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She growled. "You're all terrible."

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Tyler head pat Exie on the head, "You still pack a punch though."
"Nah, Tyler is terrible, the rest of us are great." He said with a shrug.
She leaned on Tyler. "Hmmmm."
He raised an eyebrow, "Am I?"
Virgo still stood afar under the tree, examining what happened in front of her. She was use to this, however as of now it felt like stocking. She opened up her journal and tried to make it seem like she was doing something else of the sort.
Lottie looked at the group then she walked over towards Virgo. "It's not a crime to watch people interact." She said, her monotone voice almost sounded melodic.
"See this park is nice." Lilliana said looking around. "And look lots of people already come to the park." Lilliana said as she let go of Angela.
Angela looked around at all the people, she shook her head a bit as she felt it a little hard to breath. "S-somewhere else, please." She said quietly.
Lilliana looked at her curiously. "Alright, that's fine we can go somewhere else." She said grabbing her hand and leading her out.
A man walked into the park, short black hair, white eye color and dark clothes that give off a shadow effect. He looked around and walked over to a tree and sat underneath it. He began to just stare blankly into the sky.
"Ohhhh don't get down, he's only teasing you." She laughed.
"am I?" He asked. "Didn't realize i was."
She elbow jabbed Neil in the side. "Better be." She mumbled
"You're so mean Neil." she giggled her eyes bright.
He shook his head in annoyance and sighed then took his book out and continued to read, "I'll be returning to my book."
"Boooring." She teased.
He rolled his eyes. "Come on man, have some fun for once."
The man sat under the tree creating small shapes with a floating ball of shadow that was in his hands

Moderators: UltimateMawile Nessietheserphant XxRilu Cleothemagicdragon Laplace's Function (played anonymously) Nick (played by XxRilu) robinnrose