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Forums » Sky Institute of Education and Magitech » Abilities and Tactics class

The room was right opposite the History of magics class and only had two medium sized windows on the wall facing out. The room was large and had wooden desks for about 20 students. At the end of the class there was a table with two sheets of paper, one where you could sign up to dual in teams and the other where you could form teams. Duals would either take place in the gym/arena or outside. The class had a large map on the wall of the island and where schools were located. There was a key on the side of the map.

Yellow= May or May not be a threat

Red= Preparing for a raid

Green= Our forces

Black= May or may not be preparing a raid themselves.
Kaori Shirasaki. A beautiful woman with silver hair and blue eyes. She was standing at a podium, front of the classroom. She brought nothing with her. No papers. No homework. No objects. Nothing. She was waiting for students to arrive. Slowly at least.
Lottie would be one of the first students there as she would walk into class and look at the woman. "Hello."
Adrian and Lilica walked in. Adrian was silent as Lilica hummed and glanced around.
Lothar arrived soon after Adrian and Lilica. He walks in and after a moment of hesitation, uses his gates to take a seat towards the left center of the room.
Elias would walk inside, followed by Malachi who was yawning as he took a seat in the back next to him.
"Welcome~" Kaori said, "I'm your teacher Kaori Shirasaki, just for today. Please go on ahead and take a seat. Talk to each other if you want, as we are waiting on other students to arrive."
Alex and Alexa arrived together to the class and sat somewhere together. They were followed by Faith this time.
Mayleen and Styr were close behind Alex and Alexa. As usual Mayleen had an irritated look on her face.
Raine would skip in behind Mayleen. "So where do you wanna sit?" She asked happily.
"How the hell do you stay so damned cheery?" She muttered.
"Morning" Faith said to Mayleen and Styr with a smile
"I don't know, it must be a fairy thing." She said with a giggle.
Brock walked in wearing a dark green sweatshirt and dark blue jeans. He glanced at Raine and Mayleen, snorting at his sister's comment. "Trust me it's not a fairy thing." He said with a sigh as he took a seat by the window.
"Good morning students!" Kaori said cheerfully.
Raine glared at Brock before looking at Kaori with a smile. "Hai."
"Greetings." Lothar said politely, and with a slight nod of his head.
Styr turned to Faith. "Good morning, Faith. Always nice seeing you." Mayleen only glanced at her.
Alastair walked inside with a yawn, his orange hair was ruffled and his shirt was a bit wrinkly, he looked tired and maybe even a little sick.
Enea seemed to glide with grace into class. Oddly enough her hair was pure white, her ghostly skin seemed a bit hollow, and her white eyes seemed to be like a clouded broken light bulb. She sat on a seat near the door and whistled to herself.

Moderators: UltimateMawile Nessietheserphant XxRilu Cleothemagicdragon Laplace's Function (played anonymously) Nick (played by XxRilu) robinnrose