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Forums » Other Rank School » School's Open Area

Open area may range from front yard, large yard, or back yard of the school. Could be parks, or under the tree, or other varieties.

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There was a bright flash of blue as Angelo came into being on the student council table of the rank 17 school. "Huh, I wasn't supposed to teleport my food was. Hmmm." He flipped through pages of his large spellbook. "Though the color flash worked, gotta make note." He didn't even bother to look up around him.
Student Council Member 2(Female): "May I ask who are you?" she raised her eyebrow, "We are in the middle of a meeting."
He held up a finger. "Hold on Miss. Trying to get lunch." He said some other words and a cow happened to appear as well. "Nope not the right beef."
"Excuse don't look like you're from here" said Student Council Member 1(Male), "I'll need you to leave the premise."
He didn't seem to hear over all the mumbling he was doing. A can of root beer appeared next to him. "Yes! That's one part of my lunch ready. Now for the rest."
#1: "Call security" he said to the other person before pulling out a pistol magitech weapon and aimed at him. The people at the desk backed off and drew their weapons
"Huh?" He looked up. "Wait this isn't Sky." he was rather calm. "Where am I?"
"Sky?" #1 asked, "You're from Sky?" Pretty much all the weapons was on him. Then more security arrived.
"The place doesn't matter there are bigger issues afoot. Mainly my lunch and where I am. Mostly the lunch I'm hungry. I need a constant intake of food."
He pulled the trigger to fire a paralyze shot.
Angelo already had a defensive field ready to ward against weak attacks as it wasn't his first time teleporting into danger. As such the shot would appear to hit a field around him. "That is a little rude. I'm trying to figure out where I went wrong here."
The female council member rushed forward a sword that was enchanted with a piercing aura. The doors were shut. Guards were standing at each doorway. Another behind him with a gauntlet and a fist weapon rushed forward as well. Similar type but enchanted with magic.
He launched up and stuck to the ceiling as if that was the floor. "Just a tip. The shield was to ward off weaker attacks. Magic piercing is a bit overkill." He spoke a few words and a small clairvoyance vision appeared over one eye so he could see behind him. "You best be praying to Him for retribution. Attacking a child under His watchful eye may make him mad. By the way. You guys have anything good to eat?"
A force field surrounded the entire school. The person with the wand cast magic that locks down teleportation in her surrounding area. Four students fired their weapons at Angelo.
That Angelo went up in a cloud of smoke. When he had casted clairvoyance he made a fake copy of himself as he turned invisible . His voice seemed to come from everywhere. "Teleporting lockdown? Ya know if you asked me to leave I would have! No need to be so rude."
A student carrying a grenade launcher fired a round into the center of the room. Blasting everyone with magic that was dealt against invisibility.
He was in the middle of trying to open a window to get out when he was uncovered. "Even a counter to that? The bigger question is if you can deal with the divine or the damned when it comes to it." He spoke a few words really quickly in another language and blasted a hole in the wall. Bye now!" He flew as fast as he could.
The teleportation lock down female rushed after him. The grenade launcher student fired a goo grenade down over hole. The students outside were also shooting at him.
As soon as he saw the students he did his best to avoid as much as he could flinching with every one that went through his ward. Luckily the ward did weaken some attacks that passed through it allowing him to speak a few words. He went as high as he could before turning to a mist as he fell from all the incoming attacks.

Moderators: UltimateMawile Nessietheserphant XxRilu Cleothemagicdragon Laplace's Function (played anonymously) Nick (played by XxRilu) robinnrose