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Forums » Aerial Dormitory » Austin Phillips/Alexa Denote

Naomi smiled as she started wa tching the movie with a smile, no matter how scary it became.
He smiled as he watched the tv, slowly and stealthily moving his arm around her.
Naomi didn't seem to notice as Caius flew to the other side of Austin and watched him make his move. "Simple, but okay." He would whisper.
He glanced at Caius and smiled a little more.
Caius shrugged. "Just go for it then." He shrugged before flying away into the darkness. Naomi had moved a bit closed to him without knowing it.
He tilted his head slightly before looking at Naomi, not quite sure what exactly he was talking about.
Naomi chuckled at the girl who tried to hide in the shower. "Who tries to hide in the shower?" She giggled as she leaned back into him.
He smiled as he settled his arm down around her. "People that don't know it's a mistake?"
She glamced at him. "Yea but still, I know that there's the unspoken rule about not knowing about horror movies, but I swear the movie she was watching earlier had to be a horror movie." She said chuckling.
He chuckled. "You're probably right."
She sighed as she nestled further into him again. "Oh well, this is why if there was a guy in a mask hunting me, I would go out to the perfectly well running car and drive away. Or cut them with a flame sword."
"What if he managed to overpower you? Or catch you off guard?" He asked curiously as his hand rested in the couch beside her.
She shrugged. "Well if he could do that, then I would just use the million martial art forms that I know, flip them onto the ground and give them a little bit of a stabby stab."
He chuckled. "Wow. Guess your lucky man.. or lady.. doesn't have to worry about you being attacked."
She glanced at him. "I hope he doesn't worry too much."
"I don't think he will."
"Although i have to teach him how to fight so i don't have to worry about him." She said smiling at him.
He smiled slightly. "That's probably a good idea."
"Yea, as long as he doesn't drop anything in the process." She said with a giggle.
He chuckled. "With your weapons, he better not."

Moderators: UltimateMawile Nessietheserphant XxRilu Cleothemagicdragon Laplace's Function (played anonymously) Nick (played by XxRilu) robinnrose