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Forums » Sky Institute of Education and Magitech » Student Council Room

Restia spoke up, "I can look after him~"
"Good idea." She said as she moved closer to Claire, waiting for her to grab her, or give directions.
Lottie nodded. "Then off I go." She said as she basically glided out of the room on her strings. Angela ran out the door.
Claire smiled and grabbed her arms flying them out of the council building and towards the school.
As Clarie teleported back into the Student Council Room, she sat back down at the computer as she looked at everyone else. "So we did not get the connection, although I doubt we'll need it anymore."
Akane was there, waiting for them to appear. The hostage person was gone. She also explained the situation to Restia and Faith.
As soon as Angela realized where they were her clothes appeared back on her and she let out a sigh, still blushing as she sat down, she was now wearing a slightly larger sweatshirt. She looked around and realized the hostage was missing, and she looked around to everyone else.

Lottie was still standing in the same position she was before, mid-step with her strings held up around her. Her necklace was slowly going back to its full color.
Logan was teleported back with a sigh, before returning to the seat she had earlier occupied on a desktop.
"So the situation as if now has been defused made by a deal between me and them. We returned their hostage. They also returned their hostage. They lose no rank. We get an increase a rank of 6. Everyone's happy" Akane explained.
Aaron sat down at a chair after he was teleported. He took his mask off and began to clean it.
(Who locked the chat)
Angela nodded. "Probably better than we could've hope for the situation we were in." She said very quietly, still feeling a bit obviously uncomfortable.
Enea knocked as she opened the door and poked her head inside of the room. Her face was neutral as she looked around the room. Her ponytail fell over her shoulder, creating a lot of contrast from the white hair to black shirt, the pink strand that had previously been in her hair was now gone. "Hey, this is where i get a room? Apologies if I'm intruding." She said with a shadow of a smile on her lips, but a smile in her eyes. "May I come the rest of the way inside?"
He only nodded to the new face before taking a seat. "Still curious as to how it started."
Enea walked inside the rest of the way with the same expression as she looked over the others in the room, quietly.
Angela looked up at Enea and walked over to her. "Apartment or dorm?" She asked speaking up a little.
"Dorm will be fine." She said with a small smile.
Angela nodded. "Welcome to Sky." She said with a return smile.
She nodded. "Why thank you." She said with a smile as she glanced passed them at the statue girl. "That's a very interesting piece of artwork you have there." She said with a shrug as she left.
Dante knocked on the door before walking in. He removed the hoodie from his head. His hair was interesting. Black, with red tips that ended with white. His eyes were red. "Pardon me. Is this where I go to get a place to stay?" Dante asked.

Moderators: UltimateMawile Nessietheserphant XxRilu Cleothemagicdragon Laplace's Function (played anonymously) Nick (played by XxRilu) robinnrose