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"I'll take that as a yes."

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"What, no after the third time I failed I have up on it, but he seems interesting." She said with a shrug. "Maybe we should both go talk to him."
"I say you guys go for it." Natalie says, putting her input, "There is no reason two pretty ladies like you should have to go this whole night without getting one dance." She smiles.
"Well I see no harm. If you want to, let's go."
She smiled. "Sounds wonderful." She said with a smile heading towards Malachi.
Lilica followed.
Natalie chuckled and said to Andrew, "It's crazy what a bow tie can do for a guy."
"You think so?"
Malachi looked at the two girls approaching and gave them a small smile. "Hello ladies, to what do i owe the pleasure?" He asked.
"Oh heck yeah." She says and then adds, "Trust me, it takes a special type of guy to be able to look bad in a suit, especially one with a bow tie. There is just something about a suit that triggers something in the female mind." Natalie laughed.
Tiffany glanced at Lilica. "Hmmm." She said to her. Before looking back at him. "I feel like I've seen you before, have i?" She asked.
"Hmm noted." He laughed.
She looked him over, "Don't worry, you have it down. Besides you do have that whole singer thing going for you."
Malachi glanced at Lilica. "Do you know what she's talking about?" He asked her.
"Yeah you're right." he laughed. "Having fun?"
"I never do."
Angela watched as Tiffany ran to go try and do whatever it was she did and then looked around. Now what would she do? She walked a bit away towards the trees, Virgo, and Zoey.
She made a face, "Yeah.. sorta." She looked up at him, "This is the first party I've ever been to that I wasn't playing an entirely different role. And then I had the whole brother fiasco in the beginning and so..." she sighs, "It's alright now though."
"I swear I've seen your face somewhere before." She said sighing. "Maybe not, but are you sure you weren't in like a magazine or something?"
Malachi shrugged and scratched the back of his neck. "I don't know what to tell you miss." He said with a smile. "I'm Malachi, by the way."

Moderators: UltimateMawile Nessietheserphant XxRilu Cleothemagicdragon Laplace's Function (played anonymously) Nick (played by XxRilu) robinnrose