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Exie silently led them into the Student Council Room.

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The two twins followed Exie in, Jay leaving his suitcase by Taylor who stayed at the door. Taylor was silent as he stayed there, his gaze slowly moving around as he smoothed his slightly messed up hair. Jay on the other hand, moved closer to everyone, almost smirking as he looked around, ignoring his messy hair. "This where we're supposed to go to get rooms?"
Angela nodded looking at the both of them. "Y-yes it is, dorm or apartment, and will you two be staying together or separate?"
Jay thought for a minute before responding. "Dorms, please, and separate. Jamie doesn't like sleeping with me." He said with a chuckle. That comment though, prompted Taylor to blush slightly and try to hide, not liking how it came out.
"Since the situation has been's time to relax. Though it's best to come up with a plan so that doesn't happen again" she advised.
"I'm still in the dark as to how it started"
"A student from Sky had a malfunction in the spell, cause to be teleported to the council room of the 17th ranked school. They determine it to be intrusion due to the person's actions. Thus that is how it started."
Claire looked at Lilliana. "Probably the evil loli in the room."
Angela nodded and did some work on her phone. "Alright rooms are done, I had to put you in a room of three Taylor, I hope that's okay." She said quietly.
Lilliana shook her head. "Nope I didn't turn off the magic, it was actually very inconvenient that it was turned off for me, I had to use my homemade flash bombs to even try and disengage. Also the ninja's were there, one of them was a time ninja."
Taylor slowly looked over at Angela, nodding before dropping his gaze again. "That's fine." He said quietly. Jay smiled. "Of course that's fine. Thank you kindly miss." He said, bowing slightly before moving back to Exie. "Do you have a room yet?"
"I don't think she meant the anti magic."
Exie nodded silently.

Lilliana shrugged. "Well I didn't send anyone into the enemies quarters, we were all planning to get Angela kidnapped, although I did find who was taken and I was very close to extracting him."
Jay nodded. "Alright. Can I walk you over there so I can give your book back?" He asked, still holding it as he grabbed his suitcase handle. Taylor just silently went outside.
"I'm sure someone was there watching. Right?" Akane turned to Restia. Restia gave back a smile, "Yes. I was~"
Exie nodded with a small smile. "Sure."
Jay smiled. "Wonderful. You may have to lead the way though, unless you don't mind possibly getting lost."
Exie nodded and lead the way out.
"If someone would recap what happened after magic went out for me, I would like to know." She said looking around.
"Well~. Some student from Sky Institute casted an anti-magic field related spell, knocking out both side's magic" Restia explained. Akane continued, "I also sent a message that if the battle ended right there and now, we will gain ranks. Any longer and it will result in a loss as the number of Sky students was dropping fast."

Moderators: UltimateMawile Nessietheserphant XxRilu Cleothemagicdragon Laplace's Function (played anonymously) Nick (played by XxRilu) robinnrose