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Forums » Aeries Dormitory » Karla Valic and Cain Wilks

Considering the status of the school at the moment, there are no luxuries unless the students bring them. So, no TV, no microwave. A closet, a night desk, a lamp, a teeny tiny refrigerator, bathroom not amazing, and a window is what each room is equipped with.

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Karla walked and dropped her stuff on her bed and ran back out without bothering to unpack.
Cain walked into his room.
As he walked in Karla came barreling in at full speed, knocking Cain to the ground. She rummaged through her things, grabbing a few things, and ran off into the bathroom to change.
Cain stared at the floor of the room for a moment until he heard the bathroom door close, then he stood up, cracking basically all of the joints in his body and taking a deep breath. He took a seat on his bed. "This is going to be interesting."
She came back out a few moments later in pajama pants and a large old tee. She threw her zipped bag behind her, not knowing or caring what or who it would hit. She flopped into bed and yawned loudly.
Cain dodged the bag with ease. He gave a small chuckle as he pulled a bag out from under the bed and headed into the bathroom.
Karla rolled around a bit before settling down and started snoring a bit.
Cain would come out a few minutes later, he was wearing a black tank top and some red pajama bottoms. He flicked off any lights and laid down in his bed, closing his eyes.
Karla shot up. "Who the hell turned the lights off..." She scanned the dark room.
Cain lit a fireball in his hands. "I did." He said without opening his eyes.
"Gaaaaaahhhhhh!" She yelled in anger. As an earthly hand opened the window, attached to her hand. She then karate chopped at his head. "Who are you?!"
Cain used fire to jet out of the way. "Your roommate." He said nonchalantly.
"Oooohhhhh. Alright." She let the dirt fall off her hand, and onto Cain's bed without realizing ut, as she yawned. "The name's Karla. I'm tired. Goodnight." She flopped back into bed.
He nodded and swept the dirt off of his bed and yawned laying back down in his bed and closing his eyes yet again.
Karla started to stir and yawns very loudly.
Cain was awake and eating a bowl of cereal and looking at stuff in his phone.
Karla rather calmly and without a word grabbed some clothes and went into the bathroom to change.
Cain continued to eat his cereal with a small yawn.
A few moments later Karla came bursting out the door at full speed and left the dorm, slamming the door behind her.

Moderators: UltimateMawile Nessietheserphant XxRilu Cleothemagicdragon Laplace's Function (played anonymously) Nick (played by XxRilu) robinnrose