He chuckled. "Oh? Well, she shouldn't be hard to spot at all then."
She nodded. "Mhmm just don't stare, Echo might get ideas. She had version of Caius." She said scratching Caius behind the ear.
"What kind of ideas?" He asked curiously as he started cutting the cheesecake.
"That he needs to get you to talk to her and try and be really friendly. She's a bit anti social so he tries to get a lot of people to talk to her cause she won't do it herself." She said with a shrug.
"Ah, I see. Well, I wouldn't mind saying hi." He said as he dished up the cheesecake before returning to the table.
Naomi graciously room her cheesecake. "Why thank you." She said with a smile. "That's fine, just don't take it personally, if she's kinda mean or distant."
He smiled and nodded as he took his seat. "You're welcome. And, I won't." He said as be began eating. "Enjoy."
She tasted the cheesecake and jer eyes basically turned into hearts. "This is amazing."
He grinned at her reaction. "I'm so glad you like it."
"Not only do I like it, I love it." She said with a smile.
He kept smiling. "Great. I'll have to make some more for you another day then."
"That would be lovely." She said with a grin.
He kept smiling, though he looked at his watch. "Well, the party should be starting soon, so I guess we should head over?"
Naomi nodded finishing herr cheesecake. "Yep, let's get going then." She said with a smile.
He nodded as he finished his as well and got up. "I'll clean the dishes later." He commented to himself as he held an arm out to Naomi, ready to escort her.
Naomi took his arm with a smile. "Such a gentleman." She said with a smile.
He smiled and nodded. "Of course." He said as he led her out and to Open Sky.
Austin returned after escorting Naomi to her dorm. He smiled to himself as he began cleaning the kitchen up.
The door unlocked and steps in Alexa. Faith followed right behind her.
Austin glanced over when he heard the door, continuing to clean. "Hey. I'm guessing one of you are my roommate?"
Moderators: UltimateMawile Nessietheserphant XxRilu Cleothemagicdragon Laplace's Function (played anonymously) Nick (played by XxRilu) robinnrose