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Forums » Aerial Dormitory » Virgo Love and Kirina Valic

Considering the status of the school at the moment, there are no luxuries unless the students bring them. So, no TV, no microwave. A closet, a night desk, a lamp, a teeny tiny refrigerator, bathroom not amazing, and a window is what each room is equipped with.
Kirina slowly walked into the room, her hood over her purple braided hair and carrying two boxes stacked on top of eachother. The first full of electronics, laptop and Chargers. The second was full of clothes

. She looked around the room and sighed, "No TV. Atleast I have a phone and some other things." She'd sigh and set her boxes on the ground. Beginning to unpack.
Virgo was already sitting on her side of the room, sprawled out on her bed. Her hair was a bright blue and her eyes were even brighter as she watched her roommate enter. It was weird seeing someone with just as unusually colored hair as her, however Virgo's face remained in a neutral position, she didn't say anything
Kirina had eyed Virgo and she sighed, "Let's break the ice. Ice how ironic." Kirina scoffed and turned, "My name is Kirina Vilac." She'd say sitting on her bed and slowly taking her clothes out the box whilst watching Virgo.
Virgo wrinkled her nose, she already didn't like this girl. Kline, her best friend, always got onto her for judging people too quickly, however this girl just didn't seem nice. However, Virgo nods, opening up her notebook and doodling in it. "Im Virgo." She states, humbly.
Kirina smiled, "I like that name and you're hair is quite vibrant. I love it." Kirina continues to unpack and folds
Her clothes on her bed. "The facilities aren't great here are they?"
She shook her head and looked up from her journal before ten admitting, "Yeah it's pretty crappy, but I mean what more do we really need?" She looked around the place, "I mean who needs space for living?" It was cramped, very cramped.
Kirina sighed, "Yes, I would've applied for the apartment but that would be too luxurious of me." Kirina sighed and moved her clothes into the closet. Then putting the empty box outside in the hallway. She'd move to the other box taking out tangled cables and a laptop.
Kirina stopped unpacking and looked
At the time on her phone. "Oh dear, one of them must've arrived by now." She'd mumble to herself. Dusting herself off and walking out before sayin, "Nice to meet you by the way Virgo." She'd close the door behind her.

Moderators: UltimateMawile Nessietheserphant XxRilu Cleothemagicdragon Laplace's Function (played anonymously) Nick (played by XxRilu) robinnrose