She nodded and grabbed some drinks. "Okiedokie."
He smiled as he began dishing the food up.
Naomi seemed to be trying to contain her excitement. "Oooo looks yummy."
He smiled more. "Thanks. Hope it tastes as good as it looks." He said as he pulled the bread out of the oven.
She smiled. "Of course it will, you made most of it."
"I'll take that compliment." He said with a chuckle as he began cutting the bread.
She smiled. "Good, because it was meant as one."
He smiled as he put bread on the plates before taking them to the table. "Are yous hungry Caius?"
Caius came from behind and laid on his shoulder. "I mean, in reality I do not get hungry, but I would enjoy some food."
He nodded. "Alright, I'll fix you a plate then." He said, returning to the kitchen.
Caius wagged his tail. "I like this one." Caius said happily.
Naomi nodded. "Me too."
Naomi nodded. "Me too."
He smiled as he dished some food up for Caius and took it to the table. "Well thanks, I like you too."
"You better, I'm fluffy and cute, who wouldn't love me?" He asked with a chuckle.
He chuckled as he sat down. "True."
Naomi sat down next to him and Caius floated next to his plate. "This looks great, Austin." Naomi said with a smile.
He smiled. "Thank you. I had great help."
She blushed a bit. "I mean I don't know." She said with a shrug. Caius had already started eating, his nose covered in a bit of sauce on his nose as he looked up.
Caius seemed surprised. "This is actually edible."
Caius seemed surprised. "This is actually edible."
"Oh? Well that's good." He said with a chuckle as he began eating.
Naomi also started eating. "Mhmm very edible." She giggled with a mouth mostly full as she ate some more.
He smiled, continuing to eat as he watched her.
Moderators: UltimateMawile Nessietheserphant XxRilu Cleothemagicdragon Laplace's Function (played anonymously) Nick (played by XxRilu) robinnrose