"Well not eat your body, eat your soul, she's a demon." Claire said with a chuckle. Kayla seemed unfazed.
"Why would she eat my soul?" He asked, still confused.
"Because as a demon her goal is to eat the souls of different races and species, like wanting to try every type of chocolate." She said with a shrug. "Although I'm not sure if she still wants too."
Kayla looked at him. "Hmmm?" She asked.
"If you gave it to me or made me a contract." She said with a shrug. "I'm not one who just turns people to stone and then steals their souls." She said. Claire seemed to roll her eyes at the last part of the statement.
"Oh. What.. what would happen if you ate it?"
"Your existence would end." She said with a shrug.
"Although I didn't plan on doing that." She said with a yawn.
"So you two are super cute, but if you ever sit in my chair again, I'll turn you to stone and eat your soul." Claire said with a smie, before walking towards her room.
Kayla chuckled. "Don't worry I'll protect you"
Kayla chuckled. "Don't worry I'll protect you"
She chuckled and rubbed his stomach a bit. "Calm down."
"O-okay.." he said, looking at her.
She smiled. "I don't plan to eat you, I have no reason to, I actually like you too much to eat your soul."
Moderators: UltimateMawile Nessietheserphant XxRilu Cleothemagicdragon Laplace's Function (played anonymously) Nick (played by XxRilu) robinnrose