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Neil was glancing around and caught his eye on the man. "Hey guys, check it out, that guy seems interesting."

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She leaned back to see the man around Neil. "Ooo."
Exie looked towards what Neil was looking at. "Yea I guess, if you like people that is." she said quietly.
He turned the shadow ball into two small cat like figures. They ran around for a bit before turning back into a ball.
"see shadow must be cool, if i send fire cats running around i create a forest fire." He said with a chuckle.
"I mean you can will the forest fire to stop, right?"
"I mean i could, but what's the fun in that?" He said darkly.
Lottie watched them a bit. She supposed they would be quite amusing if she let herself feel it. This boy was interesting too. She just leaned against her tree, watching all of them. Not that it was hard to miss her. She had dark purple hair, bright green eyes, and she was dressed like she was in a corseted dress with a frilly skirt.
The man chuckled to himself, though it seemed as if he was able to hear everyone else.
Exie looked away from the guy and his eyes landed on Lottie. "Wow she looks like a doll!" She said pointing at Lottie. "That's super cool."
Neil glanced away from the guy. "A marionette if anything, not just a doll, silly." He said glancing back at the guy. "Oh and they can probably both hear us....."
Lottie's face didn't react but she looked at Exie and waved.
He looked around the park and noticed that there were others there. "Oops." He said as he got up and put his shadow ball away.
Exie blushed and waved back at Lottie.
"You say its rude to yell but its also rude to point." She teased.
Exie glared and threw an air orb at her.
Neil waved at the guy. "You guys are so rowdy."
"Owwww." She rubbed her arm.
Exie giggled.
He waved back as he continued to look around. He noticed Lottie sitting alone and thought to himself.

Moderators: UltimateMawile Nessietheserphant XxRilu Cleothemagicdragon Laplace's Function (played anonymously) Nick (played by XxRilu) robinnrose