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Forums » Aerial Dormitory » Austin Phillips/Alexa Denote

"Wow they taught you really well!"

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"Thank you." He said with a smile.
She drank some water. "So what's your best dish?"
"Hmm... that's hard. I'm not really sure." He said as he sipped some water.
"Well whenever you figure that out, I would love to try it." She said with a grin.
He smiled and nodded. "I'll definitely keep that in mind."
She nodded. "Yep whenever you need a taste tester I'll be there as fast as I can."
He chuckled a little. "Great. I love to experiment, so you'll probably be here a lot."
"That's perfectly fine with me." She said with a smile.
He gave out a little happy sigh. "I'm really glad I met you. I wasn't expecting to make any friends, especially not this fast or with someone I connected with so well."
She nodded. "I feel the same in actuality most peope thing I'm really annoying so it's great to meet someone who doesn't." She said with a smile
He kept smiling. "I don't think I'll ever get annoyed with you." He said as he finished his water. "Would you like some more water? Or dinner?"
"I will never turn down free food."
He chuckled as he got up and took her plate. "Very well." He said as he went into the kitchen and got her more, before returning.
She grinned happily as he returned. "Thank you kind sir." She said happily.
He smiled as he set the plate down before returning to his seat. "You're very welcome miss."
She started eating from the second plate. "So where did you learn to dance?" She asked.
He took a sip of his water as he thought before answering. "Pretty much the same way I learned to cook, only a different school. Some of the girls I grew up around danced, and I always thought it was pretty cool to watch."
"That's cool, when I was really little my mom tried to put me in a dance class, but i was to rambunctious and got kicked out." She said with a giggle.
He chuckled a little. "Oh yeah? Rambunctious huh? You must have been quite the handful."

Moderators: UltimateMawile Nessietheserphant XxRilu Cleothemagicdragon Laplace's Function (played anonymously) Nick (played by XxRilu) robinnrose