She giggled at the spin and nodded. "Yep."
Lilliana looked at angela. "So are you gonna give a fancy speech?"
He chuckled and nodded. "Start us off."
She closed her eyes as she listened to the music, before she began with some simple movements.
He followed her, eventually showing her some more moves as the song went on.
Angela looked around. "Yea I will after this song." She said taking a deep breath.
She smiled, opening her eyes as she watched him. She began copying his moves quite skillfully.
Raine walked back over to Mayleen. "I'm back." She said with a smile.
"Good can we leave now?" Styr was no where in sight.
She nodded. "Yea, I was not impressed by crab cakes." She said with a shrug.
He smirked and slowly increased the movements, impressed with her dancing.
She grinned as she followed him, easily able to keep up.
"Great." She said with a groan as she turned and started off.
Raine followed behind her.
Angela walked and smiled at the two dancing.
He smirked and gave her a few quick spins before dipping her.
She giggled as he did so, smiling up at him.
He smiled back at her as he lifted her up.
She kept giggling. "Well, I hadn't expected that."
Zoey sighed. "Well that wasn't very exciting." She said to Virgo.
Moderators: UltimateMawile Nessietheserphant XxRilu Cleothemagicdragon Laplace's Function (played anonymously) Nick (played by XxRilu) robinnrose