He smiles a large swoon worthy smile and looks down at her, offering her his hand to help her get back up. "You are a beautiful dancer." He tells her, as he tries and makes eye contact.
She didn't look up at him. "Th-thank you." She said quietly blushing a bit.
He beant down a little to try and get to her level. "Hey, look, Im sorry about last night." This was not something that Dalton did often, apologizing just was not his thing. "I was drunk and acting like an ass."
She nodded. "I-it's fine." She said looking up a bit.
He sighs, "No, it's really not." There was a brief silence before he then straightens back up, clearing his throat. "You can say that I was a douche, I promise you my feelings will not be hurt." He chuckled, he was still offering out his hand to help her up.
Tiffany walked out of Angela's room wearing a pair of red lacy shorts and a tank top, she looked at Dalton. "Wow, looks like I'm not the only one who slept over." She said biting her lip with a grin. "I didn't know you had it in you, Angel." She said with a wink.
"I-I try not to say those things." She said to him as Tiffany walked in, she turned even redder. "N-no we, we didn't-you know-we-we-" she began sputtering.
Tiffany giggled. "I know that silly, remember I was the only one sleeping on your bed last night." She said with a giggle as she sauntered over to them. "Sooo who's your friend?"
Dalton straightened up, rather confidently for a man who was practically naked. "The names Dalton." He says simply.
Natalie comes out of her room, her hair poofy and wearing just a oversized shirt that said "kinky" on it. She stopped in front of everyone, pausing for only second before shrugging and going to pour herself some cereal.
Natalie comes out of her room, her hair poofy and wearing just a oversized shirt that said "kinky" on it. She stopped in front of everyone, pausing for only second before shrugging and going to pour herself some cereal.
Tiffany smiled happily as she looked him over. "Tiffany."
Angela finally stood up. "I'm uhh, I'm gonna go for a run or something, I-I'll see you guys later." She said with a small smile as she left, clothes appearing over her leotard as she left.
Dalton chuckles, looking her over before looking back down to Angela. "Ive given your friend quite the headache." He tells them before walking over to the couch and grabs his pants.
Natalie was now spooning her cereal into her mouth, spilling a bit onto her shirt, she looks down and wrinkles her nose, then shrugs and continues eating.
Natalie was now spooning her cereal into her mouth, spilling a bit onto her shirt, she looks down and wrinkles her nose, then shrugs and continues eating.
Tiffany giggled. "Oh she's just shy, the only time she's ever seen anyone as bare as you was when she was preforming, and danced boys only look in your eyes, trust me I've know a few." She said with a chuckle. "But I'm working on her."
"A girl like her shouldn't be shy. She is beautiful." He said, pulling on his pants and then pulling his shirt over his head.
Natalie groaned, "Dalton shut up and get out of my freaking house."
Natalie groaned, "Dalton shut up and get out of my freaking house."
Tiffany laughed at Natalie's words. "Beautiful people can have social anxiety too." She said with a giggle.
Dalton gave her a look, "I don't know, I feel pretty good about mysel-"
Natalie interrupted him, "Nobody is more self absorbed then you so don't even start."
Natalie interrupted him, "Nobody is more self absorbed then you so don't even start."
"It's not a problem with her body, she's afraid of people." She said with a chuckle.
Dalton turned toward Tiffany, "What will I have to do to get you to help me with Angela?" His voice was cold, and his face seemed to have no emotion whatsoever, however his eyes showed otherwise. They were deadly intense.
Tiffany raised an eyebrow. "Help you with Angela? You're interested in my best friend?"
Moderators: UltimateMawile Nessietheserphant XxRilu Cleothemagicdragon Laplace's Function (played anonymously) Nick (played by XxRilu) robinnrose