't fall for it nothing is lost." Lottie said as her eyes gazed over the room. "What are your objections, Adrian?"
"The simple fact that we are letting someone be kidnapped without knowing what they will do when they have someone."
"Well normally in a situation like this, they will wait for up to notice and then attempt a swap." She said with a shrug.
"Who's to say they don't already have one of our students?"
"Then nothing is lost from this point in time, right?"
"Surely they wouldn't trade two students for one. Unless this student here is of importance to them." He said looking at the tied up student.
"We don't have any knowledge of a student being taken." She said looking at Aaron. "Although by all means, if you're hiding some knowledge of something."
"I'm just saying. There could be a lot of students in this school, that don't know how to use their abilities very well. In cost of this, someone could've found themselves quote un quote lost."
"In all reality we're doing this to buy time, two students might buy us more time." She said with a shrug. "You're right normally you wouldn't trade two for one, which is why they would have to figure out what to do with the other students. Leaving them to gather more information and us more time to formulate a plan."
Lottie nodded. "I'm in agreeance with Claire, let's take it do a vote." She said looking around. "Who votes yay?"
System pop: "A raid in progress. A raid in progress. Sky Institute has instigated a raid on <Insert 17th rank school's name here>. A raid in progress. A raid in progress."
"Wait, we instigated a raid?" She asked. "Since when?"
Aaron got up. "Well. This shall be fun."
Moderators: UltimateMawile Nessietheserphant XxRilu Cleothemagicdragon Laplace's Function (played anonymously) Nick (played by XxRilu) robinnrose