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Tiffany waved. "Bye Malachi." She looked at Lilica with a smile. "So are you headed home or are you going to go hit up a club with me?"
She laughed. "I'm going home. You stay out of trouble." She waved as she started off.
Tiffany called after her. "In all my many years, I have never stayed out of trouble."
Jack was walking around picking the trash up. He seemed to have been humming to himself.
Tiffany looked at Jack. "Hello, would you mind escorting me to my apartment, fine stranger." She asked batting her eyelashes.
Jack stopped and looked at Tiffany. His right eye had a small quick flash, then went to normal. "Hello. Uhm.. No. I don't mind helping." Jack said with a shrug.
Tiffany smiled. "Great!" She said with a grin. "I don't wanna get lost at night, alone." She said with a grin, grabbing his arm gently and pulling him off with her.
Jack followed her. "In a hurry?"
She shrugged. "Maybe a little, I have a plan for one of my roommates so I need to get home as soon as possible." She said with a smile.
"Okay then." He said as he looked at the arm Tiffany held onto. "Angel, power off." He said under his breath."
Tiffany led him off, hearing what he said but not mentioning it.
Jack continued to follow her. "Name is Jack Moon by the way."
"Tiffany Grace." She said with a smile.
Angela walked back into Open Sky as they left, putting her headphones in and getting to work on taking down the decorations and cleaning up what little was left of the food table.
"Ooh. What a lovely name." He spoke.
Tiffany smiled and led him off.
Jack just continued to follow her.
Angela would continue to take down decorations and clean up, the DJ had already packed up and left and she was alone, at least to the extent of her knowledge.
Someone walked over to Angela. He was completely quiet aside from his footsteps. He looked exactly like Jack, except he had been wearing different clothes.
Angela jumped when she saw him, taking her headphones out of her ears she put a hand over her chest. "Oh god, you scared me." She said breathing a bit heavily.

Moderators: UltimateMawile Nessietheserphant XxRilu Cleothemagicdragon Laplace's Function (played anonymously) Nick (played by XxRilu) robinnrose