He nodded. "Alright. You're welcome." He said as he continued eating. "Bye." He said as he watched her go.
She finished her share of breakfast, "Thank you~." She smiled.
"You're welcome." He said with a smile as he got up and took care of her plate.
"I should be going" Faith said as she got up, "Mmmm do you need me to get anything for you~?"
He thought for a minute before shaking his head. "No, I think I'm good. Thanks though."
"Then have a good day~" Faith said before disappearing.
"You too." He said before he began cleaning up.
Austin led the way back to his room, opening the door and allowing her to go in first.
Naomi walked in with a smile. "Such a gentleman."
He smiled and nodded before following her in. "Of course."
She smiled as she turned around. "Soo, what's for dinner?"
He thought for a minute as he closed the door. "Hmm... I was thinking.. shrimp fettuccine with garlic bread?" He suggested.
"That sounds amazing." She said happily. "You're so good to me."
"Any food sounds amazing to you." Caius said rolling his eyes.
"Any food sounds amazing to you." Caius said rolling his eyes.
He chuckled. "Wonderful. And how could I not be good to such a girl as you?"
"Well I mean it was my fault you almost dropped a weapon on your foot." She said a bit sheepishly.
"Exactly, you could easily crush me." He said with another chuckle.
She chuckled. "I could, but you feed me, so I won't, plus I wouldn't want to anyway."
He smiled. "Good, I wouldn't like to be crushed."
She smiled back. "Well then I suppose as long as you keep your glorious skills we should have no problem."
He chuckled. "Pretty sure I've still got my skills."
Moderators: UltimateMawile Nessietheserphant XxRilu Cleothemagicdragon Laplace's Function (played anonymously) Nick (played by XxRilu) robinnrose