"Thank you, I was created by a dust witch, but controlled for the first few years as a type of show, The Most Beautiful Woman in the World, although once he died I set out on my own, gaining control over myself. That brought me here." She said as she took a sip of tea.
"Oh? Interesting adventure. I suppose that's how it's going to end up with these Dolls. Perhaps once I'm gone, they'll roam on their own."
"Do they have souls?" She asked tilting her head. "Or some sort of Artificial Intelligence?"
"In sort of way. Yes. Spirits. Mine own" she replied with a little smile, "No AIs. No external souls. In a way, they're my children."
She nodded. "That's beautiful."
"Is it?" she asked curiously, "A few would call it weird or awkward. If not lonely."
"I don't think it's lonely." She said with a shrug.
"Mm..thank you" she smiled, "Do you want something to eat?"
"Oh no thank you." She said. "But go ahead."
"They move on their own because of their spirits. A touch of magic enchantment on their parts give them magical powers."
"What kind of powers?" She asked.
"A variety. They each have a different set. Some specialize in fire, water, healing, physical, magical, etc."
"That's very interesting, well at least they have something to do here, and i'm sure they're happy."
"Of course" she smiled.
"Mmhm.." she sipped her tea, "So you go to a school here?"
She nodded. "Yes I go to Sky Institute."
"Ah no wonder you look familiar. You were there, at the raid."
"Oh, yes I was." She said with a nod. "You go to that school?" She asked.
"Oh no. I was sent there to help their raid" she said with a nod.
Moderators: UltimateMawile Nessietheserphant XxRilu Cleothemagicdragon Laplace's Function (played anonymously) Nick (played by XxRilu) robinnrose